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I have just read that a man has pleaded guilty to beating his girlfriend for 12 hours and gougin her eyes out. He also smashed her jaw and broke her nose.


This woman has children she'll never see again.


So what punishment have we got that would fit that crime.


For me this is as bad as murder, I cannot even imagine what pain one suffers if someone gouged eyes out. Will he get a tap on the hand, say five years out in two? who would want him living near them, never mind next door?

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I’m sorry but what on earth is the point of

this post?

I look in on this forum for information and a

bit of light relief with a cuppa,  not to

have distressing and awful images brought to my attention, merely in an attempt

to initiate some sort of  ghoulish “discussion”.

This is a single isolated act of the utmost barbarism

committed by some insane monster, and as such it is surely not worthy of any

form of debate. 

I'm sure we all have better things to do.

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I read the report but I think the headline was not factual, whilst what he did was despicable and to me he is the worst type of humanity it doesnt appear that he did actually gouged her eyes out rather that she was left blinded after the attack, not that that is any sort of comfort to her or mitigation to him, just a typical tabloid headline.
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Finn this is in 'other topics', so you'll get a bit of many things in 'other topics' and I did call it 'Punishment' too.  

Worthy of debate, well, yes, I would like a debate about it. Punishment is often not dished out any more and I feel quite strongly that it is dished out in this case. I would rather like to know what others think.

And if this were France, well this happened last year and in France this man could have been held in custody for what, five, seven years before it came to trial, and then as punishment is not always dished out in France either, then he could have got say five years and been let out immediately as 'time served'.

If you have better things to do than think about 'justice' and 'punishment' so be it, obviously I don't.

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[quote user="Chancer"]I read the report but I think the headline was not factual, whilst what he did was despicable and to me he is the worst type of humanity it doesnt appear that he did actually gouged her eyes out rather that she was left blinded after the attack, not that that is any sort of comfort to her or mitigation to him, just a typical tabloid headline.[/quote]

I was going to say "hang on there a minute it said on the BBC midday news that he gouged her eyes out". Then I thought Daily Mail, Guardian, Times, Sun, BBC etc, they are all the same really, seldom get anything factual.

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I've just heard this woman interviewed on Radio 4. He strangled her into unconsciousness and then gouged her eyes with a screwdriver. He held her captive for 12 hours afterwards which delayed the possibility of medical help. He told her that she had made him do it.

Idun asked what punishment he should receive. I am tempted to suggest that he be put down.

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[quote user="Hoddy"]  I am tempted to suggest that he be put down. Hoddy[/quote]

Too quickly over (not for her) for him; (although I do make an exception for the Chinese system of capital punishment where the organs are immediately made available for transplant). Far better that he is incarcerated and obliged to work to repay his debt to her and the cost of incarceration.
(who says - 'tin hat on'?)

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He has got 11 and a half years imprisonment, probably less in the end, but what concerns me is that he is not going to come out any different from how he was when he went in.

We need a re-think about whether our society can ever change a person and how it can be done, or are some people just plain evil?

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I think we need to try and make people different before they even commit these violent crimes. There are so many of these cases where women and sometimes even whole families are murdered or very badly injured that I think we need to have a close look at society's attitudes.

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[quote user="Finn Dooley"]

I’m sorry but what on earth is the point of this post?

I look in on this forum for information and a bit of light relief with a cuppa,  not to have distressing and awful images brought to my attention, merely in an attempt to initiate some sort of  ghoulish “discussion”.

This is a single isolated act of the utmost barbarism committed by some insane monster, and as such it is surely not worthy of any form of debate. 

I'm sure we all have better things to do.


With 12 posts to Finns credit he/she comes on here and starts dictating what can and can't be posted!!!!!!


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[quote user="just john "]

[quote user="Hoddy"]  I am tempted to suggest that he be put down. Hoddy[/quote]

Too quickly over (not for her) for him; (although I do make an exception for the Chinese system of capital punishment where the organs are immediately made available for transplant). Far better that he is incarcerated and obliged to work to repay his debt to her and the cost of incarceration.
(who says - 'tin hat on'?)


Now the Chinese had at one time a capital punishment whereby slices of flesh were slowly cut off the condemned - John that will not be very quick.

I would prefer him to be put down rather than have the UK taxpayer for him to be kept in prison, no doubt with the added expense of appeals.


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[quote user="PaulT"][quote user="Finn Dooley"]

I’m sorry but what on earth is the point of this post?

I look in on this forum for information and a bit of light relief with a cuppa,  not to have distressing and awful images brought to my attention, merely in an attempt to initiate some sort of  ghoulish “discussion”.

This is a single isolated act of the utmost barbarism committed by some insane monster, and as such it is surely not worthy of any form of debate. 

I'm sure we all have better things to do.


With 12 posts to Finns credit he/she comes on here and starts dictating what can and can't be posted!!!!!!



