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Micheal Jackson Dead


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[quote user="Ron Avery"]

Yes sadly Farrah a lovely lady in many ways, will pass away with hardly a mention now.

The media are in a frenzy over Michael Jackson, their prayers  of what to cover for the next week have been answered, but are they celebrating the loss of a great talent?  Well no actually, before it was even confirmed that he was dead SKY helpfully reminded everyone that he would be remembered not as a great talent, but as a child molester[:@]!!


IMHO its a pity he had his real childhood was taken away from him until it was too late for him to play out with the other kids as he really wanted to without being dubbed a pervert.


I agree with you Ron.    (God! Quick someone mark that on a calendar somewhere[:D])

Sky News have been very negative from the moment they announced the sad news. 

I first saw some jerk on Facebook talking about it late on Thursday night and was intrigued to find out if it was true so switched on Sky News which Canal Plus picks up as a free channel.

The next day I was curious to see what TF1 would say about it and at 1pm I was pleasantly surprised.  It concentrated on the artists' immense talent and also very importantly highlighted the huge cultural bridges he created through his music between races.  Great reporting - not a drop of sensationalism.

Excuse me if all of this has already been said in the previous posts but I haven't read through the whole thread - I'm too addicted to Scrabble Worldwide. 

Hope you're all hunky dory xxx

PS  Me and my husband saw him perform at Toulouse Stadium back in the 90's ( the one with the flying NASA chair!!!) and to this day it is the best show we have ever been to.

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[quote user="puzzled"]

 "had agreed with representatives of Jackson's family months ago that Jackson's body would be plastinated and placed next to the singer's late chimp Bubbles"

Was that just coincidental forward planning ?[8-)]


Well work certainly started on the plasticination many years ago when he was still coloured, I doubt that there is much left to do.

I like the idea of him being exhibited in his moon-walking position, perhaps one of the Hollywood animatronics guys could make him a moving attraction.

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 "Direct quote from Graeme Moore, a father of one of the hostages": 

Who the shite paper you quote failed to mention is that man is not in the "family communication" circle. IE the family don't talk to him and neither does the FO. 

Didn't you think its funny out of all the relatives he is the only one to make any allegations?

What this has to do with Michaael Jackson I don't know, but getting back on topic why do all the usual suspects who state somewhere in their posts that they could not stand the man or his music feel they have to even post a comment about him? 

I was not a great fan of the Jackson 5 but the man had an undeniable talent as an entertainer and singer that millions across the world appreciated and its sad the way hios life ended. But heh lets remember him as a pervert, its so typically British white middle class.

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[quote user="Ron Avery"]But heh lets remember him as a pervert, its so typically British white middle class.[/quote]


They still can't leave him in peace even in death! Evil bastards [:(] Twinkle, you were so privileged to have seen him perform live, I am so envious of that [:)] I think his performance at the Motown 25 concert was Michael at his best. He looked beautiful and totally stole the show. God bless you Mick!

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[quote user="Ron Avery"]

 What this has to do with Michaael Jackson I don't know, but getting back on topic why do all the usual suspects who state somewhere in their posts that they could not stand the man or his music feel they have to even post a comment about him? 

I was not a great fan of the Jackson 5 but the man had an undeniable talent as an entertainer and singer that millions across the world appreciated and its sad the way hios life ended. But heh lets remember him as a pervert, its so typically British white middle class.


Isn't that rather like asking why people who don't like living in France bother to post on this forum?

No point in being pink and fluffy, he had his good and his bad points, no doubt he'll be remembered for them both.

A flawed genius.


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His only "flaw" was that he was so insecure about himself and that left him open to abuse by the parents of the children that saw a meal ticket! Why would any parent settle for cash if they really knew their child was being abused??? Michael was the one that was abused all his life! Is it any wonder that he preferred the company of furry creatures? Sometimes I am so ashamed to be human that I actually deny that I am one.

