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Bin Laden, RIH


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[quote user="powerdesal"]It's reasonable to assume that a 'taser' would have immobilised OBL and allowed a live extraction - had they really wanted a live one.[/quote]

Not at all, we are talking about an armed compound with a ''40 minute fire fight'' Just look how difficult it is to get good hostages out alive from armed situations, not possible. IMHO the ending was always the only one, playing by the humanitarian rules was never BL's style.

In any case he was yesterdays man; as Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Syria show, no Al Q there, you might also ask where are the Baader-Meinhof Group.

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Actually they made a mistake and targetted the wrong person, the guy who was killed had a very similar name and unwisely had a long beard which was sufficient to sign his death warrant.

The guy they got was Oussama Ben Laden according to all the French news channels.

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Fox news reported Obama bin Laden, http://www.rtl.fr/actualites/international/article/quand-fox-news-annonce-la-mort-de-obama-ben-laden-7682597876

deliberately subliminal to continue the suggestion that he is really a muslim?
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Quote Q:

Interestingly enough Obama is pretty sure its him but he says its only 99.9% confirmed which leaves 0.01% of doubt.



Leaving aside a mathematical error - we share more than 99,9% DNA with apes.


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Now if only they could show us the body...
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So now the Americans have changed their story twice and now they refuse to release any video or photo's because it might upset people and cause further violence so it seems we must all take their word for him being dead. Given the American ability to make things fit their own political needs like WMD's etc should we believe them? After all Obama's popularity has jumped through the roof where previously he would not stand a chance in hell of getting re-elected. Have they now realised they may have shot a double or somebody else? Perhaps Pakistan were right, they didn't know he was there because he wasn't? I think the world demands proof and the Americans should give it else the old saying comes to mind "Oh what a dreadful web we weave, when first we practice to deceive..." and nobody will believe them. Plus it leaves the door open for all the nutty conspiracy theorists to write what they want (like that idiot David Ike).
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[quote user="NickP"][quote user="Quillan"] Plus it leaves the door open for all the nutty conspiracy theorists to write what they want (.[/quote]

The phrase " people in glass houses " comes to mind. [D][/quote]

Q's scepticism is far short of the nutty theorists. If you have a wet afternoon to spare, try googling "chemtrails". Village idiots of the world unite!



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Look I just want the proof like many others. How can those people who have lost loved ones because of this chap have final closure until they see the proof. History has proved that America cannot, and should not, be trusted. It was they that lied about WMD which has resulted in the invasion, oh sorry I mean freeing from tyrannical rule, of Iraq on the basis that the leader had all these terrible weapons and was a threat to the western world. They invaded and found nothing (Green Zone - excellent film on this although of course only fiction) and hundreds of troops have been killed not to mention the thousands of civilians because of American lies. So forgive me for being a sceptic but I think the world and more importantly those that lost their loved ones deserve to see the proof and only then can we move on.

In the meantime lets face facts here, BL was a figurehead of an organisation which has also sadly 'moved on' and his death will have little or no effect (except possibly revenge terrorist attacks) on El Qaeda who remain just as dangerous, if not more so, than before. The 'intelligence' gathered may lead to some arrests but the nature of how these people work, in cells (one cell knowing nothing about the others) will only have a temporarily effect. For all we know the information given to BL may be false just to make him feel involved because the new boss's knew he may be captured etc one day and he didn't really have to know what was really going on because he was 'retired'. The only way forward and I appreciate people will laugh is with dialog, does it work, well if you want to believe in the IRA cease fire in NI then yes it does. What we don't want to do is bring ourselves down to the same level as these animals which is, in my opinion, what we are seeing currently in America.

By the way I hate conspiracies, I am not trying to create one at all I am simply asking for is the truth and the proof that goes with it. OK if they don't want to show photo's of his body but the could reproduce 'stills' from the video camera mounted on the guys that shot him just before they pulled the trigger so we know it's him.

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[quote user="NickP"]

[quote user="Quillan"] Plus it leaves the door open for all the nutty conspiracy theorists to write what they want (.[/quote]

The phrase " people in glass houses " comes to mind. [D]


Nick, are you quite serious in that you believe irrevocably that the Americans shot him and you have absolutely no doubt in your mind what so ever?

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[quote user="Quillan"][quote user="NickP"]

[quote user="Quillan"] Plus it leaves the door open for all the nutty conspiracy theorists to write what they want (.[/quote]

The phrase " people in glass houses " comes to mind. [D]


Nick, are you quite serious in that you believe irrevocably that the Americans shot him and you have absolutely no doubt in your mind what so ever?


I never said that at all, those are your words. I just love to read all these theories put out by Daily Mirror and Daily Mail readers. [:D] I do think though that the Americans were quite right to not trust the Pakistanis, after all if they cheat at cricket? [Www]

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[quote user="NickP"][quote user="Quillan"][quote user="NickP"]

[quote user="Quillan"] Plus it leaves the door open for all the nutty conspiracy theorists to write what they want (.[/quote]

The phrase " people in glass houses " comes to mind. [D]


Nick, are you quite serious in that you believe irrevocably that the Americans shot him and you have absolutely no doubt in your mind what so ever?


I never said that at all, those are your words. I just love to read all these theories put out by Daily Mirror and Daily Mail readers. [:D] I do think though that the Americans were quite right to not trust the Pakistanis, after all if they cheat at cricket? [Www]


I think you don't have to limit yourself to the Mail and Mirror, try all the 'broad sheets' where people are much of the same opinion. It's probably the only time for a while where I have read 'readers comments' when it's difficult to tell which newspaper they come from.

Come to think of it you may be right about Pakistan. [;-)]

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[quote user="Bugsy"]STOP PRESS: BIN LADEN FOUND ALIVE !!!

In disguise though.




Love the shoes, is that the 'in' style and colour this year or are they a statement about his sexuality? [:D]

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Not really kept up with the thread I'm afraid however it strikes me that if he were not dead then it would be a stunning and irresistable coup for his followers and sympathisers to prove it which they could very easily do by the time honoured mechanism of publishing a video of him accompanied by a contemperaneous piece of media, newspaper, TV clip etc., to unequivocally establish the date and time.


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Or keep everyone guessing and post something on the Internet in say 6 months time.

I see on the lunchtime news (that's the BBC not the DM) that the UN Security Secretary or whatever he's called is not too happy about America's invasion (for all of 40 minutes) of Pakistan.

I think the politicians and in particular America all think it's some form of game, unfortunately these games have a habit of back firing.

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All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing J F Kennedy quoting Burke.

 Q you really have got me on this, I just can't understand anyone doubting the US having just cause to dispose of BL, nor anyone believing after sharing Intelligence with Pakistan that subsequently leaked, so that targets escaped, thinking that they should not conduct future operations covertly. It all has a price to pay but in the grand scheme of things surely terrorists and States that harbour them forfeit their rights for the common good? Are you saying their rights have precedence?

I saw on the news that the Archbishop of Canterbury is uncomfortable that BL was shot while unarmed? what planet is he on after the thousands of innocents BL murdered in a single terrorist attack? (we are not talking about armed conflict here).

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[quote user="AnOther"]

Not really kept up with the thread I'm afraid however it strikes me that if he were not dead then it would be a stunning and irresistable coup for his followers and sympathisers to prove it which they could very easily do by the time honoured mechanism of publishing a video of him accompanied by a conteperaneous piece of media, newspaper, TV clip etc., to unequivocally establish the date and time.


[/quote] Unless of course he died years ago as was thought by some quarters and this is just of way of putting it to bed, and boosting Obama's ratings etc. Can the US really fly so freely in Pakistan airspace without being challenged?
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