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Well, the forecasters got it right - those severe weather warnings were spot on! From 15th to 25th weather was forecast to be severe bad across Europe. I've heard it's ben very bad in parts of Spain, Brussels airport is shut, and here in SE UK, late Thursday and Friday was when it would get going - et voila!

Glad we travelled home from Norfolk a few hours early; we didn't need the shovel we took with us and might well have done a few hours later! The weather centre had a red alert out for much of SE England, but it's down-graded to orange now.

It's looking very beautiful. What's it like where you are? [:D]

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Well, if it's any consolation, it's fairly deep and crisp and even here in the SW of France.  The snow on the trees in the woods just looks magical even tho we're probably snowed in because of where we live.  Still freezers full, loads of fresh veggies, gas citern has plenty of fuel and the emergency wood supply/torches, batteries, portable radio are all ready to go if needed so have no problem on that front.

Going to get wrapped up warm and go out to salt the paths and drive.

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The Corbieres is covered.  My valley is silent and perfumed with woodsmoke. Big, soft flakes are still falling and the sky looks low and flat.  Here's hoping my citronnier doesn't suffer too much - it's too big to cover and planted in the ground so can't be moved.[blink]  Still, it's so beautiful![:D]
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Lot-et-Garonne - it must have fallen overnight as this morning I have a Winter Wonderland scene. But the sun is up and it looks like it's melting ...

still, it was the first snow that our kitten has seen. She put a tentative paw out into the snow and then shot back into the house. At the moment she's back out there, jumping around and 'attacking' it. So much fun to watch ...
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We had a light fall about 10am, covering roofs and cars but not settling.  Thank goodness, as I have to go out this afternoon, and the locals (15 mins from the coast so not something that happens very much) are not used to this weather, so making their driving more erratic than ever.

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We did the journey from Hell yesterday - Deux Sevres to Cannock to visit the family for Xmas.....[:(]

We drove the A28 from Le Mans to Rouen mostly behind a snow plough, then the autoroute up to Abbeville in a raging blizzard.  Got to the tunnel an hour late but straight onto the next available shuttle.

At least we managed to keep mobile - we tuned into AutoFM for the traffic reports - poids lourds banned from entering Seine Maritime, school buses cancelled, Paris at a standstill....


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[quote user="Gardian"]

Just a light sprinkling of snow here in the Gard.  The lady in the boulangerie was in shock horror mode this morning ........ "but you're used to it aren't you, what with all the snow / fog / rain that you get (all the time) in Angleterre".


They say that to me too!  Not when you lived in London I used to say .....  fortunately our brief shower of snow has been just that - it's still cold, but the sun is out and it looks much improved.  Forecast is OK too - belles eclaircies - brill - though it has made it feel a little more Christmassy.

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About 12 cm and snowing on and off here in south Calvados. No traffic in or out of the hamlet yesterday morning or today, so no postie. As we never see a snow plough  here we could be stuck for quite a few days judging by the forecast. Have just done the rounds to check on the older folk in the hamlet and looks as if we shall have to light the bread oven and get into serious bread making mode for them as the bread van hasn't got through either! Good job we stocked up on flour....



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We've been promised some snow showers but, so far, only the merest powdering which has lasted literally only for a few minutes.

Very cold though and I am wearing my ski gear outdoors and my après-ski gear indoors![:D]

I feel very sorry for the new French neighbours who are supposed to be moving in today with their 2 young children but there has been no sign of them or their removal van yet.

OH has been back and forth since yesterday evening, tending to their 2 poêles and stoking them up really fiercely but their house is still like an ice-box.

Will have to go and do some housework soon, if only to keep warm!


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A little this am in mid Deux Sevres. Drove to Niort, some 28 kms normally takes 30 minutes but took nearly an hour today. Main roads ok but country roads around here very slippery and passed  more than one car in a ditch by the roadside. Temperature never above zero here all day and now, midnight, -5.4 C and falling. Keep warm people..................JR 
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We are quite high in 24 and 75mm of snow.

Had a lovely walk in the forest with snow falling - it's an all enveloping blanket of quiet. Just a robin and a wren for company. Both wood burners going so the house is toasty and the home brew beer is on tap.

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Quite relieved to see next door occupied by the evening though we didn't see them actually arrive.  Relieved because at least OH no longer had to pop back and forth tending their fires as well as our own.

This morning, it's still cold but very sunny and all the frost has gone off all but the most sheltered spots.  Went to say "bonjour" to the new neighbour and he told me that, within an hour of moving in yesterday evening, their little dog died of a heart attack and then he asked to borrow our spade!

How dreadful is that?  Haven't seen the children or the wife but I was told they were all crying.  Now, they'll always remember their pet dying on the day they (finally) moved into their new house.  I say "finally" because they have been moving in bits and pieces over a few weeks and had even specially fenced their back garden  at great expense to keep their dog safe.

Couldn't help wondering if the cold, coupled with the stress of the move, had contributed to the little dog's death.[:(]

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