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[quote user="WJT"]I sadly agree that anyone that could take pleasure in watching a slow cruel death of an animal would get no sympathy from me if they were injured or was even subjected to the same cruel slow death while "enjoying" the carnage. However, there was a 10 year old injured. How can a child be allowed to see such a terrible thing to begin with? [:@] I think the parents should be pts.[/quote]

If you review pictures of the event where the 10 year old was sadly injured you will note that there are a lot of young kids present at the event. The reason for this is that the event was in fact a "Concurso de recortadores" and not a "bull fight"such competitions are common in the north of spain and the persons attempting to cut ribbons from the horns of the bull, expose themselves to danger, jump over the bulls horns, etc are in fact local heroes renowned for their skill and bravery. The bulls are not in point of fact killed and this particular bull about to be let out of  the ring to return to the corral. If you have not seen or know of the tradition of recortadores as is apparently the case the youtube clip on the link below may help/


P.S. This bull was in fact killed exceptionally for reasons of public security.

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

If you review pictures of the event where the 10 year old was sadly injured you will note that there are a lot of young kids present at the event. The reason for this is that the event was in fact a "Concurso de recortadores" and not a "bull fight"such competitions are common in the north of spain and the persons attempting to cut ribbons from the horns of the bull, expose themselves to danger, jump over the bulls horns, etc are in fact local heroes renowned for their skill and bravery. The bulls are not in point of fact killed and this particular bull about to be let out of  the ring to return to the corral. If you have not seen or know of the tradition of recortadores as is apparently the case the youtube clip on the link below may help/


P.S. This bull was in fact killed exceptionally for reasons of public security.


Well then it was not 'safe' for the bull then was it. This is clearly a type of 'sport' that sick and demented people of the low levels of intelligence think is acceptable "Oh look I'm a man, I took a ribbon of a bull" and then they are classed a local hero's too! Well all I can say, is like many of your posts, your talking out of your backside again and to be honest you only seem to post to wind people up. As somebody said if you added all your jobs you have mentioned on the forum together you must be over 700 years old already so perhaps its time for you to retire. [:D]

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[quote user="Quillan"][quote user="pachapapa"]

If you review pictures of the event where the 10 year old was sadly injured you will note that there are a lot of young kids present at the event. The reason for this is that the event was in fact a "Concurso de recortadores" and not a "bull fight"such competitions are common in the north of spain and the persons attempting to cut ribbons from the horns of the bull, expose themselves to danger, jump over the bulls horns, etc are in fact local heroes renowned for their skill and bravery. The bulls are not in point of fact killed and this particular bull about to be let out of  the ring to return to the corral. If you have not seen or know of the tradition of recortadores as is apparently the case the youtube clip on the link below may help/


P.S. This bull was in fact killed exceptionally for reasons of public security.


Well then it was not 'safe' for the bull then was it. This is clearly a type of 'sport' that sick and demented people of the low levels of intelligence think is acceptable "Oh look I'm a man, I took a ribbon of a bull" and then they are classed a local hero's too! Well all I can say, is like many of your posts, your talking out of your backside again and to be honest you only seem to post to wind people up. As somebody said if you added all your jobs you have mentioned on the forum together you must be over 700 years old already so perhaps its time for you to retire. [:D]


Sorry cant help you on retirement as I have been retired from active remunerated work now for 24 years already. Indeed I am seriously thinking of a big party next year to celebrate a quarter of a century.[:)]

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

Shortly afterwards I moved north near Burgos to participate in "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" where I met Clint Eastwood, ........


Now that is interesting. I was led to believe the Spanish army provided 1500 extras for the making of the film.

Now I know that in reality it was 1500 Spanish, and one Brit [:D]

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[quote user="sweet 17"]I hate to nitpick, SS, but, surely that would've been 1499 Spaniards and 1 Brit?[:P]  Look, I did have "O" level maths, you know.[/quote]

Smart one sweet.[:)] In fact during the shooting of the film near Salas de Los Infantes there were around 1500 extras including soldiers, locals and foreigners. The soldiers arrived every morning in army vehicles from their barracks in Burgos.

En su rodaje tomaron parte alrededor de 1,500 extras entre militares del Ejército de Burgos y gente de la zona.

Source Diario de Burgos.

