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[quote user="powerdesal"]A very non PC and winding up type of comment I heard many years ago............

Officers and their Ladies,
NCOs and their wives,
Other ranks and their women.

[/quote]My godson is in the army, and for a while was the driver for a Brigadeer. Each morning, he had to pick this chap up from home and one day his wife was there.  He, as he was expected to, said "Good morning, ma'am."   Her response : "I'm not in the ****ing army, he is.  My name is Vicky."  A woman after my own heart (and with vocabulary to match.)
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Been twitching over the keyboard for a while now on this post... should I shouldn't I...

I just wanted to say that I guess I'm considered one of the fluffies... I found the forum a great place to visit before we moved and then when OH was working in the UK... made a few friends and I learned a lot to helped us in the first few months of living in France.  I still pop in often, although renovations now take up most of my time... but that's also a bit of an excuse as I would also have to say that some of the comments, posters and threads have at times suggested that 'fluffies' may not be as welcome.... so I tend to stay quieter now.

I've also noticed a few other contributers that no longer seem to visit or say as much these days... I think it's a real shame.  Variety is the spice of life and surely we can all learn from each other and each others viewpoint... perhaps sometimes there maybe a need for some of us to take it all a bit less seriously.  

I also think it's worth remembering that on the whole we dont really that much about any of us in real life... so perhaps we shouldn't be so quick to make judgements... come on gluey... can't we all just live and let live?  [Www]

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"][url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjxY9rZwNGU[/url]

Just in case anyone's in any doubt.........this is humour, not real life. I'm one of the venomous harridans, BTW.

Off for a shave........................[:D]
[/quote]That is HYSTERICAL .  Venomous harridans unite.
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[quote user="woolybananasbrother"]Personal I think that girlies should behave in a suitable way. Nothing worse than a drunken floozie for example. or a girlie who doesnt know how to get in and out of a Mini correctly with showing her jewels to the world. or who spends too much time talking to groups of men.[/quote]Quite.  Shouldn't be allowed out in public, imo.  They make the world look so untidy.
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There are, as woolly says, girls that don't know how to get in and out of a car. I'd've quoted him if I could, but technology won't let me (all that scribble in my head)

Or, worse still....


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[quote user="You can call me Betty"][url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjxY9rZwNGU[/url]

Just in case anyone's in any doubt.........this is humour, not real life. I'm one of the venomous harridans, BTW.

Off for a shave........................[:D]

Thanks for the clip, Betty.  I'm afraid that, despite my name, I too have very little "natural sweetness"!

In fact, I plan to grow old disgracefully.  I aim to be like the character Stephanie Coles plays in that sit -com (whose name I forget, but it's the one with Schubert's "trout" as the theme music), all prickly independence and rage and frustration at the infirmities of old age.

I particularly adore the withering put-downs she directs at the nurses when they try to tell her what's good for her.

But I guess the tension in that situation is more about the youth versus age thing rather than the male-female relationship.

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[quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="woolybananasbrother"]Personal I think that girlies should behave in a suitable way. Nothing worse than a drunken floozie for example. or a girlie who doesnt know how to get in and out of a Mini correctly with showing her jewels to the world. or who spends too much time talking to groups of men.[/quote]Quite.  Shouldn't be allowed out in public, imo.  They make the world look so untidy.[/quote]

well I'm only allowed out on special occasions but I was told that was normal... [;-)]

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If the OP is still looking in:

Over the years of being a member of this forum  I think I am afe in saying that I have been given and taken a lot of flack. Silly nitpicking over spelling or grammar or serious spats with posters and ex-posters. I have thrown in the towel a few times and drifted back to look in. If this forum is not for you anymore then take a break, keep in contact with those who have been valuable to you.

I have taken some very good advice from this forum and hope that I have given a little in return as I am sure you have. If some posters or threads get on your nerves, steer clear, if someone comes on jibing at you , ignore them.


PS love the Harry Enfield clips!

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

I detest the use of the word lady unless the person has had that title confired upon them, or is married to a Lord. 


There ARE times when it is appropriate to use the word lady even when they don't have a title - would the ladies (when it is mixed group) like to serve themselves first etc (eg for a buffet).  You would NOT say would the women etc etc.  Ladies first, etc.  It depends on the tone, I do agree.

Titles are weird.  Equally I dislike being "my other half", "her indoors" or such derogatory titles.  Since I use my own surname and not my husband's (professional and family pride) I also use the title "Miss" not "Ms" or Mrs" which shows the stupidity of all such things.

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Well, I would use women in the examples you quote but I take your point.  I never use Miss/Ms or Mrs when signing letters etc, simply my christian name and surname.  But when filling in a form I do use Mrs if forced to tick a box.  I changed my surname when I got married because it's so much nicer than my family one which is just plain dull!

I agree about the names people call their partners - some are downright boorish and certainly patronising.  But I confess to using the forum shorthand "o/h" - a habit I've only acquired on line - I would never refer to him like that normally because I use his christian name when I refer to him - which is the way he always refers to me also (by my christian name, I mean - not his!)  I am not his and nor is he mine.

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[quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="You can call me Betty"][url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjxY9rZwNGU[/url]

Just in case anyone's in any doubt.........this is humour, not real life. I'm one of the venomous harridans, BTW.

Off for a shave........................[:D]
[/quote]That is HYSTERICAL .  Venomous harridans unite.[/quote]

Seconded, and thirded.[:D] What a gem!

BTW, I have stopped shaving altogether. Plaits are so becoming, don't you think?

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

Well, I would use women in the examples you quote but I take your point.  I never use Miss/Ms or Mrs when signing letters etc, simply my christian name and surname.  But when filling in a form I do use Mrs if forced to tick a box.  I changed my surname when I got married because it's so much nicer than my family one which is just plain dull!

I agree about the names people call their partners - some are downright boorish and certainly patronising.  But I confess to using the forum shorthand "o/h" - a habit I've only acquired on line - I would never refer to him like that normally because I use his christian name when I refer to him - which is the way he always refers to me also (by my christian name, I mean - not his!)  I am not his and nor is he mine.


That may be fine for you, coops, but what about the majority that don't have christian names ? [8-)]


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Funnily enough John, he doesn't as his parents (like the two of us) were atheists and he was not christened.  I'd say first name but then some people don't use their first names, but their second.  It's just an expression!


EDIT : It's much the same as the fact that we refer to our godson as such, even though we are not god parents - as we were not allowed to be for the reasons stated above.  But we do have a special relationship with him and he's still going to inherit all our stuff and there's no good alternative nomenclature for him.  So godson we are stuck with.  Likewise "christian" name.

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[quote user="now just john "]Keep your spirit up ladies, (Oops sorry meant girlies, forgive me darlings[;-)]) it may be a dated concept but apparently alive and kicking under the glass ceiling Harry Enfield again [8-|][/quote]

That's a cracker, John. [:)]

'Mm Mm mm, yah, yah yah...I'm not interested in anything you have to say...I'm a very important man...' [:D][Www]

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