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Keys and Gray


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[quote user="Russethouse"]


 No one going to mention it ?


A pair of overpaid idiots who thought they were above censorship. The interesting thing is that someone in Sky TV must have had it in for them as the "evidence" has been saved for some time. It's not unknown for people in TV to save bits of film and  tape  to make up "funny reels" and blooper tapes, this time the tapes were obviously saved for other reasons.What amazes me is that Grey is consulting his lawyers and threatening to sue for wrongful dismissal. Still; they can't be too intelligent to think that they could get away with saying what they did; when there are live microphones around.

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[quote user="pachapapa"]Sounds like a storm in a teapot.[;-)][/quote]

Wow how about that, I agree. [:D]

These guys obviously upset somebody or Sky wanted them out. But wait, who owns Sky and the News of The World, isn't their going to be some form of enquiry about the same owner controlling too much of the media? Perhaps there is a deeper conspiracy going on here than we know? Anyway it's only football so who cares. [6]

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The man was sacked for asking a fellow professional to tuck a mike down his trousers. I think this is an example of one of those ‘women from are venus men are from mars things’ and that there are men about who simply don’t understand how unfunny and tiresome that kind of remark can be. It puts a woman in a difficult position. If she says she doesn’t find it funny she’s likely to be accused of lacking a sense of humour. I think it’s worth remembering too that this man was in a very senior position and had held this job for a long time. No junior colleague would want to upset him for fear of jeopardising their future career. I read in the Telegraph that both the men involved were regarded as bullies by the production team.

I notice that there are some men who do this kind of thing and some who don’t. I haven’t the slightest interest in football, but I’ve found all the different angles on what has happened quite fascinating.

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To quote Q, "it's only football so who cares" Sounds like you have the same attitude to women as Keys and Grey. Just for your information Q it's a matter of respect for other human beings and bullying of the worst type. I'm sure that you would be less than pleased if someone said the same things to your daughter or maybe you don't care?
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[quote user="Russethouse"] http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/9376139.stm No one going to mention it ? [/quote]

Am I bothered, No, really, it's from another era, Dinosaurs in their last shuffle weren't they?

[quote user="Quillan"] [quote user="pachapapa"]Sounds like a storm in a teapot.[;-)][/quote]

Wow how about that, I agree. [:D] Anyway it's only football so who cares. [6] [/quote]

Exactly, me2, not for me the opium of the masses, as for Murdoch, hasn't this been the mainstay of Sky, so perhaps she'll be offered the position now, that's what they need more young ex model female presenters; Ooops I was forgetting, that's not on either . . . [6]

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 One aspect that I find interesting is that while Mr Gray apparently has 5 children by 4 different mothers this fact takes a back seat, where as when its a woman it is invariably mentioned in the first paragraph, for example Ulrika Johnson has 4 children by 4 different fathers.

I suspect Andy Gray had upset someone along the way, and that someone just waited for the right moment to put the boot in.



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I did read an article yesterday in the Times I think (paper in the tea shoppe) which detailed his love history and was very slanted against him including the comment that he had upset so many people in his time that ''there won't be any tears for him''.
Apparently his daughters are models, and his latest girlfriend is a former friends wife;
It takes two to tango[Www]


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Someone on another thread has highlighted Clarkson making fun of this case and up to a point I agree with him: it is relatively trivial. Having said that, the second-rate position of women in most walks of life is serious and so it's small wonder that women feel that they have to tackle such overt sexism. The covert kind, which keeps them out of parliament and the higher reaches of the professions and industry is more subtle and therefore more difficult to counteract.

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[quote user="Hoddy"]Someone on another thread has highlighted Clarkson making fun of this case and up to a point I agree with him: it is relatively trivial. Having said that, the second-rate position of women in most walks of life is serious and so it's small wonder that women feel that they have to tackle such overt sexism. The covert kind, which keeps them out of parliament and the higher reaches of the professions and industry is more subtle and therefore more difficult to counteract. Hoddy[/quote]

I agree with you last comment a bit but not fully. At the last count there were 144 female MP's to 505 male MP's which means roughly 1/3 are female, just because there are not more women does not mean women are being blocked, perhaps they were either not good enough or none stood to be candidates. I don't agree with positive discrimination just as I don't agree with discrimination, people should always get their job or position purely on ability. Indeed I don't see any logical reason why there cannot be catholic women priests and indeed why they can't rise higher 'through the ranks', a women Pope for example, is not the Queen head of the CofE. Likewise I don't see why men can't join the WI or that whilst girls can join the Scouts boys can't join the Guides.

I saw the thread on Clarkson, he's right in some ways but then a lot of men should be sacked from jobs if you apply the same rule. Lets not forget that this is not a one way problem, I had a member of staff who was subject to sexist comments by a load of women and complained about sexual harassment, we had to move him to another client.

To be honest as PPP said it is a storm in a teacup and lets face it there are far more important things happened in the world so why this should take up so much space on TV and in the papers is beyond me. The thought of Clarkson coming to France is more interesting yet how mundane is that. [;-)]

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I don't agree that the women may 'not be good enough', but maybe they don't stand. I remember a few years ago when Sarah Teather was about to make her maiden speech in the H of C and some bufoon called out "Give her a kiss" - hardly encouraging for a nervous beginner in an overwhelming male environment.

I attended an all girls school where all the staff were women and went on to an all woman college where the majority of the staff were women too. Both of them were well run by excellent heads. Since they went co-educational neither has had female head. Where did the competent women go I wonder ?

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[quote user="Hoddy"]I don't agree that the women may 'not be good enough', but maybe they don't stand. I remember a few years ago when Sarah Teather was about to make her maiden speech in the H of C and some bufoon called out "Give her a kiss" - hardly encouraging for a nervous beginner in an overwhelming male environment. I attended an all girls school where all the staff were women and went on to an all woman college where the majority of the staff were women too. Both of them were well run by excellent heads. Since they went co-educational neither has had female head. Where did the competent women go I wonder ? Hoddy[/quote]

Sorry Hoddy I didn't write that very well did I. What I meant was they picked the best person for the job. If a woman stood to be a candidate for a party at selection and didn't get it then perhaps, along with the other candidates (be they also male or female) she and they were just not good enough compared to the one they chose. Then on the other hand you might be right after reading your last sentence, it was the politico's probably that made it coed I would guess so perhaps it is politicians that are more sexist than most.

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Perhaps a generic equality lesson from the chilean mining industry. The Mine Gabriela Mistral which commenced production in 2008 has around 25% female employees, active in all aspects of the operation including heavy equipment. The EPCM for the mine was done by FLUOR, right up to date, only mine with a fleet of Komatsu 930E trucks controlled automatically without drivers.

A clip of one that got out of control![:D]


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It does make me think that women should stop whining and learn a few sarcastic comebacks and - on the subject of Andy Gray's trousers - there are many.  This episode makes me (as a woman) feel as though the world thinks that all women are inadequate simpering Victorian misses in need of protection.

Mrs R51

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