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I am posting this in 'other topics' as it isn't 'french'.

I have read some bad things on here about the NHS and good too, but here is what has happened to me recently. Saw my GP two weeks ago and he suggested an MRI on my knee. A couple of days later, I was given a number to call to make an appointment. However, I called the Dr and asked it I could have both knees MRI'd, that was last Tuesday. Had the MRI's done yesterday afternoon. Frankly I think that that is good. Must add, none urgent.


Good so far really, same same for our families.



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Was that the NHS 'Choose and Book' system, where you are given a number of options, and can choose one, by reputation and/or waiting time?

In our experience it works pretty well; not a lot of people seem to be aware of it, particularly the British in France who love to find fault with the UK systems.

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My family has used the 'choose and book' system several times, and it works very well. I wish more clinics etc were available for that system. I've waited weeks for letters giving me dates for 2 clinics I had to cancel in Novem,ber and December, when I had the flu. I finally braved the parking at our local hospital last week and went to talk to the booking clerk at the more important of the clinics. She had had a cancellation that morning for 8 weeks time, and gave me that. It meant I could then ring the more minor clinic, to arrange a date for the procedure, which must be done several weeks before the other appointment. I do wish they would co-ordinate the 2 departments.

I'm one of those who complained in the other thread; but I did note that ''I'm normally a staunch supporter of all things NHS, having had excellent treatment for serious conditions myself, my OH, sister-in-law over the last couple of years plus fantastic care when my grand daughter was born in August and stopped breathing.''

I'm glad everything went ahead swiftly for you, Idun.

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My running partner has had tendonitus since the beginning of December so she has not been able to run, she has been to her médécin a few times, tablets, anti_inflammatoires etc without avail, she told me today that she has to go for an IRM and the first appointment she can get is Feb 29th.

She is still working but should really be signed off as she has trouble walking and should really take the weight off her feet although never would do so.

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One of the physios here worked in the UK for a year and was trying to tell me how terrible the NHS was compared to France.  It certainly can be good here but boy, do you pay for it?  There are good and bad in both countries, much like everything in life really.

Both systems could do with a massive shake-up in the admin department though.

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I've just come back from the local hospital, (the same as GG's) It took me so long to park that I was late for the appointment which was a pre op swab for a small op in 10 days time, however there was a blip and I waited 3 hours for a 2 min apointment - not impressed today although usually I'm full of praise.

Before Christmas I had earache and was seen by the Doctor within 2 hours and ears syringed 4 days later (in the meantime I was instructed to use olive oil to loosen the wax to assist the syringing)

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It seems to me it's a 'post code lottery' in both countries. My treatment in the UK was terrible and that was in London. Down here I have quite a good choice and the treatment is fantastic. I think, from the information I get from the family back in the UK, that there is a 'north, south divide' when it comes to healthcare and it's much better in the north.
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Yes, I agree with the post code lottery Q. My hospital stay in France was terrible. I had to go in five months later for more tests and the anasthesist asked what was wrong and I just smiled and said that I thought that they were going to kill me. I was genuinely surprised when I woke up. And I had to wait months for a CT scan and never ever got the results, neither did my GP in spite of constant requests.


For my MRI, I just called a number and was booked for Sunday, no idea what the system is and my local hospital was just fine for me, as it wasn't urgent I really wouldn't have wanted to travel further.

I do have to travel further though soon, I have to go the dental hospital in Newcastle and the wait to get an appointment is 16 weeks. Which will be OK as I am dreading my visit and feel sick as a dog just thinking about it.

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