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I sort of second FK , I'm not trying to find excuses to his alledgedly abusive behaviour , just trying to explain that his life was not as good as it seemed to many, he was stolen his childhood, he was in quest of an identity , to end up with none.. not white, not black, just a myth, .. I bet he was deeply tortured in his mind, so yes,why not  let him RIP .......
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[quote user="Dog"]

What tosh I am not British and was with Americans and Canadians yesterday who remember him primarily as a strange pervert.


I can assure you that what nationality you are dog, does not interest one single person on this Forum, you are obviously so ashamed of it that you don't want anyone to know.  However as for your mates, I suspect the rest of the KKK will not be mourning him either[:P]

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Thank you for your kind words Ron. You are most blessed among the weak.

I have posted my nationality on this forum - as I am not racist or zenophobic I have no wish to ram my place of birth down your throat. It is after all a complete accident where and when you are born as you have very little say in the matter.

You are a gentle soul and will probably remember Gary Glitter for his charity work - I wish you solace at what must be a difficult time of denial for you.

Are you preparing for MJs 'Diana style' funeral?

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[quote user="Ron Avery"]

But heh lets remember him as a pervert, its so typically British white middle class.



It's great lurking on here because you sometimes get to have a good laugh at rubbish like this......

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[quote user="Dog"]

Thank you for your kind words Ron. You are most blessed among the weak.

I have posted my nationality on this forum - as I am not racist or zenophobic I have no wish to ram my place of birth down your throat. It is after all a complete accident where and when you are born as you have very little say in the matter.

You are a gentle soul and will probably remember Gary Glitter for his charity work - I wish you solace at what must be a difficult time of denial for you.

Are you preparing for MJs 'Diana style' funeral?



"My name is *********** and I was born in the year 1950. My hometown was Peckham, where life was tough and my family poor."

"****** and I have been Pearly king and queen of peckham for ten years. "

"Being unfortunate enough to live in Northamptonshire one of the first counties to instal scameras I and other concerned citizens produced the reasonably sucessful stickes with the message : 'Northamptonshire home of vehicle stealth tax'. It certainly annoyed the fascists."

All very confusing, I am not sure what to believe.



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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

And here we are again!

A simple thread once again turned into a nasty slanging match. Snide comments to other posters, sickenening sarcasm and yes - pure hatred.

What is wrong with you?


Probably bored waiting for you to post again, so much really good stuff has  passed while you have been away that has lacked your real and undoubted  talent for taking it completely off topic.[:P][:$]  Soon as you were gone in came Dog from Peckham ( gateway to the Sarrrfff)

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

And here we are again!

A simple thread once again turned into a nasty slanging match. Snide comments to other posters, sickenening sarcasm and yes - pure hatred.

What is wrong with you?


Right on Twink!, Off topic, off their trolleys and just OFF.[blink]

Incidently the trial where he was found not guilty was aware that there 256 shades of grey (not to mention ulterior-motives) between black and white, unlike Sky viewers. I'm sure the majority will remember his artistic creativity over his stumbling personal life. [:(]


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[quote user="Ron Avery"][quote user="TWINKLE"]

And here we are again!

A simple thread once again turned into a nasty slanging match. Snide comments to other posters, sickenening sarcasm and yes - pure hatred.

What is wrong with you?


Probably bored waiting for you to post again, so much really good stuff has  passed while you have been away that has lacked your real and undoubted  talent for taking it completely off topic.[:P][:$]  Soon as you were gone in came Dog from Peckham ( gateway to the Sarrrfff)


The reason I've been away from the forum for so long is because I can't stand the aggression.

You have edited your post Ron - the original one asked me what my view on MJ is.  My first post to this thread referred to just that -here it is again, dear.


"The next day I was curious to see what TF1 would say about it and at 1pm I was pleasantly surprised.  It concentrated on the artists' immense talent and also very importantly highlighted the huge cultural bridges he created through his music between races.  Great reporting - not a drop of sensationalism.

Excuse me if all of this has already been said in the previous posts but I haven't read through the whole thread - I'm too addicted to Scrabble Worldwide. 

Hope you're all hunky dory xxx

PS  Me and my husband saw him perform at Toulouse Stadium back in the 90's ( the one with the flying NASA chair!!!) and to this day it is the best show we have ever been to."

