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Expulsion or what?


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Life is full of hysterical 'I'm the victim' types. Sometimes they just have to get over themselves and sometimes they deserve offending ! As an example I would happily offend any bigot who tried to spout their rubbish to me. To much of current day life is spent trying not to offend when what we need is more people to tell it how it is. Just my opinion, feel free to be offensive about it, I couldn't give a monkeys.[:D]

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

  Jo, If I had a pound for everyone who said they were leaving and then who came back, sometimes under a different ID, I and the other mods would be wealthy. If you are referring to that matter I suspect you are, I'd let the dust settle.


Quite. Let's not jump to conclusions

We often have people who threaten to leave, but then don't. 

As far as I am aware, no one has asked recently for their membership to be terminated, that being the case I think we can assume that they are still with us.

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It would be a great shame to lose the person concerned.

I have made contact and my advice to her is not to give in to bullies.

We need more people who are not afraid to voice a personal opinion.

It is indefensible to threaten a lady in such a way.

I hope this lady comes back soon.


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[quote user="Dog"]

It would be a great shame to lose the person concerned.

I have made contact and my advice to her is not to give in to bullies.

We need more people who are not afraid to voice a personal opinion.

It is indefensible to threaten a lady in such a way.

I hope this lady comes back soon.



Well, again if its the person I am thinking of, she came back last time she said she was leaving.

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To all friends- I have just logged in to ask for my removal from this Forum following the appalling behaviour, threats and insults, and the refusal of moderators to remove a post which pretended to give all my computer details linked with a threat. As it turns out, it seems that my details could not be seen by others, hence the refusal to remove the post. However, i feel strongly that a threat should have been removed automatically as soon as seen by Mods, irrespective on whether they agreed with my views or not- and this according to Forum rules. One moderator said the post had not been removed because they had not had time to see my request. this seems strange as there were several posts from Moderators on the site during that time.

I am happy that some excellent friends here will be keeping in touch outside this Forum. I would like to thank very sincerely all those who have spoken against the treatment I have received and the fact that the poster has not been taken to task for his appalling behaviour. Fortunately there is a much better place to talk and exchange views with excellent moderators.

Regards to all the good people out there,    Odile

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 Firstly I think you are missing a salient fact in addition to the fact that your details were not available to everyone as you thought,  at the bottom of what you mistakenly took to be a threat, there was a smiley like this : [:D]. In other words to use an English expression, you were having your leg pulled.

 It's a shame you did not appreciate the humour/irony whatever you like to call it, however as it seems you really want to leave I'll delete your membership


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[quote user="Russethouse"][quote user="Dog"]

It would be a great shame to lose the person concerned.

I have made contact and my advice to her is not to give in to bullies.

We need more people who are not afraid to voice a personal opinion.

It is indefensible to threaten a lady in such a way.

I hope this lady comes back soon.



Well, again if its the person I am thinking of, she came back last time she said she was leaving.


Most battered wives go back it doesn't mean men can treat women badly.

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[quote user="Russethouse"][quote user="Dog"]



Well, again if its the person I am thinking of, she came back last time she said she was leaving.



Russethouse. You could take a leaf out of my dear departed father's book.

He changed the locks within 5 minutes of my first and only drama queen impression, it taught me a lesson in life that has served me well thus far.

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For what it's worth, I feel quite strongly that the posting should have been deleted immediately.  I read it all and was sickened by the pleasure that some posters appeared to gain from upsetting and bullying other members.  It was absolutely clear that the person in question believed that her details had been revealed and that, to me, is the salient fact. The whole thing was shamefully uncivilised and base.  Not the kind of humour I can laugh at at all.  I take it the dust is now deemed to have settled and it is permissable to post this...?[:D]
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[quote user="buelligan"]For what it's worth, I feel quite strongly that the posting should have been deleted immediately.[/quote]

As has been explained before, the moderators are not on duty at their computers 24/7.

To expect a post or a thread to be deleted "immediately" is unrealistic.

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[quote user="buelligan"]For what it's worth, I feel quite strongly that the posting should have been deleted immediately.  I read it all and was sickened by the pleasure that some posters appeared to gain from upsetting and bullying other members.  It was absolutely clear that the person in question believed that her details had been revealed and that, to me, is the salient fact. The whole thing was shamefully uncivilised and base.  Not the kind of humour I can laugh at at all.  I take it the dust is now deemed to have settled and it is permissable to post this...?[:D][/quote]

Which is why I posted a story about bullying in the hope that it would bring a halt to what I thought was becoming a sort of feeding frenzy against a person whose main fault was not knowing when to stop.

In my naivety I did think her details had been revealed.

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[quote user="Weedon"]Clair, I accept what you say but do you remember when John Gummer fed his child with a burger in the hopes that the British public would believe that it was not possible to catch CJD (I think it was) through eating beef? [/quote]

You have lost me... [8-)]

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I am not surprised, sometimes when I read them back I wonder what I was on about.

At the time of the John Gummer incident, there was a lot of talk about animal remains being fed to beef cattle which could lead to humans eating diseased meat and subsequently catching CJD.  All sorts of different spokes people were trying to convince the general public that this just was not possible and then JG stuffed a burger into his childs mouth.  The upshot of it was that the sales of beef went almost to zero and the French stopped buying British beef because nobody believed all the guff about it being safe.

You have said many times that it is not possible for anybody to obtain our details and you clearly believe this, it may be that I am just a silly old duffer but it wouldn't surprise me to learn that it is possible to do so.

Here I am afraid I must lapse into my normal mode.  If what you say is true why do up to 20 people a day write to tell me that my wossname is too small and would benefit from some kind of supplement, I thought that only I knew that? 

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[quote user="Weedon"]

I am not surprised, sometimes when I read them back I wonder what I was on about.

You have said many times that it is not possible for anybody to obtain our details and you clearly believe this, it may be that I am just a silly old duffer but it wouldn't surprise me to learn that it is possible to do so.

Here I am afraid I must lapse into my normal mode.  If what you say is true why do up to 20 people a day write to tell me that my wossname is too small and would benefit from some kind of supplement, I thought that only I knew that? 



I think what Clair said was that in this instance Odiles personal details were not revealed to anyone except herself, which is a bit different from what you are saying. I have no doubt that you can be traced, after all you have signed up to an internet provider who had your details. That is how people can track you down

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