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Police siege


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So many opinions from people who, unless they were involved in the decision making process in the prison, the police services, among the politicians and in discussions with all the people actually involved in this awful event, are just speculating on  the bits of information being released by the authorities or being speculated on by the media who, in my opinion, have done themselves no favours in their coverage of this, especially the BBC who seemed intent in sensationalising this whole thing, Jon Sopel in particular acting like an hysteric on occassions.


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[Www][quote user="Chancer"]Wouldnt happen in France [Www][/quote]

Mmmm, but doubt anybody on here would know about it. It'd be on the French news. Ignorance is bliss?

Just a thought. Maybe if you removed the hundreds and hundreds of reporters, cameramen, photographers, all desperate to find something to feed the ghoulish, voyeuristic public you'd have at least a vague chance of a reasoned debate. Something for I do admire the British. Their ability to be led by the nose by self serving media, and then treat it all as fact[Www]. Wherever the media uses a "conditional" word (might, possibly, could, consider, etc) just ignore it, they've just made it up.

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Just John wrote:

 The disgrace to society is that the events were completely preventable, either by prison authorities or the police, acting on a ''prevention is better than cure'' could have prevented these two deaths and two serious injuries (not to mention the subsequent costs) by dealing with the recommendations of the staff report of this man.

Yes, but then  several money grabbing lawyers would arrive on the scene stating that the mans human rights were being abused, and after the lawyers had  lined their pockets, this poor excuse for a human being would do exactly the same as he has just done.

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[quote user="velcorin"]

[Www][quote user="Chancer"]Wouldnt happen in France [Www][/quote]

Mmmm, but doubt anybody on here would know about it. It'd be on the French news. Ignorance is bliss?

Just a thought. Maybe if you removed the hundreds and hundreds of reporters, cameramen, photographers, all desperate to find something to feed the ghoulish, voyeuristic public you'd have at least a vague chance of a reasoned debate. Something for I do admire the British. Their ability to be led by the nose by self serving media, and then treat it all as fact[Www]. Wherever the media uses a "conditional" word (might, possibly, could, consider, etc) just ignore it, they've just made it up.


If they only knew what happens down here in SW France they probably wouldn't come and live here, it's no different than living in the UK. Muggings, stabbings, murders, yobs terrorising old people, terrorists bomb making factories and even places like Carcassonne suffer where there are 'no go' areas for police, government offices closed, La Poste won't deliver due to violence and crime.

Your comments on the media I find quite acceptable and believe the same. When you scan across the media there are things left out, things put in, errors in the timing of events etc. It would be very difficult to put any value on much of it, one can only assume (a word I hate using) that if the same words are used across all the media and TV that there must be some element of truth. Even the BBC has conflicts, in an article on it's website it said that the family of Moat had seen the autopsy results including photo's of his body and there were no signs of a taser hitting him. On the news last night his brother was saying they are still waiting to see the autopsy results. Even then in yet another article his brother says again that they have seen the results, there was no mention of tasers and the police were covering up the fact they had used tasers, even though the police on national TV admitted that they had used them. If your confused about reading that then you should be, the whole thing is confusing which is why we have to wait. As Hoddy said the reporting is shoddy at best, there should be some form of law that insists tht if they do print or broadcaste then it has to be correct and factual.

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Well, don't be too cynical about it, I feel that despite wading through the mire they are as good if not better than some.

They have given me a few laughs, currently over Mandelson's book, and there should be law that insists if they do print it has to be correct and factual, I think Max Mosley would rather they couldn't print at all[:D]

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[quote user="velcorin"]

Mmmm, but doubt anybody on here would know about it. It'd be on the French news. Ignorance is bliss?


Sadly I think that you are right.

6 pages of discussion about the British media coverage of a British event, most of the posters must have watched it from a Skybox as it hasnt been mentioned on the French TV. I ask some questions on what if this were to have occurred in France and no replies.

The reason that it was not mentioned on the french TV is that it was not of significant importance, there are worse things than that going on in France and being reported on almost on a daily basis. How many of you BBC/ITV/Daily mail viewers/readers know about the sexual abuse of children within the family in Gravelines for instance? - The father, mother, 3 uncles and an aunty all condemned for sexual abuse of the children aged from 5 months old.

I dont know about ignorance is bliss, scary more like.

