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[quote user="Cathar Tours"]Not quite yet he isn't but he will be.[/quote]

Oh dear. Steinmeier has been President since March 2017.

[quote user="Cathar Tours"]Who is the French President? I bet you don't know.[/quote]

Of course I know. It's Mr Macron, in case you don't.

Let me know if you need any more information.

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Well I asked about the German President and how much he earns and what his other 'benefits' are and

how much the total cost is to the german people.

Ofcourse I know who the PM is, in Germany, and she is a she, soon to 'retire' or so the news said recently.

Not all politicans have their noses in the trough, and some just happily accept what is 'given' to them.

I do wonder why the attack on Nomoss, and as I was once threatened on here by someone who knew my address, I find it frankly contemptible. This is not a forum for such intimidation.

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Moderators. I have tried to use the "Report" button, but it just throws up an error when I try to post from it..

[quote user="Cathar Tours"]How big is your mouth and how long is your

willy. I told you before but you never listen and now I know where you

live but you don't know where I live. Happy hunting old moron.[/quote]


is a thinly veiled threat, besides being out of line for language.

As someone remarked on a TV programme yesterday, social media has become the modern equivalent of writing on lavatory walls for some people.

I realise that feeble people hide behind their keyboards to make threats they would never have the courage to repeat face to face, let alone carry out, but some are crazy enough for anything. I am

not responding to him and I think he should be banned.


don't know why he keeps attacking me, but he probably does have my name

and address from going through his father's papers after his death. 

His father was Cxxxx Kxxxxx, "Quillan" on this forum.

His father knew my name and address, as we exchanged a few emails about each other.

Maybe this man has me confused with someone else.

EDIT: I use the term "man" reservedly.

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nomoss wrote the following post at 14 Feb 2021 17:45:

Moderators. I have tried to use the "Report" button, but it just throws up an error when I try to post from it..

You have to copy and paste the title of the post you want to report in the space above the message box .. if you forget that then you encounter the problem you did.

Try again .. Hoddy always replies .. or message Woolly.
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Ken wrote the following post at 15/02/2021 7:05:

"I didn't know the Prime Minister had spent £100, 000 on a photographer to photograph his dog whilst leaving the poor workers to struggle to feedl their kids and rely on handouts. It's disgraceful!"

Here's The Independent's version, so I don't get accused of quoting from left wing sources:


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[quote user="suein56"]nomoss wrote the following post at 14 Feb 2021 17:45:

Moderators. I have tried to use the "Report" button, but it just throws up an error when I try to post from it..

You have to copy and paste the title of the post you want to report in the space above the message box .. if you forget that then you encounter the problem you did.

Try again .. Hoddy always replies .. or message Woolly.[/quote]

Thank you Sue. I'm not sure what you mean by the title of the post. Does each post's heading contain a code to identify it?

Or do you mean I have copy and paste the title of the thread into the Subject box, and that putting anything else there will cause the error?

I put something like "Cathar Tour's post" in the Subject box.

In any case, the offensive post has now been removed, so I can't report it.

It's not the first time that has happened.

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nomoss wrote the following post at 15 Feb 2021 10:57:

Or do you mean I have copy and paste the title of the thread into the Subject box, and that putting anything else there will cause the error?

Yes .. putting anything other than the actual title of the thread (or the post-in-question) in the Subject box will screw up the report.

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3If you are going to quote then it would be nice to quote accurately!"

Fair enough, sorry if I misled you. I assumed most people who were interested, would have read the story and would know what I was referring to. Obviously the dog photos alone didn't cost that much. But the serious point is that the government spends very large amounts of taxpayers' money on employing not one but three photographers, one of them being a vanity photographer for the PM, representing unprecedented PR expense for a UK government, at a time when nmost of the country is having to tighten its belts.
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[quote user="suein56"]nomoss wrote the following post at 15 Feb 2021 10:57:

Or do you mean I have copy and paste the title of the thread into the Subject box, and that putting anything else there will cause the error?

Yes .. putting anything other than the actual title of the thread (or the post-in-question) in the Subject box will screw up the report.[/quote]

Thank you again, Sue. That would never have occurred to me.

The forum guide just says "If you encounter users who

you feel are abusing the message boards, please do not respond to them.

These users are only encouraged when their messages provoke a response,

so the best thing you can do is ignore them. Click on the 'Report' link

on their message and Forum Admin or a moderator will deal with the

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