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Sick visiting can be an - er - interesting experience. Yesterday I arrived to find a grumpy lobster. Most of Deb was bright red, and because it is all so itchy, she hadn't slept much. Eating was beyond her, too. I didn't stay long! Today her car needed servicing, so I dumped it at the dealer and caught the tram to the hospital. No sign of Deb, who had gone for another scan!Deb appeared just before I returned having got the car back. She'd been gone 3 hours for a 15 min scan. So far the scans haven't identified anything to cause her problems and her lungs are fine after 35 years smoking - but she has something on her uterus, something on her brain. I'm cancelling our annual trip to Belgium for sportscars (24 hrs of Spa). Yawn.
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[quote user="idun"]

Will they keep her in for another week until the next MRI? Has she got a laptop, can she look in here and post, might help with the boredom and distract from the itching.

[/quote]We've never managed to get online in this hospital, sadly. L'Arche, the rehab place, was better, but then many patients were there for months, so it made some sense. If we get lucky - so will you!
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I don't know if this is any use to you but possibly. I know that Copperola had an accident. I have myofacial syndrome and fybromyalgia, which it seems often follows an accident. There are numerous diverse symptoms and it is very rarely that doctors diagnose it. One of the symptoms is a very large stomache. I have also had rashes and all sorts of other symptoms. The symptoms change from hour to hour, day to day, but the huge stomache is, unfortunately, a long-term symptom. Fybromyalgia can also cause gynae problems. There is no test for fybromyalgia and when I was in hospital here the doctors knew nothing about it. I have done a lot of research on the illness and have found what works for me - the most important aspect is managing it. Please feel free to contact me if you need any more info. 

I do hope that Copperola's health improves quickly.  


Kind regards



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Took Deb down to the entrance today in a hospital wheelchair, hoping to do a tour of the grounds, but it was breezy and spitting with rain, so we snuck back under cover for a few minutes, then went to the cafe. Made a change, and she is so much better than she was. An intensive eye-test on Friday revealed nothing sinister - except a (common at our age, apparently) potential for a detached retina. This week may well be a turning point in getting to the bottom of it all, with the gynae people probably having another look now D is stronger, and a Positron Emission Tomography scan on Tuesday. That was booked a fortnight ago, suggesting that it is an important and valuable technique, not to be readily had like an x-ray!
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[quote user="cooperlola2"]Took Deb down to the entrance today in a hospital wheelchair, hoping to do a tour of the grounds, but it was breezy and spitting with rain, so we snuck back under cover for a few minutes, then went to the cafe. Made a change, and she is so much better than she was. An intensive eye-test on Friday revealed nothing sinister - except a (common at our age, apparently) potential for a detached retina. This week may well be a turning point in getting to the bottom of it all, with the gynae people probably having another look now D is stronger, and a Positron Emission Tomography scan on Tuesday. That was booked a fortnight ago, suggesting that it is an important and valuable technique, not to be readily had like an x-ray![/quote]

I have had two of these in the past.  If you need any information don't hesitate to send a pm.

It takes a long time, as they inject a radioactive product and time it over a long and precise period  It is also important not to exercise before as this can falsify the results.

The hardest part is staying still for a couple of hours

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