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[quote user="just john "]

Dave feels the same, not holding my breath[Www]



Words are cheap. It's down to Cameron to actually do something about it.... not just this case but countless other examples.  I'm waiting to see what sort of evasive, wishy-washy reply I get from my MP, Michael Gove.  To quote JJ "I'm not holding my breath".

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[quote user="Hoddy"]I think many of us are thinking along the same lines as Mr Houston, the father of the girl who was killed. Like him and many others I have always been to work, paid my bills and have never been a liability on the state. I have never even had a speeding ticket. I have brought up two children who behave in the way that I do. I seems to me that the government is not keeping its part of the bargain. They should be providing justice and efficient government services so maybe it's time that people like me wrote to the government and told them that were are resigning from the social contract and will in future behave in a more selfish manner. I'm not thinking of taking up burglary, but I may begin by parking where I want to and when they do me for it I shall draw attention to my resignation. If enough people did this then perhaps the government might actually start to take notice of the ordinary citizen. Hoddy[/quote]

I think that's a brilliant idea and you are very brave. Let us know how you get on, they have Internet access in prison I am told these days so it won't be a problem and I will come and visit. If I were you wait till you get old then at least you will get a nice warm place in the winter to stay (this could be important having seen the last bit of garbage ppp has posted) and decent meals to boot. At least you won't become one of the statistics of old people being left to starve to death in a freezing cold house. [;-)]

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[quote user="woolybanana"]

It is the same wishwashy liberalism that has turned the education system into a joke and which permits extremists to lambast returning troops with obscenities as they march past.

Norman and his ilk have a lot to answer for!


Which Norman are you talking about, Tebbit? Any decent person would not have sent our troops to invade illegally another country or countries in the first place and these morons wouldn't have the opportunity to "lambast returning troops with obscenities".

You know the more I read in this thread and the more it tigress's to other things people are sick and tired of with regards to the UK government in general (irrespective of party) I am thrilled to know it really isn't me and that most decent people are in general rather p*ssed off with the lot of them. I wonder, if we put all these things in a list, called it our manifesto, formed a party and stood for parliament, do you think we might be on a winner?

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[quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="Hoddy"]I think many of us are thinking along the same lines as Mr Houston, the father of the girl who was killed. Like him and many others I have always been to work, paid my bills and have never been a liability on the state. I have never even had a speeding ticket. I have brought up two children who behave in the way that I do. I seems to me that the government is not keeping its part of the bargain. They should be providing justice and efficient government services so maybe it's time that people like me wrote to the government and told them that were are resigning from the social contract and will in future behave in a more selfish manner. I'm not thinking of taking up burglary, but I may begin by parking where I want to and when they do me for it I shall draw attention to my resignation. If enough people did this then perhaps the government might actually start to take notice of the ordinary citizen. Hoddy[/quote]

I think that's a brilliant idea and you are very brave. Let us know how you get on, they have Internet access in prison I am told these days so it won't be a problem and I will come and visit. If I were you wait till you get old then at least you will get a nice warm place in the winter to stay (this could be important having seen the last bit of garbage ppp has posted) and decent meals to boot. At least you won't become one of the statistics of old people being left to starve to death in a freezing cold house. [;-)]


I am told that does not apply to Oscar Wilde's old cell at Wandsworth; perhaps though if he had had a longer stay at Reading...

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In fairness to Michael Gove I have received replies to both my previous emails.

I guess in this particular case one shouldn't have high hopes of any effective action but if you don't try then you can be sure nothing will happen. Other than a few minutes of ones time it costs nothing to write.

One thing is for sure, just complaining on websites won't produce any action. It lets us get it off our chests but that's about it.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

You know the more I read in this thread and the more it tigress's to other things people are sick and tired of with regards to the UK government in general (irrespective of party) I am thrilled to know it really isn't me and that most decent people are in general rather p*ssed off with the lot of them. I wonder, if we put all these things in a list, called it our manifesto, formed a party and stood for parliament, do you think we might be on a winner?


Despite hopes of apparent reforms, way back in the early 1900s when the Liberals became a power for the Tories to reckon with, political leaders mainly have been part of the Oxbridge-Mafia for many years; with few exceptions.

I've often considered the same concept, Q: a sort of political party which only allowed membership to those over say 50.

For two excellent reasons:

One: People over 50 will soon be the majority of UK population:

Two: The money risked and speculated within the City is pretty much a majority of savings, pensions and investments of those over 50!

It was identical in the 1980s "Yuppie" phase. The young plungers were actually borrowing the savings and investments of the over 50s.

Yet it's the over 50s who are, once again, suffering with pathetic interest rates on savings, diminished pensions, pathetic endowments and the rest.

Perhaps we ought to start writing our manifesto!


Before the liberal thought police accuse us of being "Ageist"!

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[quote user="Hoddy"]To get back to the original post, I just heard that the UK Border Agency is going to appeal.


Much good it will do them.

His lawyers will simply shift the case to the European Court: paid out of the public-funded legal aid scheme, naturally.

A good case source reference  Here: Written by a QC.

This latest case is not the only incident, by far.

See here;

See here:

It keeps on going: if you can be bothered. Google the appropriate search fields.

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[quote user="Hoddy"]I have written to my 'new' MP twice since the election on other matters. So far I haven't had a reply. It does rather put you off writing again. Hoddy[/quote]

I had the same so I used to save them all up till the election in the home he would knock on my door canvasing for my vote which would be my opportunity to say "Glad you are here, just a couple of minutes please". Course they don't even bother coming to see you these days.

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In similar vein.............

See here:

Knowing the response times of Essex Police, one wonders how many officers and helicopters would have appeared if Mr Tibbs had have telephoned to report trespassers and burglars on his farm.

Presumably, the doctors treating the miscreants do know the difference between shotgun pellets and rounds of say, ball, from an AK47 or Mac10.

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Crays Hill, well for me that place is just another area to avoid in Essex, our friends had their boat nearby in Wickford stolen, once got it back but where did they come from who nicked it. Crays Hill encampment, for my liking Tony Martin had it bang to rights( although it did not do him much good at his trial)
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