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Have the Germans


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I wouldn't say they are hated.

Look at it this way. Greece has received an a lot of money to bail it out and in fairness the Germans are probably the biggest single contributor. Greece is like a naughty child, it gets the money then spends it. Most goes to pay interest on it's debts but around 18% goes to Greece to help run the country yet they are spending more than that 18% so they are getting further and further in to debt. There comes a point (and it's arrived in Germany's view) where somebody has to take control of how they spend because it's clear Greece does not have a clue and as it's EU money (mainly Germany's) they feel it's time to sort it out because clearly the Greeks can, or won't, do it themselves. If you can get C4 on the Internet look for a documentary called 'Go Greek for a Week', unbelievable and it may help you understand why people are getting fed up with Greece.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]

NO SODDIN COMMON SENSE. No wonder that they are so hated



Wrong again woolywun...

Correct term is a Gauleiter

                                           but nevertheless a strange coincidence that Gau and Greece should both begin with "G".

But I am sure the greeks will quickly adjust to the free complimentary state service for punching holes in belts and the noble Leiter leading the Gau to national socialist salvation.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]

No problem with that Q, but the Germans cannot be the people to suggest this, given their past and a small question of about 60-90billion in forced loans taken in the 2WW and never repaid.

Most of us do not appreciate the nastiness visited upon Greece in the 2WW


Yes but that was two possibly three generations ago now. Everyone has a skeleton in their cupboard, should we not pay compensation to the familes of those the British killed in the The Jallianwala Bagh massacre in India (1919) or the Qissa Khwani bazaar (1930) or the starving to death of women and children during the Boar war. What about the bombing of Dresden which the UK just about got out of being prosecuted for. The looting, against the Hague convention, of Bayeux and Caen during Operation Overlord. The torturing of high ranking German POW's in "The Cage" a MI19 facility in London during and shortly after the war. The 'no prisoner' order during the D Day landings because the allies didn't have the facilities for them. That's just the British, the Americans were even worse.

Where I am going with this is nobody has clean hands and it is now 70 years since the end of the war and the majority of the European population were not even born back then. We cannot live in the past (although we should remember it to stop it happening again), we must move forward.

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Nackers, Q. The allegations against the British are not against a whole nation, nor did we use this as a policy, as opposed to the Germans and others. What happened to the Greeks was much worse and systematic, and they have rightly never forgotten.

No, the Germans only have a place at the centre of Europe if they first understand why thay have no place.

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Did not Greece lie about their financial situation in order to enter the euro? No doubt at that time blind eyes would have been employed in order to enlarge the 'club'.

I view this down aty a personal level - if you have maxed out on credit cards etc you have to suddenly replan finances in a very hard way. However, if a partner still wants to carry on spending then there is a big problem.

Greece have maxed out on their 'credit cards' yet some of the population are staging protests etc about the harsh financial changes that are needed. Is it not right that other countries look to protect the loans given by financial institutions within their country?

Looks like 50% of Greek debt might be written off. If I were one of those institutions I do not think I would be very happy with parts of the country wanting to carry on as before.

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[quote user="krusty"]

It has taken the BBC a long time to find this "leaked" information .

It was announced way back at the end of October last year.[:-))]

"Europe’s inspectors will henceforth establish an occupation office in Athens"



So you were privy to a pre-release in southern cyprus...bully for you!

Strange as Der Spiegel only caught up with all this on saturday 28th...if the link gives more information than you need...sorry...just keep the change.[:P]


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[quote user="krusty"]

As you come out with a load of crap as usual pachapapa" So you were privy to a pre-release in southern cyprus...bully for you!"

I was only pointing out an article dated 30th Oct 2011 by a UK paper.


Quite to the contrary you took the liberty of ridiculing the BBC et al for their abject stupidity in only NOW getting their knowledge base up to date.

Your quote: "

It has taken the BBC a long time to find this "leaked" information .

It was announced way back at the end of October last year.Woot! [:-))] : End your quote.

The crux of the thread is concerned with a document that entered the public domain during the Davos Conference.

I would suggest that your post might well be dismissed as irrelevant.

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The real crux of this thread is to do with the Germans and common sense. Whatever the economic facts are it is also true that there is deep and long standing distrust of Germany in Greece.This is another factor which one could argue the Germans should have taken into account.

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Petulant child Greece. Daddy is saying that if you want your allowance, there are rules. Sounds like families doesn't it.

I don't blame Germany for doing this now. But I do blame Germany and all the other euro countries for letting 'poor' economies in, in the first place. Maybe..... France, Germany, Beligum, Luxembourg and Holland and it would have worked, but the rest, well I never understood it. One thing for sure, it'll cost the Germans a lot to keep it afloat.

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Watching the "Sarko Show" at the moment and I am beginning seriously to think that Claire Chazal,is brighter.

The germans are using the dwarf, cos he is stupid, vain, arrogant, with a serious inferiority complex.

The germans are intelligently milking the eurozone crisis.

Good luck to them, they are blessed witha superior gene pool in terms of darwinian natural selection.

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