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Social Charges - here we go again!


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Good for you UaG !

When we first arrived in France .. after our bizarre experiences renting the dreadful UK owned and run gite for 3 months .. we rented 'à l'année' from a proper (well almost) French owner. There we were surrounded on 3 sides by French families who were super helpful and who 'nursed' us through our first year of genuine life in France.

One of the phrases I was taught was 'il faut râler' .. by our lovely neighbour, who worked for the fraud section of the tax office in Vannes .. when I explained that gentle, brought-up-to-be-polite-at-all-times English people did not do that lightly .. and certainly not in a foreign country, where we had invited ourselves and were not guests.

Her reply has stayed with me through the ensuing years ..

Il te faut apprendre à râler .. sinon ils ne te prendront pas au sérieux'.

Still I find that complaining is the most hard thing to do here.
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Sue, how I do use that expression in England. When things go wrong, I simply 'rale' and tell them that it is what any self respecting french person would do, 'rale', when confronted by such dreadful service. I was really in France far too long for that not to have rubbed off on me.

Years ago, in France, I  went to an evening organised by psychologists.  Friends had said it would be something different and interesting.

Three people came onto the stage, all psychologists apparently, one playing M Dupont, another a  clerk and a third person to address the audience.

It started with M Dupont at the Impots, having been overcharged and unable to get a refund. He had been there 10 times already and seen a different person every time.

 M Dupont shouted at the clerk he was seeing saying things like, I don't believe it, yet someone else to explain all to.

At which point, the third person, intervened with the audience and said that he would be wrong to complain, he must be polite.

And so it went on, as the person playing M Dupont was very angry about it all, this third  person kept saying that he should have simply told his story........ yet again and let people do their jobs.

In the end I walked out, because it was a load of rollocks, there was no indication as to whether in real life, the clerk would have done their job at all either. Just that the injured party should not upset people who are 'NOT' doing their jobs......  the poor victims  should be patient and accepting.

As I said a load of rollocks and I felt that someone who was being messed about by the system had every right to be annoyed, very annoyed. Still french law says that one should not be nasty to fonctionnaires, but it would be helpful if they did their jobs properly though.

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Ah Idun .. if only I had the answer ?

Fortunately things do seem to have improved in the almost 15 years since we arrived ..

Today, especially where we are in southern Brittany, most, if not nearly all fonctionnaires, are invariably truly knowledgeable and helpful.

Though I have experienced the odd bod who played the 'you are to regard me as your superior' card .. so they came into the category of requiring deft handling .. not always immediately successful .. but you live and learn .. so no acquired knowledge is never without value.
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In the last 15 years, has not been our experience, as we still have regular financial dealings with France, during the last few years, I have had some right royal 'battles'. AND I imagine will have more in the future.... sadly!

I am sending you a PM Sue.

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Sue - Looks like Vannes are working on these now.

This morning received a letter from Vannes (dated 20/12/19) informing us that reimbursement will be made into our bank account. The amount ties up with our claims. Not in our account yet!. However, no mention of interest payments so will send email next week to claim these.
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Hi mint - just wondered if you had received money in the bank yet. The letter we received was dated 20 December but we have still not received ours. I realise that Christmas and New Year have probably caused some delay and wondered if I should wait before contacting them. Will not contact them re interest until after we have received the initial amount.

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Bonjour, fittersmate.  I beg your pardon, I have just seen your question, having been out most of the afternoon and evening yesterday.

No, no money in the bank account yet but I have had 3 messages on my secure messagerie, each relating to the relevant year, the 3rd one being 2017.  The messages detail the amount of claim (totalement) together with separate amounts for "réstitution".  Strangely enough, the amount for réstitution for 2017 was actually more than the amount for repayment.

The person(s) responsible has apparently been instructed; so I am hoping not much longer to wait?

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Just got a letter asking for proof that I am in the system of another country in the EU, such as an E 121. Thought it was now called S1?

Will have to dig into the old files though I know they have already had one when I made an earlier claim. Of well, left hand and right hand...![/quote]

I sent them an attestation, which you can download from your Ameli espace personnel.

They should be satisfied if it shows the "code gestion" as 70, which indicates you are covered by another country.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just to say they have now paid me the money owed from social charges for '15, '16 and '17 and also 50% estimated for money I will spend to pay my salariés (sounds grander than it appears) on cheque d'emploie scheme based on my use of such services last year.

Hope everyone else has also been repaid.

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Yes, fittersmate.  I had reason to believe they would pay up on the 15th of this month as I had another email from the local office saying they would be making a payment to me for something else.

Did you get a letter as well as an email in your messagerie?  I ask because the email came about a fortnight before the letter.  And now the payment is another fortnight further on.  But all done and dusted now for us.

Good luck, fittersmate[:)]

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Thanks mint. I had a letter from the Division du control fiscal in Vannes which was dated 16 December but arrived just before the New Year. This was an avis de degrevement confirming the amounts that would be paid into our account.

Then we received 3 letters dated 3 January (one for each of the years claimed) confirming that a degrevement had been awarded. Nothing on our messagerie and nothing yet received in our bank account!
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OK, guys, the very LATEST update.  Had a total of FIVE letters this morning, two of which contained cheques.

As far as I could make out, none of the figures make any sense and do not relate to earlier letters.  HOWEVER, the total amount EXCEEDS that which was promised!

Three of said 5 letters set out in detail how the dégrèvements were calculated and the sums were paid by virement.  The 2 containing cheques said they were for "réstitution"

Can't get my head round the figures at all but then I am not known for being numerate (only a so-so O level for maths).

The important thing is, I believe all the stuff is correctly done.  Fittersmate and Sue, as Wooly says, they are bound to be paying you soon.  Also, as I have explained, don't be surprised if the repayments appear to be from different offices.  I have one amount paid by the local office, 2 by the départemental office and 2 from Strasbourg.

Goodness knows what sort of communications all the people involved must have had[8-)]  When they have all finished writing each other memos, they will get round to distributing the dosh and you will be paid[:D]

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  • 3 weeks later...
Success at last!

I contacted DGFIP via messagerie on Monday asking why, despite having received 3 letters from them on 3 January confirming the dégrèvements, we still had not received the payments into our account.

I received a reply from them yesterday morning confirming that a virement had been done on 5 February. Arrived in our bank account this morning.

They also sent details of how the interest has been worked out and stated that payment will be made separately.
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Long time no post! (because nothing to report).  Now can report letter received (dated 31/01/2020) conceding full refund of 2015 contributions. Still to be repaid.  Demands for 2016,2017, and now 2018, have been submitted and acknowledged.

Things seem to be moving at last.

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