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I sit on both sides of the fence on this.

GS. Judging from my own experiences, which could be down to my overtrusting nature or inability to choose good tenants, you are incredibly lucky to be able to have no delay between tenants and relatively easy things to do such as touching up paint, general cleaning etc and also the funds from which to deduct the costs, assuming that they paid their last months rent.

I also think that, with that many layers of old paint some chipping would be inevitable and personally I would accept it as general internal  redecoration being the landlords responsibility, especially if the tenant had made some efforts to touch in the worst examples. Only you can judge whether it is widespread abuse.

In France it appears that the situation is very different, of course there are still non paying and destructive tenants but usually they are very keen to protect their "dossier" in order to rent the next and future properties.

I once was astounded when a landlord friend showed me around one of his empty apartments that the tenant had vacated but was continuing to pay the rent while he redecorated it to get back his caution and of course keep a good dossier, it was in a far better condition than I would have expected after a 2 year let, myself as a landlord I would have touched up etc and relet it, my friend explained that it was newly decorated when the people moved in so naturally they were doing so again before they moved out as all the tenants do to avoid having the costs of a professional decorator repainting the flat deducted from their caution.

I only hope that I manage to find tenants like he has when, or if, ever I finish my apartments, those that have already presented themselves to me looking for somewhere to live I would not touch with a barge pole.

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I am shocked by some of the comments on this thread.

You leave it for an afternoon, and when you  read it again, some people are nasty just for the sake of being nasty...

By the way, I liked the curly toilet seat much better than the second hand stained one..........  [Www]


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In the process of preparing our house for the next tenant. Gave the last one a new 4 bed house with reversable climate 2 sdb fitted kitchen etc. The Etat de lieux has more red than green on it after 18 month occupation.  5 broken door stoppers, 3 trees smashed, , two roof tiles broken, drain cover broken, fence damaged, gate handel broken, bath needs replacing, 4 keys lost, a hole in wall were the plug for the fm radio, sat and tv points were, whole house plus ten doors need painting, two rooms papered badly and not removed as agreed and to top it all two radiators ripped from the walls and left on the floor with 8 nice round holes in the placo, apparently her alacholic divorced husband after a few bottles.The tenant will be getting nothing back out of the caution of €1,718, she has signed the etat and does not expect anything back in fact we feel she expects a bill. In the last 20 months we have never had a situation were we gave back all of the caution. Mind you the new tenant is the local chief of police, hopefully he will have more respect for the house.


Now with the caution reduced to one month, we ask for an insurance cover for damages.



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[quote user="Frenchie"]I am shocked by some of the comments on this thread.[/quote]

I was rather surprised to see Gluey respond in the way he did to the comments made by me and Gastines, pârticularly the odd suggestion that neither of us could be trusted to hire a car [8-)], (where did that come from?)  but I'm not 'shocked'. What was it that 'shocked' you, Frenchie?



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Regarding " you are not allowed to deduct rent arrears from the caution", i do not think that is the case. According to the union nationale de la propriete immobilére you do have the right. We have made several deductions in the past and have encountered no problems.



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[quote user="Tressy"]pârticularly the odd suggestion that neither of us could be trusted to hire a car [8-)], (where did that come from?)  


Purely based on sporadic samplings of 2000-odd posts, I'd deduce the suggestion is predicated on the fact you're both women and therefore genetically coded to fail the rigorous Gluestick "standards" test. 

Bien amicalement, [;-)]

Catalpa (Ms) [8-|]

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[quote user="ams"]

Regarding " you are not allowed to deduct rent arrears from the caution", i do not think that is the case. According to the union nationale de la propriete immobilére you do have the right. We have made several deductions in the past and have encountered no problems.



AMS, I should have precised that I was talking about the UK and the new tenancy deposit scheme.

I am glad to hear that things are still sensible in France and live in hope that I will be proved wrong re the UK.

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Understood, sound really complicated in the UK. Still with the recent change in the legislation regarding the deposit, from 2 to 1 month, one has to be very careful in selecting tenants. The agents are offering insurance against damages over and above what can be recovered from the deposit. from the ones i have talked to 1 month is not sufficient and our experience to date bears out that opinion.  Many agents are recommending locapass.


In the standard lease contract it defines and gives examples of fair wear and tear, it is quite limited.

Hope everthing is good with u.


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[quote user="Frenchie"]I was shocked by the fact that some people  think they can decide what good taste is .......[/quote]

Most people think they have good taste. Where is the shock in that?  Someone saying 'I know I have terrible taste in...' would surprise me!

