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Happy Halloween!


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     [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j224/Tammy_M/Halloween%20and%20Thanksgiving/1bcats.gif[/IMG]        [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j224/Tammy_M/Halloween%20and%20Thanksgiving/hcs.gif[/IMG]    


and here's a new avatar for you Meg     [IMG]http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk205/funlovingwoman/Halloween/singnature-halloween2008-animated.gif[/IMG]


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I have a real ghost story for you meg :

When my mum lived in Malta she was pregnat with my brother , they use to have areas on the roof for hanging out washing , one morning while hanging out her washing and talking to the old father from the house next door he said to her " I hear your going to name your little boy Joseph," My mum replied no there wernt they were going to call him Terence if it was a boy and maureen if it was a girl. as they didnt know it what it was. They carried on talking for a min while she hung her washing and then she went back down stairs. a couple of hours later she left the house to go to the shops ad met the old chaps daughter out side the house they were just bringng her father out to a ambulance as he had died in the night ,

2 days later my mum and dad (who didnt know about the conversation she had had with the old man until after ) had a phone call from England saying his Grandfather had died ....... that evening he asked my mum if she would mind naming it if it was a boy after his grandfather who was called Joseph [:-))].......... Thats my big bro Joey .....  

True story   

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]We only had one 'visit' this evening (and one yesterday) so possibly interest is waning.

A very cute little skeleton wished me 'Happy Halloween".  Ah, bless!

Careful his name may have been Robert .....did he have an American accent ?

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