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[quote user="Chris Head"]Agreed Meg, but the suburbian, centrally heated crowd got ahold of the thread.[/quote]

Yes i am cold now.......... and i have the funny feeling i ain't gonna be warm again till April! (or the house be mud free)

I love to hear the rain JK, it's just i'm bored already and it's only just begun!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

EDIT, And don't worry, i am never serious for more than 10mins at a time!!! And i cant exactly complain about a post going off subject.........[:$]

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Seriously though Lou, I suffered terribly from SAD before I had the children but since then I dont seem to get it anymore.  I think when they were little I used to get some kind of satisfaction that they were warm bathed and fed and it was cold and nasty outside.  These days though I am either taxiing them, or refereeing their arguments when I am not doing that I simply enjoy the peace.... whatever the weather.

Does anyone else agree that SAD is something you grow out of or is it just me?

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I hope so JK!! I remember feeling low last winter but put it down to a new house which was not very livable in! Now i see it's coming around again, but this time the house is a lot more comfortable. (Ohhh but for cental heating.............i can have a nice hot bath this year though!!)

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When I get sad or bored, I get out me crayola cranes and me colouring books, I find it very rewarding to colour in all the dinosaurs in me Dinosaur book, but the Fun With Spaniels book is me favourite one! I once coloured in a spaniel in bright green just to see what he would look like! it was great.

I got a bit sad today thinking about Finbar (me departed first Pug)  he would have been 41 today if he had been still alive! Me poor mammy got him in Mullingar for me when I was only a little lad back in Kildare. He was the first dog that I had legally obtained, as all the other dogs I had, I just took home if I liked them. It was Christmas day when Finbar was given to me, bejaney, I was on the pigs back! I never realised that he was second hand and that me mammy had bought him on HP at two and six a week! It was a hard winter for us that year due to the dog payments, and I fealt responsible for the hardship we went through living only on cabbage and bread for a whole year. But I did love pugs very much, I loved them so much that one night I prayed to God and Our Lady to turn me into a Pug! "please God and Our Lady, let me wake up in the morning as a pug with little velvety ears and a curly fawn tail, and thanks for the pot of cabbage we had for dinner, and bless me mammy and Finbar" I prayed that night! I woke up and immediately felt me ears and just burst out crying when I found they were not a bit velvety "but shur maybe I have a little curly fawn tail" I thought to meself" I ran into the kitchen and jumped up on a chair to look in the mirror, but there was no curly tail! I then remembered me mammy used to say "if you live with leopards, you become a leopard" I decided to run off to the  pug colony in Mullingar to live with the pugs in the hope that one day, I would become a pug.


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Did it work, then Furrynix? I often think I would like to become a different dog, or maybe even a cat. I live with enough cats but I haven't become one yet. I often think I would like to become a labrador like my friend, they get so much pleasure from simple things like cow poo, and there's a lot of that around.
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Meg and Mog.  We live in Manche on the second highest peak and this winter the weather has been the worst since we purchased in 2001.  However Europe per se is having a hammering as well.

I know exactly where you are coming from and until I was in my mid-fourties I played Cricket and then come mid-September when the last game came and went I really went down hill in the thought that even indoor nets did not start until March the following year.  It has remained with me and the worst period for me is between say the clocks changing in October and the shortest day in December.  After that I can handle it.

However the choice of the location but not the house here in Normandie has added to my particular problem but we will resolve that sometime next year for we will be moving elsewhere.  We move between saying that in the spring and summer our house and its location are superb and we will stay.  However we have truly had enough and with the volumes of water being responsible for water ingress into the house we will move.  Also next winter I will set up a project and to keep me occupied.

It really does get to you this time of year.  Most people can handle it I cannot.

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I used to have SAD really bad Lou.  I sympathise with you - it's horrible.  Mine seems to have stopped this year.  I have been taking Evening Primrose Oil capsules to tame my PMT for about three months and it's worked and I also feel very positive about the winter too.  I've put in place a few projects too so that I have something to look forward to.  I'm going to Wales for a girlie weekend with my sisters and the 'part-time' girlie JK on Friday. 

If you like reading why don't you order a good trilogy and curl up by the fire with it.  If you're interested we could try and organise a get together for February (the worse month of the lot) that'll be something to look forward to or worry about!

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.Please send your rain here, and the cold, and the grey skies ----oops, we have got them already. Its wonderful. I have the doors and windows open revelling in the cool breeze.

It may not help to tell you that you dont know how lucky you are, constant sunshine and blue skies may be great for holidays but when every single day is the same, just varying degrees of heat it can really get you down.

You have seasons, we have hot summers (very very hot) and 'not as hot' winters, thats it.

Last winter we had 30 mins rain, the year before 15 mins. So far this year we have had a number of hours, we really look forward to standing outside in the rain, and needing to put long trousers and jumpers on in an evening. 

 [:D]  for all, and Happy Christmas

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