Which she is entitled to do. I think she is wrong, but she has a perfect write to post the comment. It is a forum after all.
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[quote user="Finn Dooley"] This is a single isolated act of the utmost barbarism committed by some insane monster, and as such it is surely not worthy of any form of debate.  I'm sure we all have better things to do.


Do we really nice people have better things to do than to be aghast at the plight of this woman and man's inhumanity in this case to a woman?
I would hope not, even if simple ephemeral comments, the least we might do is express a little sympathy, and a lot of anger . . .

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]In principle, yes. In practice, do forums really exist to fulfill the requirements of  their readers, or their contributors?
[/quote]An interesting subject for debate. IMO a successful forum must cater for both readers and contributors or else the forum will fail
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[quote user="Rabbie"][quote user="You can call me Betty"]In principle, yes. In practice, do forums really exist to fulfill the requirements of  their readers, or their contributors?

[/quote]An interesting subject for debate. IMO a successful forum must cater for both readers and contributors or else the forum will fail[/quote]

I agree. However, if the readers want to dictate what the contributors can contribute, and yet don't themselves want to become contributors, then maybe (at the risk of using a variation of the word "contribute" yet again!) what incentive do the contributors have to carry on? Let's face it, without the writers, the readers would have nothing to do. Or indeed, to complain about!

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]In principle, yes. In practice, do forums really exist to fulfill the requirements of  their readers, or their contributors?


But this person did contribute and was shot down in flames for having the nerve to do so. Less than 10 posts.... well what right does she have to hold an opinion? I think she had every right (and I still disagree with her on the content of her post).

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Did I have a problem with Finn's post. Yes, when I first read it I was livid, so angry that someone had decided that not only was I morbid, but that my choice of possible discussion was inacceptable and should not be on this board. And it felt like a cheap shot, their having been a member for so long and so few posts. And worse still, the comment, which sounded like a demand that the board is here to inform and perform as some sort of amusement for them.


I wrote quite a polite reply, it took some time, but I did it.


I stick by my post of believing it is worthy of debate. And that is how I feel about this.


Is the board for those that post and/or those that read? That for me is easy. No one posts, there is no board and nothing to read. And only under rare circumstances should posters be driven away.




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[quote user="Finn Dooley"]  I look in on this forum for information and a

bit of light relief with a cuppa,  not to

have distressing and awful images brought to my attention, merely in an attempt

to initiate some sort of  ghoulish “discussion”...
I'm sure we all have better things to do.    [/quote]

I have no objection to people contributing a different view. I have no objection to people objecting to the content of a topic and taking a stance different from that of the OP. Indeed, I rather think that's part of the point of a forum.

When someone makes a statement such as the above, however, the tone implies that they visit as a reader and yet wish to influence the overall content of the forum to make it conform to their reading requirements. That's something I disagree with.

I think we can all probably agree that the above poster's right to object, and mine to respond, are both worth airing. As are all the other views contained in this thread. I do think it's regrettable that regular contributors appear to be censured (or censored, take your pick) by people who, by their own admission, "look in" to a forum. I wonder, in the long run, who might end up driving who away?

There's either something horrible embedded in Finn Dooley's post, or my quotes have all gone bonkers

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My objection is purely and simply :

With 12 posts to Finns credit he/she comes on here and starts dictating what can and can't be posted!!!!!!

As if the number of posts a person makes is the yard stick by which we measure the credibility of their argument. (Which we know is not true, think of prolific posters who could post utter tosh, Outcast for an old example and..... I'd best not mention a modern one but he does spring to mind)

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I think possibly that implicit in that comment was some degree of surprise that it had taken 4 years to rack up those few posts, and that the motivation for breaking an otherwise consistent silence was to suggest what others should be posting, coupled with a fairly clear indication that this was not what Finn  (and it's hard to argue a case for Finn being much other than a reader) wanted to read.

To be honest, I'm wondering why it's wrong to "shoot Finn down in flames" but it's perfectly OK to "shoot PaulT down in flames".  On a good day, you could argue that they could both have worded their posts differently, but if everyone's entitled to an opinion, then they are both entitled to theirs...

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"] I'm wondering why it's wrong to "shoot Finn down in flames" but it's perfectly OK to "shoot PaulT down in flames".   [/quote]

The forum does already have rules for contributors, and the contributors are the community of the forum, to paraphrase the contribution of a mod recently, ''if you don't like what is posted, don't comment,'' better yet, make a contribution of some positive value to the forum rather trying to impose a negative set of rules.

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I look in on this forum for information and a bit of light relief with a cuppa,

That's fine, but other people view the forum for other reasons and as long as they post within the Code of Conduct they have the right to post what they think is appropriate (within some parameters and bearing in mind the nature of the forum)

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I started to read Idun's first post, thinking ah! an interesting discussion on how to train children eg to smack or not to smack [:)]

But soon realised it wasn't that, so stopped reading.

like other topics, if it doesn't suit, don't read.

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