I admired him as an artist.  I never lived with him so I don't know what kind of human being he was. For all his talent I wouldn't want to trade places with him.

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[quote user="Furry Knickers"]

His only "flaw" was that he was so insecure about himself and that left him open to abuse by the parents of the children that saw a meal ticket! Why would any parent settle for cash if they really knew their child was being abused??? Michael was the one that was abused all his life! Is it any wonder that he preferred the company of furry creatures? Sometimes I am so ashamed to be human that I actually deny that I am one.


I have been watching this thread with sadness... I made the original post because I like many others around the world thought MJ was a talented man and his music was part of my childhood and youth.  I remember him in the Jackson 5 and his music was just always there through my teens and twenties (and 30's)... and he was an incredible talent.  The monkey stuff and all the rest of it was weird... but how many of us have pets that we treat like children?  How much of it all was real or media hype?  I guess we'll never really know... I have an open mind over his trial and I would agree with FK's statement and Twinks too (and a few others)... and if his lawyer is to believed MJ has been prescribed and adminstered with addictive controlled drugs for decades so goodness knows what these have done to an already troubled mind... I could say more but I'm thinking I would be just opening up a whole new can of worms so I think I'll just close by saying thanks for all your comments and I hope the media circus that was MJ's life will soon move on to something else.

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[quote user="Rose"][quote user="Furry Knickers"]His only "flaw" was that he was so insecure about himself and that left him open to abuse by the parents of the children that saw a meal ticket! Why would any parent settle for cash if they really knew their child was being abused??? Michael was the one that was abused all his life! Is it any wonder that he preferred the company of furry creatures? Sometimes I am so ashamed to be human that I actually deny that I am one.[/quote]I have been watching this thread with sadness... I made the original post because I like many others around the world thought MJ was a talented man and his music was part of my childhood and youth.  I remember him in the Jackson 5 and his music was just always there through my teens and twenties (and 30's)... and he was an incredible talent.  The monkey stuff and all the rest of it was weird... but how many of us have pets that we treat like children?  How much of it all was real or media hype?  I guess we'll never really know... I have an open mind over his trial and I would agree with FK's statement and Twinks too (and a few others)... and if his lawyer is to believed MJ has been prescribed and adminstered with addictive controlled drugs for decades so goodness knows what these have done to an already troubled mind... I could say more but I'm thinking I would be just opening up a whole new can of worms so I think I'll just close by saying thanks for all your comments and I hope the media circus that was MJ's life will soon move on to something else.[/quote]

My thoughts too.

I can only speak of the artist in reference to my life, as I have no idea who the man was.

The rest is pressmongering, mud-racking and innuendos. Parasites making a living off someone's life.
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It would be wonderful if artists/actors/sportsmen etc were known just for their talents but sadly, these days, it just ain't going to happen.  This is more true (if truth can be comparative) in a world where some celebrities are famous just for being famous, and not because they have anything extraordinary to offer the world.  This forum (and others far more vitriolic in their abuse of MJ than this one) just reflects that.  Their private lives are no longer private - we know too much about them, and probably much of what we know is speculation anyway - and thus we lose track of the thing which made us admire them in the first place.  Sad for them, sad for us.
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 I'm sorry I don't agree.  In the entertainment business publicity both good and bad comes with the territory. We do know that he settled a case involving a young boy, out of court, perhaps he and his advisors learnt from that as it left a question mark, next time they went through the whole trial and he was found to be innocent. Sadly the damage to his image had already been done.

It seems to be a matter of record that his father was pretty tough on him and his childhood was really lost as he started performing so early

As for parasites - my guess is there will soon be several books and articles all telling 'THE truth about Micheal Jackson' just as we have with Elvis, Sinatra, Crosby, Diana etc......

 Personally I think all this 'where were you when you heard' stuff is well OTT. I can remember where I was when Kennedy was killed, the first man landed on the moon, when I heard about Diana, 9/11, the London bombings, but when entertainers die.....????? 

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