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Forum Member cooperlola


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Good morning. I aplogise for my intrusion, but I have important news re my wife, member cooperlola, I think.

She was driving back from the UK yesterday when involved in a crash on the RN12. She was airlifted to Rouen where she has been diagnosed with multiple fractures of arms, legs, ribs. Vital signs appear ok, and she was apparently conscious and somewhat alert on arrival in hospital. I expect to visit Thrusday, and will be pleased to update on here if that is appropriate.

I am so ignorant on forum discipline that I do not know how to boadcast this news in any other way (my Groups tend to be Yahoo, which work differently!) and cooperlola's computer is not a friendly place for a husband to lurk!

Again, for those who neither know nor care, I apologise, but please try to understand my position!



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Gosh!  I am so sorry to hear of this, but thank you for the information.  Please let Debs know we are thinking of  her and wish her a speedy recovery.  Is there anything we can do to help?  We are also in La Sarthe.

Please keep us informed of her progress.



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Please give her my love and tell her that I am sure that all the other FHI members send their best wishes too and will be very shocked to hear the news. Without Deb's energy and leadership the health cover affair might have had a very different ending for many of us.

Will be thinking about her, please keep us up to date with her progress.


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I am very sorry Ian, thank God she came out of it.  I thought of her just last week as I drove past Le Mans.  Give her my love. 

Just to let you know, Debs is a wonderful asset to the forum and is a wealth of information to people like myself who have recently arrived in France.  Tell her to hurry up and get better as we need her. [:)]

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[quote user="cooperlola2"]Again, for those who neither know nor care, I apologise...[/quote]

Don't apologise. I know (via emails) and care. Give her my very best wishes for a fast and as painless as possible recovery. And good wishes to you too, Mr Cooperlola - because you must have had a terrible shock. Remember to take care of yourself as well.

When you get chance, please do let us know Deb progresses. As the number of replies grow, you will find she really is one of the most valued and liked members of this forum.

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Yes, the RN10 can be a very dangerous place at times, I've nearly come a cropper on it more than once.

I can only reiterate the thoughts already written, and let us hope that like SD, who thankfully came out his crash earlier in the year without too many injuries, she will will soon be well enough to be back home and part of her friends on this forum very soon.  The health care issue did not affect me fortunately, so I was not party to much of the discussion, but it was obvious the work she put in.  I'm sure you'll convey all the good wishes from the forum members when you visit on Thursday.

Fingers crossed the outcome is as we all hope.

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Ian, I am upset that my good friend, Coops, has had such a nasty accident.

Thank you for letting us know so now we can all direct a stream of positive thoughts in her direction!

Please look after yourself and give us updates whenever you can.

Love & Best Wishes to Coops for a quick recovery.

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I am very humbled by the outpouring of warmth on here - clearly Deb has hit the mark wih the nature of her contributions. Of course, that's no real surprise to me after 35 years together! She is the organiser in our marriage, which makes the next few month look a trifle scary.

It was suggested that the FHI site should say something - I have sent a note but have had no response. I do wonder if they think Deb is now back in the saddle! Be assured that any representation of my message this morning, in any place you feel appropriate, has my full blessing.

Thanks for being a super bunch!



cooperlola2 (I'm often several laps behind her, anyway!)

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