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Just what have you got to do to get rid of that squatter GB

just john

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[quote user="LEO"][quote user="Russethouse"]

But he wont go until September !

There is something quite wrong in us getting left with yet another unelected Prime Minister in my view.....

In addition as an English tax payer I don't want the government to be forever be held to ransom by the nationalist parties.......




Did you mean you are English and pay tax to HMRC.GOV.UK

England is a part of the UK , not as some people think , another name for the UK

Quite, but in some respects we have a different 'deal' to both Scotland and Wales, for example prescription charges in Wales and Free personal care in Scotland - so how much would be promised by the Labour/Lib alliance to secure the votes of the nationalist parties, which the English tax payer will end up paying for, with no benefit to them.

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[quote user="NormanH"][quote user="AnOther"]Best news I've heard this side of the Millenium [:D][:D][:D]

I truly look forward to history recording him as the worst PM in living memory, if not of all time.


There is no question of who was the 'worst PM in living memory, if not of all time.', and the present mess the country is in is the her responsibility.

Like her or loathe her, once the mood of the party was clear, at least she went quickly and with dignity, which is more than you can say for GB, who is clinging on for 4 months....

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Whilst I agree with what you say,there was certainly a section of the electorate that following events including the expenses scandal etc expressed opinions via surveys that indicated either voting for the more obscure parties or a feeling that a government of national unity would be the answer for now. Not an opinion I subscribe to.

At times I have thought some form of proportional reform necessary, but hypocrite that I am, I am not sure I am ready for all that democracy brings. On the results from last week, I understand the BNP would have had 6 seats for instance.

Maybe the French have it right ito a degree.. Voting on 2 weeks, the first often throws up the dissenting voices and then usually a clear leader on the second vote.
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[quote user="Jazzer"] Maybe the French have it right ito a degree.. Voting on 2 weeks, the first often throws up the dissenting voices and then usually a clear leader on the second vote.[/quote]

That may only elect a single president, but it does not help the National Assembly in which the right wing grouping is a coalition of four parties and the left wing grouping a coalition of five parties. And don't forget that the president (as was Chirac) may be faced with a government of an opposing political viewpoint.

The French system is as bad as any other in this respect.

Had there been "hung" parliaments it is unlikely that Britain would have had the poll tax, or the ludicrous rail "denationalisation", or the passport/ID card proposals, or even - perhaps - involvement in the Iraq war.

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R4 was saying that Mandelson was instrumental in bringing about meetings with Nick Clegg and also with encouraging GB to do the right thing. I can't help feeling Mandelson would have been a huge asset in MI5.

So much for the national interest and helping the party with most votes and seats to set up a government. It looks as though  the rest of us could well be paying out even more huge sums for the Scots and Welsh to have services we can't afford.

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What I am suggesting is a little more in line with the current UK system, There would still be a single MP representing a constituency. After the first round the top two candidates in each constituency would go through to the next round. Whilst there would be a week when you would not know who your MP is, you should end up with a party with a clear majority. I certainly don't want a presidential election,although with the TV debates some would like to suggest that is the way the UK is heading. More expensive perhaps, but in the long run less expensive in having a second election later in the year which now seems likely.
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Watching the TV there seems to be a lack of concern about getting other parties to join a LibLab pact. I sort of got the feeling that the Labour party feels that other parties would jump at the chance to become part of the pact (and as such getting some form of power) which seems a bit condescending towards them in my opinion. Admittedly getting an agreement with the LibDems will be a major step for Labour but they will still fall short of a working majority without other parties joining them else they will be in the same position as the Tories, no overall majority. I think they would be better off getting the other minority parties in line with agreements before getting the LibDems involved. If you do it the other way round you could end up in the same position as they currently are with the LibDems and may end up with a need for 1 or 2 more votes from other parties to get the overall majority. That would really leave them open to having to agree anything to stay in power.

With regards to changing the voting system. I think the only way this can be done is through a referendum and not through a party like Labour just doing it. It really is an issue for the people to decide.