Editted. I should have said charged not condemned http://www.leparisien.fr/faits-divers/pedophilie-six-arrestations-dans-une-meme-famille-06-05-2010-912190.php

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[quote user="NickP"] Just John wrote: The disgrace to society is that the events were completely preventable, either by prison authorities or the police, acting on a ''prevention is better than cure'' could have prevented these two deaths and two serious injuries (not to mention the subsequent costs) by dealing with the recommendations of the staff report of this man. Yes, but then  several money grabbing lawyers would arrive on the scene stating that the mans human rights were being abused, and after the lawyers had  lined their pockets, this poor excuse for a human being would do exactly the same as he has just done. [/quote]

Well Nick, I think it's unlikely in the white underclass that are beneath the radar of society; had he been a muslim cleric say Abu Hamza . . . .

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[quote user="Chancer"][quote user="velcorin"]

Mmmm, but doubt anybody on here would know about it. It'd be on the French news. Ignorance is bliss?


Sadly I think that you are right.

6 pages of discussion about the British media coverage of a British event, most of the posters must have watched it from a Skybox as it hasnt been mentioned on the French TV. I ask some questions on what if this were to have occurred in France and no replies.

The reason that it was not mentioned on the french TV is that it was not of significant importance, there are worse things than that going on in France and being reported on almost on a daily basis. How many of you BBC/ITV/Daily mail viewers/readers know about the sexual abuse of children within the family in Gravelines for instance? - The father, mother, 3 uncles and an aunty all condemned for sexual abuse of the children aged from 5 months old.

I dont know about ignorance is bliss, scary more like.

Editted. I should have said charged not condemned http://www.leparisien.fr/faits-divers/pedophilie-six-arrestations-dans-une-meme-famille-06-05-2010-912190.php


The Moat story has been covered on French news a couple of times although it didn't get the coverage that it received in the UK for obvious reasons. I am sure we can all dig up a French news story to prove our credentials,[;-)] . If this event had happened in France, then we can only speculate as to what would have happened because it didn't.

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I dont get your drift re proving credentials, what exactly are you trying to say?

Incidents of pédophilia, incest, child abuse, domestic abuse robbery with arms and violence etc etc are reported nearly every week in my local paper and FR3 regional news, my point is those that choose to take the easy route, not learn French and watch/read UK media are completely unaware as to what is going on around them.

If this event had happened in France, then we can only speculate as to what would have happened because it didn't.

Well there has been no shortage of speculation covering 6 pages now, why not comment on what would happen in France (assuming you are able to)? This is after all a French forum.

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Chancer wrote:

Well there has been no shortage of speculation covering 6 pages now, why not comment on what would happen in France (assuming you are able to)? This is after all a French forum.

Oh no it's not, read the tag line,  general discussion, other topics. Police siege. [:P]


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[quote user="Chancer"]

I dont get your drift re proving credentials, what exactly are you trying to say?

Incidents of pédophilia, incest, child abuse, domestic abuse robbery with arms and violence etc etc are reported nearly every week in my local paper and FR3 regional news, my point is those that choose to take the easy route, not learn French and watch/read UK media are completely unaware as to what is going on around them.

If this event had happened in France, then we can only speculate as to what would have happened because it didn't.

Well there has been no shortage of speculation covering 6 pages now, why not comment on what would happen in France (assuming you are able to)? This is after all a French forum.


I think you assume too much. Do you think you are the only one who has learnt French and watches French tv?

Not everyone that uses a English "French" forum sponsored by a UK mag has access to French tv. Not everyone  that lives in France watches French TV all of the time. If you want to start a thread about some hot French news item then why not do so? Personally I thought the poor toddler that drowned recently in his grandparents fosse septique in France was a  real tragedy [:(] but this is about a  gun man on the loose so soon after the Bird rampage and it was rightly big news in the UK where many of us still have an interest.

The speculation on the UK event is not all fantasy, a lot of comments have been based on what has been reported and some of what has been reported is in fact, fact. I can't comment on what would happen in France because its completely hypothetical and therefore irrelevant to this very real story.

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I am not assuming anything, I would simply like to know what you mean about dragging up a news story to establish my credentials.

And if it was a serious question, no I am sure that there are many other people who have learnt French and watch French TV, indeed there are several that use this forum.

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Not another one trying to establish his credentials, can you translate ot to English for me [:P]

Seriously though Q the article gives the port and quai name and number, as a moderator do you really want everyone that reads this forum to be able to localise your gin palace that precisely?

You may not have a cyber stalker like I still do but you might get the great unwashed turning up for aperos [:)]

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