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Questions on new Tax forms


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If you keep your information on a spreadsheet, I wrote a reply here last year on how to retrieve the annual daily data from the BdF web site, drop it into the spreadsheet and let that do an automatic lookup using the date.

I've done that for many years as I have pensions, dividends, interest, premium bonds, etc to declare. The web page has changed since last year, but I think all the other instructions I gave are probably still correct.

If I remember next year, I could post a generic version.
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Way to go pomme.

If you adopt a bullet-proof kick a*s approach to this annual chore they can then come at you with all they can muster in the case of an audit.

By the way. I've never understood why people enter a Gross figure in boxes of certain sections when it clearly states Net.



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[quote user="cajal"]

By the way. I've never understood why people enter a Gross figure in boxes of certain sections when it clearly states Net.


They enter a gross figure because the net mentioned does not mean after tax but after any deductible expenses have been taken off.

Deductible expenses such as the costs of selling shares, the cost of exchanging ££ for €€ etc.


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[quote user="suein56"]

They enter a gross figure because the net mentioned does not mean after tax but after any deductible expenses have been taken off.

Deductible expenses such as the costs of selling shares, the cost of exchanging ££ for €€ etc.



Thanks for the explanation.



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I know I should remember by now, but I'm clearly getting too old for this game...

I don't know why it is when I've been filing on line for years, but this year I seem to have lost the plot, and can't see where uk-derived share dividends (gross, net, tax) should go. Anyone help, please?

Also I've always rolled my wife's state and private pension into the one box, not separated the annuity-sourced one in the vig. box.... what difference will it make?


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