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I give up .....


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Just for the record, Afy's wife is French and living near her family; he's the one who's a stranger in a strange land. I'm in the same game as Afy and sometimes it puts stresses on my relationship with my (also French) wife. I don't know anything about his home life, apart from what has appeared on the forum, but I do know that he works excessive hours and a lot of his work is away from home.


If you see this and want to give me a bell drop me a PM or an email & I'll send you my number.



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As a final bit.... sat down with the wife and told her quite clearly I cant fight a war on two fronts. Namely work and her... and something has to give.

So now we have decided to give our marraige another try, no tantrums no fuss nothing. I will be parting ways from my slave driving company and looking for alternative work. Failing which... "we" will move back, since I can pretty much make the same amount of money in hand (post tax) as here and we can actually affoard a hugely superior lifestyle albiet with a few problems. Plus we can easily get more dogs... :)

However should I need to move back... we would need to ship the dog and cat... amongst other things. But it would be worth it ... :)

So yes the year is starting out positively and hopefully the wife and I can have a happy 07...

I do hugely appreciate the amount of support and advise and support everyone has extended.


Wishing all of you a great 07...




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