In fact PPP and the other non spanish nationals were not included in this total.[:)]

Below link to youtube video with location scenes near Salas de Los Infantes:


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Posting additional post as net is a bit "iify" today after the thunder storms.

The number of 1,500 soldiers is significantly reduced by the substantial number of locals from the zone who were used as extras in the "concentration camp" scenes.

El campo de concentración de Betterville se escenificó en la zona de Carazo; se construyó con barracones militares, una empalizada con torres de vigilancia y fosos que aún hoy son visibles. Representaba el campamento nordista de prisioneros en Texas. Decenas de habitantes del valle del Arlanza participaron para esta escena como extras de la zona.
Source Diario de Burgos.

Comment; the local shooting of the film generated journalistic comment on the occasion of the 40th anniversary.

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The video link only contains short snippets but if you start the time track at 07:57 immediately after the "Carazo" heading, you will see a short but fleeting glimpse of a young and handsome PPP dresed in a Union officers cavalry uniform leading the apprehended Clint Eastwood down through the trenches to the camp command post.[:)]
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"The video link only contains short snippets but if you start the time track at 07:57 immediately after the "Carazo" heading, you will see a short but fleeting glimpse of a young and handsome PPP dresed in a Union officers cavalry uniform leading the apprehended Clint Eastwood down through the trenches to the camp command post"

With all due respect, in the clip you are talking about "a young and handsome PPP", from what I can see , and I do have a little knowledge on the subject of filming, that could be an aardvark in a raincoat.[:D]

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I have been away for 10 days and was surprised to find this thread still at the top and that PPP still has some chains to yank [:)]

Jay wrote:

That pachapapa guy/woman probably lives in Kent and has never been further than Watford. You are so naive to believe anything he/she writes. Usually you find that people who brag so much about where they have travelled/lived in the world have never set foot outside of the town they were born

And Sweet17 wanted to know if he has kept his looks, well I had the priviledge to meet him on my return journey as he very kindly offered me his old computer to replace my asthmatic one.

sorry to disapoint you Jay but I can confirm that he does indeed live where he says and not in Kent, I never had any doubts about where he has worked having travelled in some of these places myself, were you to meet him then you would find that his fluency in Spanish and  French not to mention Bantu and Xhosa does not come from google.

Sweet17 his looks, character and fitness bely hs age and I would have put him at 20 years less than he is, I can only hope that when I reach his age I would have half his energy and character, as for looks well there is no point wishing as I dont have half even now!

Having also seen the bat-cave he certainly has kept his-self busy since stopping work, like me he refuses to call it retirement.

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Well, I for one, am jolly glad that he is neither bad nor ugly.

Because he was so generous with his time and advice when I really needed help that I built up this picure of a nice, decent kind of person and I would have been very disappointed if he fell short of my expectations!

So, thank you, Chance for telling me all about the mysterious Pacha.

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Definitely not all about Pachapapa.

I could have said more (good things of course) but feel that he deserves his anonymity as much as Bruce Wayne [;-)]

I realise that he enjoys needling people on forums, those that bite that is but I have never seen him post anything that was impolite.

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[quote user="Chancer"]

Definitely not all about Pachapapa.

I could have said more (good things of course) but feel that he deserves his anonymity as much as Bruce Wayne [;-)]

I realise that he enjoys needling people on forums, those that bite that is but I have never seen him post anything that was impolite.


Most Definitely IS all about Pachapapa.

If his prime objective is to wind people up (and he is good at it) then the best solution is to completely ignore his posts, which is what I shall do in future.

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I havn't read anywhere that PPP enjoys the sport (your choice of word not mine) of bullfighting.

Given that bullfighting was so much in the news at the time in France, I dont now about the UK media I was interested to learn of the Rejeneo and to see that there is at least one way to continue with the tradition without cruelty.

Bruce Wayne AKA Batman

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Why would someone attend these "events" therefore support them, not enjoy them?

If I were to pay and attend many dog fights, one would assume I enjoyed them, I wouldn't have to state that enjoyment was part of it.

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This one tries hard to never assume.

I have attended many events that have not been to my taste, its called broadening ones horizons and getting to better understand the viewpoint of others.

Some things that I thought that I would not like I enjoyed, others not but I usually could see what the others got out of it.

I do however continue to assume in total ignorance that I would not enjoy a physical relationship with a member of the same sex [:P]

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