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Micheal Jackson Dead


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[quote user="5-element"][quote user="Ron Avery"]

IMHO its a pity he had his real childhood was taken away from him until it was too late for him to play out with the other kids as he really wanted to without being dubbed a pervert.

Just sometimes Ron, I find myself in total agreement with you.


I agree - his father was a complete barsteward.

Dog - I sometimes think you live on a parallel universe - somewhere beyond Uranus.....

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Many other poeople were abused in their childhoods and managed to move on to do good things with their lives without all the money and privileges that MJ had.  He was an adult and should have been able to make rational decisions about his relationship with children, especially other people's children and as for his '"suffer little children" quote, who the hell did he actually think he is?  And like Madonna and her adoption of children from Africa, if one of us dangled a baby over a balcony as he did in Germany, I wonder if we would have got away with it so easily, celebrity rules applied I think.

His music did nothing for me and last evening on UK tele, it was wall to wall MJ, like somebody really important had died, not just a singer and dancer/entertainer/celebrity.  I wonder if they'll have similar coverage for Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young or any of the great artists from the 1960s and 1970s?  Highly unlikely tho their music could be regarded as equally important to their fans.

He's dead, I do have sympathy for his family as I do when anybody dies suddenly, time to move on. 



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[quote user="Iceni"]

record sales and therefore royalties will rocket so it's not all bad.


Indeed, in the Amazon UK top 20 CD sales chart the top 14 are his.

Of course the freedom of information act in the USA is responsible for this http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/8121884.stm

I guess if they hadn't released it someone would have asked [:@]

(For those of you that don't want to click - its the 911 call recording)

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[quote user="Tony F Dordogne"]

Many other poeople were abused in their childhoods and managed to move on to do good things with their lives without all the money and privileges that MJ had. 


You're obviously someone who has no experience of the long term psychological impacts of childhood abuse....

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I came last night after a nice week in France working on the house. No papers, no TV, no news, bliss. Unfortunately it couldn't last and since being back I see we are being bombarded by the Michael Jackson story, As usual, completely over the top, "wall to wall"  news reporting and journalism. All this for a troubled song and dance man who, as far as I know, has done nothing of artistic significance for around ten years.

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I watched about half an hour of a tribute to him on French TV last night, it was about all that I could handle, his music and dance was very much of its time and a curious peep back at what a lot of us once thought was cool, nostalgic yes, classic and timeless, not for me.

I was more interested in the commentaries from Quincy Jones and Isaac Hayes, I would happily sit up all night to watch a tribute to either of those guys but I bet that their deaths will pass with little comment.

I believe that Quincy more than anyone else was responsible for Michaels success.


Has Gordon Brown been tempted/forced to make a heartfelt tribute  yet, perhaps whilst moonwalking? [:D]

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[quote user="Scooby"][quote user="Tony F Dordogne"]

Many other poeople were abused in their childhoods and managed to move on to do good things with their lives without all the money and privileges that MJ had. 


You're obviously someone who has no experience of the long term psychological impacts of childhood abuse....

Scooby, you couldn't be more wrong and I live with somebody who was abused for many years and has lead a full and productive life and we have both worked for many years with victims of child abuse.  I didn't sal ALL, I said MANY!

Edit:  Sorry, that didn't read correctly, I was also physically abused until I was 18 so have a very good understanding from a personal viewpoint about child abuse.

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[quote user="J R has gone native"]


I was more interested in the commentaries from Quincy Jones and Isaac Hayes, I would happily sit up all night to watch a tribute to either of those guys but I bet that their deaths will pass with little comment.

I believe that Quincy more than anyone else was responsible for Michaels success.

[/quote]Now that I can relate to.  Although not my kind of music, I can spot QJ's genius and influence upon so much of the music of my generation.  What a man.