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[quote user="Frenchie"]I ve always taught my son not to say " it s not good/ beautiful ..." but " I don't like it " ...[/quote]

I like that Frenchie. It is a similar slant on life as saying that someone has done a bad thing rather than saying that they are bad which is quite different. I agree with you about the taste thing, it is a bit like fashions in clothes.[:)]. The frilly edges weren't what I would have chosen but the replacement was not a like for like replacement and if that was a permanent mark on the seat then it was a very sorry attempt.

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Come on guys it's a toilet seat, we are talking about between £10 - £20 to replace !, Cracking the toilet is inconvenient (sorry !) but again, not an expensive job - the rest is  cleaning , isn't a professional clean factored in, between tennants, as standard practice  ?

The chipped paint could have happened moving out -

Doesn't this kind of thing just go with the territory when you are a landlord ?

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Well, it seems to me that the "taste" thing and the "respect for property" thing are linked.  Both are a matter of perception.  What is acceptable to one person, is not to another.  I expect many people on this forum would think I lived in a pig-sty but as it's my pig-sty it's none of their business.  I don't know how I would cope with having to answer to somebody else about not having cleaned a bit of mould from round the bath taps[:-))] and having chipped the odd bit of paint!  Gluey's standards are obviously a good deal higher than mine.

As for the loo seat - a good friend of mine and I have an expression "it would look fine in your house" - if we see something we don't like but which is obviously the pride and joy of the person who's showing it off/admiring it.

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Come on guys it's a toilet seat, we are talking about between £10 - £20 to replace !, [/quote]

Right, but it is a duty for the tenants to give things back as they got them, and it was up to them to replace it, same thing.

It s true that here in France people are careful about such things because they know their dossier will follow them, and if they damage anyone's property, there are few owners who would trust them then, especially as properties for rent are getting rare these days, and expensive.

Cooperlola, I like your sentence... [:)]

Gluestick, if you read this, well, I stole the toilet seat, cos I liked it !! [;-)]


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Two quick points:

1. I too failed to understand the relevance of not wishing to hire a car to me or Tressy??? Just for the record, I actually hold a Heavy Goods Driving License plus a Certificate of Professsional Competance, National and International  enabling me to achieve a lot more than the trivia of renting out properties and whingeing about it after taking the dosh, plus an RGN to boot and don't doubt that both Tressy and myself (being women) could easily multitask and make short work of getting any property in a rentable condition in double quick time.

2. I am actually totally amazed that five pages of comments have ammassed and the time wasted in achieving them has accrued when it could have been used to fix the loo seat, paint the chips and clean up etc., whoops!

Regards, MRS Gastines.

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Mais il me semble qu'on oublie qq chose là...... !!!

Ce n'est pas à Gluestick de réparer/ remplacer etc.......

Ce sont les locataires qui auraient dû le faire, et à l' identique !

Et je le comprends, il y a de quoi râler!!

Sorry about this being in French


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I don't want to go 'Off Topic' but must answers the ladies .After our first meeting,a blind date I might add,I knew I'd met the right partner.21 years later I can honestly say I have never had any doubts. Many friends find it odd that we can and have, survived being together virtually 24hours a day,work and play, for the last 10 years. By the way she doesn't wear big steel capped boots but a size 38. I will say that for both of us it is a case of third time lucky.!


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[quote user="Gluestick"]

Mr Gastines.

I won't bother to respond to your nonsense, other than to say what a great shame it is that you didn't bother to firstly read the thread properly before bursting into print.

You aint Ron Avery's lost Bro are you by any chance?



No she is not, but she has as much right to her opinions as I do, even if you don't like them.

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

Well, it seems to me that the "taste" thing and the "respect for property" thing are linked.  Both are a matter of perception.  What is acceptable to one person, is not to another.  I expect many people on this forum would think I lived in a pig-sty but as it's my pig-sty it's none of their business.  I don't know how I would cope with having to answer to somebody else about not having cleaned a bit of mould from round the bath taps[:-))] and having chipped the odd bit of paint!  Gluey's standards are obviously a good deal higher than mine.

As for the loo seat - a good friend of mine and I have an expression "it would look fine in your house" - if we see something we don't like but which is obviously the pride and joy of the person who's showing it off/admiring it.


can I just say... you say a great many things cooperlola that make so much sense... lots of others do too... but you're pretty consistent![:$]

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If Gluestick had read my WIFES posting he wouldn't have replied to MR Gastines. However,she does express her opinions,occasionally wrong,usually right.It leads to an interesting married life. I'm very fortunate to be married to her.As someone famous must have said"If you can't take it don't dish it out".

On a financial point, I would have thought the outlay of £200,for a replacement toilet,plus seat of course, was a small percentage loss against a years rental income.However,surely the House Insurance policy would cover this if advised that the house was tenanted and the premium increased accordingly?

Having just watched "Allo Allo"  between sets at Wimbledon,{it rained just in time ] I did think this theme could be included in the next series.I love a good comedy.



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