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Well they sort of did that by not voting for some and them loosing their seats, means they will have to go out and get a proper job, assuming anyone will have them. The biggest 'fish' unfortunately jumped before he was pushed. I think this elections catch phrase will be "For the good of the county" which sadly we all know is not true, perhaps it should be "For my personal benefit". Its not the hung parliament that that's going to stick in peoples minds its how they are behaving as a result which after the expenses scandal etc shows that none of them have a clue and more alarmingly that they don't really care about the country or its people and continue to treat electorate as being stupid.
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Paddy Ashdown was saying just now that a formal agreement with other small parties wouldn't be necessary. They would go along with it all, as they were in broad agreement with what Lab/Lib Dems wanted. Also that SNP would vote for them every time against Conseravtives.

Could be we'll have a Milliband in charge of UK - well, there are two of them. But maybe it should be Clegg, as at least he was in the presidential debates!


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Blunkett says that Clegg is behaving like a harlot, well it seems to me he is acting more like one of the virgins on  reality-television-virgin-auction.

I gave Clegg the benefit of the doubt that it may have worked, but subsequently it's quite clear that this is the death of PR (and become a Public Rape of democracy),
Cameron should withdraw and roll on the next election, lets see what the electorate make of Labour and Lib/Despots then.

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[quote user="gardengirl "]I heard Blunkett on the radio just now; making a lot os sense, and also said they can't possibly make a Lab/Lib Dem grouping work.[/quote]

David Blunkett, was he the blind man who Labour put in charge of immigration ?????  [I]
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[quote user="gardengirl "]

Paddy Ashdown was saying just now that a formal agreement with other small parties wouldn't be necessary. They would go along with it all, as they were in broad agreement with what Lab/Lib Dems wanted. Also that SNP would vote for them every time against Conservatives.


Well that's one hell of an assumption by Paddy. Look at it this way, would you make an assumption that these people will vote with you or would you want a cast iron guarantee because without it your at the mercy of these very minority groups in running the country. With the current situation Labour will have to do things like give the Welsh Nationalist's £300M (OK not give but remove the current cuts that are due to start, one of their prerequisites to voting with Labour). There are going to be some very tough times ahead with cuts, cuts and more cuts plus rises in income tax, VAT etc resulting in an unprecedented rise in unemployment for whoever runs the country, not to mention that the UK may have to go cap in hand to the IMF for a loan. You could end up with these things being blocked by a small group of people who have had no experience in running the country who quite frankly don't have a clue and have their own agendas.

There is in my opinion only one way to deal with this, first a referendum on PR followed by another election and PDQ at that.

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So, let the BNP have their 6 seats.  That doesn't frighten me!  Let them set out their agenda and let them be heard.  That's what a democracy is all about and the people will decide, non?

Do you remember back in the Thatcher days when thevoices of the likes of Martin McGuiness and Gerry Adams were never allowed to be publicly aired?

I wished they'd let them be broadcast and heard:  people, including Sinn Fein sympathisers, could have then heard their ugly accents expressing their ugly sentiments and been repulsed in droves.

No, I am definitely not afraid of bigots and evildoers being given a public platform.  My policy is:  give them enough rope..........

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  I think there could be real demonstrations and unrest if it seen that a Lib/Lab team are 'buying' nationalists votes..... I'm not PAYE but we do pay  (what seems like) a decent amount of tax, perhaps I could go on strike and withold it [:(][:(][:(] as a protest !!!
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[quote user="sweet 17"]

So, let the BNP have their 6 seats.  That doesn't frighten me!  Let them set out their agenda and let them be heard.  That's what a democracy is all about and the people will decide, non?

Do you remember back in the Thatcher days when thevoices of the likes of Martin McGuiness and Gerry Adams were never allowed to be publicly aired?

I wished they'd let them be broadcast and heard:  people, including Sinn Fein sympathisers, could have then heard their ugly accents expressing their ugly sentiments and been repulsed in droves.

No, I am definitely not afraid of bigots and evildoers being given a public platform.  My policy is:  give them enough rope..........


Thing is, like them or not, Sinn Fein are now BIG players in NI.

Who says violence gets you nowhere?????
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Isn't the problem, not the fringe oddball politician, but how does any legislation get passed? if Libs in a PR situation procrastinate as currently, there could be no mainstream decisions made. The words Lib, Mouse, and Mickey spring to mind


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