I know little about MJ's personal life and less about his music and I can't say it makes a difference to me if he's dead or alive.  But I must say it is so very nice to see so much understanding for somebody who was quite clearly very troubled - for whatever reason.  No matter how much one feels for any children he may have damaged, I don't understand why one cannot spare a little thought for anybody who behaved as MJ allegedly did and the reasons they may have acted in that way.  Rich or poor, he obviously had psychological problems that no amount of wealth could do anything about. But then I'm an atheist so I just don't get this forgiveness and compassion stuff.[Www]

But I agree with Dog (bloomin' 'eck[:-))]) - keep coming with the jokes - some of them are hilarious.

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Well Cooperlola perhaps what was attributed as "Michaels genius" lies on then.

So often the real geniuses are hidden in the shadows, I love Quincy as a performer but his true magic is as a producer/songwriter, so many stars of the past and present owe a lot to that man and others like him including the Gibb brothers.

I am surprised that I havnt received a rash of e-mails from my pal in Dublin, perhaps he is on holiday, he was very quick off the mark when Steve Irwin passed away.

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Just for you Cooperlola.

He said that he had only receieved a couple of texts namely

Michael Jacksons has cancelled his London dates


They were Julian aged 6 and Michael aged 11


The second one I wont post as it was in bad (as in worse) taste.

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Just having a tea break from the VAT [Www] and wanted to add my views to this, I have not read all the pages in this thread so bear with me if I missed something.

My theory on MJ death is that it was an assisted suicide because he could not face the fans when he realised that he would not be able to fulfill his come back tour.!![6] I will eat my words if it turns out to be an accident that he was overdosed, thats if it was that in the first place!

I love his music, and dance to Billy Jean any time I can! but as for the man I think he is Wacko Jacko, he's a deluded liar, trying to convince the world he suddenly changed skin colour and and he has had no plastic surgery, whats all that about!!!

I want to remember him for his music and not all the Wacko headlines, its sad to end that way, but I shall not be shedding tears

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 JR asked: Has Gordon Brown been tempted/forced to make a heartfelt tribute yet ?

I saw in the press that G Brown had not been in touch with the relatives of the hostages in Iraq (two of whom were recently murdered) but had had the time to contact relatives of Susan Boyle (from Britain's Got Talent fame).

GB should get his priorities right.

GB'll no doubt issue a statement to say that he was a Michael Jackson fan all along etc.

Cynical, moi?

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The autopsy will not be finished for some time and already there are concerns about the amount of prosthetics and plastics in his body that rules out cremation on environmental grounds.

It has been decided that it would be best if  he is melted down and recycled to make Lego bricks - in this way he can help repay society and kids can play safely with him in future.


PS Latest news they are not sure if the body found is MJ or Elizabeth Taylors.

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[quote user="Cathy"]

 JR asked: Has Gordon Brown been tempted/forced to make a heartfelt tribute yet ?

I saw in the press that G Brown had not been in touch with the relatives of the hostages in Iraq (two of whom were recently murdered)

Really who told you that ?


 You think the UK Government have not been talking to these people and their families for that last two years?  And who said they were murdered??

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The man had his problems and I was never a huge fan, but he was the master entertainer and I don't think I will see another person with his stage presence in my lifetime. Music has certainly lost a major part and its very sad.


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[quote user="Ron Avery"][quote user="Cathy"]

 JR asked: Has Gordon Brown been tempted/forced to make a heartfelt tribute yet ?

I saw in the press that G Brown had not been in touch with the relatives of the hostages in Iraq (two of whom were recently murdered)

Really who told you that ?


 You think the UK Government have not been talking to these people and their families for that last two years?  And who said they were murdered??


Direct quote from Graeme Moore, a father of one of the hostages:

"Has Foreign Secretary David Miliband been in contact with me at any point? Of course not. Has Gordon Brown? Never. Yet it is quite extraordinary to think that the Prime Minister can make the time and effort to telephone Simon Cowell and Piers Morgan, two judges on ITV's Britain's Got Talent, to check on the health of a TV show contestant.'

Link to The Sun but also reported in other papers:


Meanwhile, reported in the Indie: The Foreign Office, said Graeme Moore, had not bothered to keep him informed of what was going on.




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