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A Massive Horse

Furry Knickers

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I was absolutely delighted to read about a giant horse being made to stand  close to the Eurotunnel in Kent. He will be 33 times the size of a real horse and will be able to be seen from outer space. I can't wait to see him. He is yet to be named, but I think there will be a competition to name the gorgeous lad. Here is a link to his wonderful story and how he came to be born. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/kent/7880889.stm  [:)]
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[quote user="Cathy"]

Some famous white horses:



Did you see about the Kildare lads under the horse mating? I love horses of all colours and sizes, but the palamino is me favourite. What would mankind have done without a horse? They have a saying in Kidare "a man who owns a horse will always find a woman" Women in the old days were drawn to men with fine horses, much like they are today.

This is lovely http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR6z8GUywyc

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I think it should be a lady horse, or we should have one of each and  gay and lesbian ones plus a black one and a brown one and a yellowish one for the Banana population. Plus one with bared teeth for the illegal immigrants peeping out from under the trucks or wherever they hide. Plus one which looks like a golliwog.
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A lovely idea and I hate to be a killjoy, but if this was being paid for out of council funds then I would be protesting, there's certainly better things to be spending public money on at the moment.

If however, this is a private enterprise, then good luck to them. However, I do think that public spending on the arts should be one of the first things to be cut if there is a recession.
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[quote user="nectarine"]A lovely idea and I hate to be a killjoy, but if this was being paid for out of council funds then I would be protesting, there's certainly better things to be spending public money on at the moment. If however, this is a private enterprise, then good luck to them. However, I do think that public spending on the arts should be one of the first things to be cut if there is a recession.[/quote]

And thank God it's not being paid for by the TV licence payer either! Eurostar are paying for the horse. Why a horse anyway? why not a gorgeous giraffe? It's always horses with that crowd. I bet the TV licence payers would have preferred a giraffe.

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[quote user="nectarine"]A lovely idea and I hate to be a killjoy, but if this was being paid for out of council funds then I would be protesting, there's certainly better things to be spending public money on at the moment. If however, this is a private enterprise, then good luck to them. However, I do think that public spending on the arts should be one of the first things to be cut if there is a recession.[/quote]

And what prey might be a better way of spending pubic money? Not on those horrid sick people, or nasty old folk who get in the way and poop everywhere, or those heavy breeding families who have to be lodged on hotels and then breed more, or those hideous brown people who arrive with their hands out and then breed some more? No, it is a fine memorial and should be paid for out of taxpayers money. Ask the Home Sexetary, that Woman thing who lives with her sister, she has plenty to spare.

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Gotta have balls, but in a lesbian way. Maybe the Monthy Pyshon team could reform to design it? But, would the police want to put a camera inside to be sure that it did not hide homeless horses. And would it be a bun in the oven teenager and would it have to go into council housing but it cant as we spent all the money on the horse and there is no social accommodation. And would some son of the deepest France try to have it away with the horse, either as a lady or a gentleman?
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We have a lad in Dingle that believes the  horses will rule Kerry again. He says that when the horses regain control over Dingle, it will have an abdominal effect that will run into the whole of Kerry and ultimately, the whole of Ireland. Will I ever see this in me own lifetime? I just don't know! What I do know is that a small group of about 14 ponies have been gathering in Goat Street every monday night with torches and maps of the town and 2 way radios. They say to me as I meander past them "would you fight for your country" I tell them that I own no country and that no country owns me! Now why would they ask me that? I have never had reason to be alarmed or intimidated at the sight of a gang of horses in Dingle, but could the lad be right? Horse power, should we Irish be worried?

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