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BP's Gulf Oil Problem


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[quote user="nomoss"]

[quote user="pachapapa"] I would presume that the Lone Star State boys will be planning actions for damages due to the consequential damages derived from the halt to their operations caused by BRITISH petroleum.[/quote]

Why do you keep writing BRITISH in caps - does your caps lock stick due to your anger?

Anyway, the company is called "BP" and is multinational, not British, so please get your facts correct.

If you want to go back into the company's history, you could write IRANIAN.


Well, if pedantry is your bag, factually, you ought properly to award its original title: The Anglo-Persion Oil Company: which was the the true precursor of British Petroleum. NIOC (National Iranian Oil Corporation) was not created until 1948: and that was the first time the word "Iranian" appeared.


And perhaps read All the Shah's Men.


And thereafter understand why the West has been plunged into Arab terrorist problems........


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I don't think that trying to get through to some Americans ( Obama included) that BP is not British Petroleum will be helped by the fact that Call  me Dave is reportedly going to speak to Obama about the oil spill. It IS a multinational company and not the fault of the British , so why is the British PM getting ionvolved?

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The English PM has a phone call to the US at regular intervals, I can't remember if its every weekend or bi-weekly. As part of the call this weekend he will be reminding Obama of exactly that along with discussing other international issues. In other words they are going to have a chat about a load of things and one of them just happens to be BP. So I wouldn't read to much, or to little, in to it.
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[quote user="pachapapa"]Awkward and thorny problem for President Obama; if it was me I'd requisition BPs equipment and technical resources then stick in external oil well engineering staff to make sure the whole mess gets cleared up on a priority basis.[/quote]

While your at it could you also clear up  the mess  in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Americans don't have the brains or ability to fix any problem, BP or otherwise, if they did it would be done already. [:P]

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[quote user="Théière"]Wasn't it an American in charge of the drilling operation?[/quote]

The confidential e-mail with limited distribution indicates three principal reasons contributing to the blow out at the well. All of them IMHO attributable to the BLAIREAU PETROLIERS PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT and not to the contractor of the drill rig or the cementation contractor.

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[quote user="Théière"]Un fortunately no one sent me a copy of the confidential e-mail, don't know why, oh yes it's confidential and I know nothing about drilling for oil[/quote]

My extra-sensory-telepathic powers had surmised that on both counts.[:)]

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[quote user="Gluestick"]

Well, if pedantry is your bag, factually, you ought properly to award its original title: The Anglo-Persion Oil Company: which was the the true precursor of British Petroleum. NIOC (National Iranian Oil Corporation) was not created until 1948: and that was the first time the word "Iranian" appeared.



As pedantry is my bag, can I point out that it's the National Iranian Oil Company not Corporation. I was born in an NIOC hospital in Iran and that's what it says on my birth certificate.

Also, the word 'Iranian' appeared as far back as 1938 when the Anglo-Persian Oil Company was re-named the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company before it became the NIOC in 1948.  Also, the link you posted is incorrect because the NIOC never 'became BP', in fact the NIOC is still going and is the second largest oil company in the world after ARAMCO. After the coup against Moussadegh in 1954 it was taken over by a consortium of  Anglo-Iranian Oil Company/US/French/Dutch companies and it was the AIOC not the NIOC that became British Petroleum in 1954.  My father was on secondment from BP to the NIOC.



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