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Jonathon Ross returns tonight


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According to the newspapers he made an appology but continued in his normal foul mouthed way. I suppose he has always been like this and the ones who watch him know what he will be like but are not offended by it hense his popularity with some. Curiosity may make me watch it, who knows, but  as I did not watch him before I cannot see me viewing him now. Not because of recent events, purely because I do not enjoy his sort of humour, I have my own favourite comedians and shows that I enjoy so I am not knocking anyone who favours his humour. Time will tell if the ratings stay the same as they were before his outburst on the radio so maybe he has already signed his own demise from this show.
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We will be watching. He was getting a bit close to the mark on the TV shows, but as far as I am concerned he provides great entertainment.

The radio piece was out of order, but the satanic slut got her 30 seconds of fame and a fat cheque from the papers for her revelations of sex and drugs, which is completely two faced. The sad part is the grand parents who were treated disgracefully.

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Well, it is in all probability about time I am accused of intellectual snobbery, pomposity and the rest......................

For me, I'm afraid, people like Ross are wholly indicative of the depths "Entertainment" and the mass media have fallen to, in their competitive determination to outdo each other.

Worse, perhaps, are the obscene sums of licence payer's cash these rambling halfwits are paid: and what for? To mumble, curse and generally act like ten year olds, sharing their latest salacious knowledge as they congregate around the toilet block.

Television has the endless capacity to not only educate, but to stimulate the viewer in the quest for higher aesthetic knowledge and appreciation: has.

Unfortunately, since such as the obnoxious Janet Street-Porter took lead responsibility for "Yoof" programming many years ago, the result has been simply to pander to the lower desires of people and this has fed into so-called Adult progamming.

Of course, modern mass media and the wider sphere of entertainment now enjoy a cosy and symbiotic quid pro quo: they act as each other's PR agent, rather than independantly.

And this has led, inevitably, to far too many people suffering a sort of obsession with Celebdom: most of which comprises vacuous and self-obsessed halfwits, promoted by endless publicity to icon status: undeservedly.

Interestingly, my wife brings me back examples of London's free "Papers": these are totally saturated with pictures and stories about "Celebs": where they go: who with: what they do: what they wear. The fact that these rags persist and therefore obviously meet their costs from ongoing and repeat advertising, demonstrates loud and clear how their readers suffer from this obsession.

More worryingly, great rafts of British society ape their icon: which we all tend to do, of course, until hopefully at around 14 we start to develop our own individual personality and direction.

I'll stick with Radio Four and Classic FM in the meantime.........................


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[quote user="Cynthia Shagpiece"]

[quote user="Bugbear"]

He is just an overpaid prat in my book, end of .................



He is extremeley wealthy, extremely handsome, extremely popular and extremely witty. If that is what you call a "prat" then I wish I was a prat[:D]


I think that comment says more about you than me Ms Shagpiece..........

I would say that yes, he is extremely wealthy, but quite ugly and fat,  very unpopular  and not, in any way funny.


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[quote user="Cynthia Shagpiece"][quote user="Gluestick"]

I'll stick with Radio Four and Classic FM in the meantime.........................



You make a corpse look interesting! Thought you had gone off in a huff over your toilet seat???


Tempted back for a brief while.


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[quote user="Cynthia Shagpiece"]

[quote user="Bugbear"]

I would say that yes, he is very unpopular 



I think at least 5.1 million people would disagree with you on that!


Interesting that but given that the current population of the world is hovering around 6.76 billion,  5.1 million equates to only 0.000075% **

Pretty insignificant really and much lower than even the BBC test card was.

I know which I prefer to look at...........

**using the english definition of a billion - 0.075% using the american standard


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