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Any News of Pachapapa


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There have only been two posters who should never be on any board, one was outcast. He truly was the exception. The other,well, cannot remember their name and maybe that was outcast too in another carnation.

Onerous, yes, this system is onerous.

It isn't as if I have not had big rows with some and at the receiving end of terrible insults. My biggest worry about any of these was always because of Deards, who posted my name, address and phone number. It was a worry that there were other posters who may have been so reckless and 'off it', that they would have come after me in real life. Clairus, it didn't do to contrary some of those posters with pink and fluffy ideas about France at the beginning of this century!

So as I have received more than my fair share of insults, I certainly haven't being pressing the complaint buzzer all the time. It's life, there is no utopia and no way that we can all, always get on. And I keep banging on about the french dinner table as the rows there would frighten me when I first got to France, as they were so vehement and I used to be sure that there would be punches thrown, but m erd e, it was just a dinner and people have their own points of view which are close to their hearts. And I never went to one where people didn't leave amicably. Well once, an english man who should have known better.

There are some posters on here that I am very fond of. There are some I like and so it goes, to those I detest. I do not expect to agree with those I am fond of all the time, I've been married a very long time now and you know what, there are times when I don't agree with my husband  and we have humdinging rows. Should I be able to press a button and say, he's upset me and insulted me and get him banned...... or should he? We are grown up and it is life!


Onerous, watching every last word. Yes, I don't do it at home and neither does Mr Idun. Sparks flying is surely a good and stimulating thing?


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The other French Forums I look at are very quiet as well, with most postings from a relatively small core of members.

Main reason for reduced activity is undoubtedly the economic sitituation, as other than at the top end of the market in Paris and the Cote D'Azur, purchases of second homes in France are very subdued. For those looking to move permanently, there is probably less of an appetite to take the risk with the current uncertainty in the eurozone, especially if the plan entails the need to find some form of work in France.

If I recall correctly, a lot of the historical posting activity was generated by newbies asking for advice on moving and or buying a house in France, often driven by the plethora of TV programmes like a Place in the Sun, whereas now this type of media coverage has mainly fizzled out, other than repeats.

I am not sure matters will change anytime soon, as unfortunately many people are more concerned these days about keeping a roof over their head and food on the table than a dream home in the sun. 



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 It's quite possible to have a heated debate or disagreement without being personally rude or insulting, that just degrades the  argument........and frankly those who are banned from posting  have frequently had chance after chance...the mods do not just get rid of established forum members on a whim ..........

I can't remember the last time I had a nasty row with Mr RH, well actually I can, in it was in the eighties, in France  ! I was bought up with a mother that could row for England, I didn't want to inflict that on my children....that isn't to say we haven't had heated discussions and frank exchanges of views, but theres a limit.....

Sprogster I agree, I just don't think that moving to France is such a big trend as it was


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[quote user="woolybanana"]There used to be a lot of late night sessions too, fuelled by an excess of liquid refreshment. Fun but hairy.[/quote]

The only excess of liquid refreshment I ever had, is tea. I don't really drink and never have.



Re rows at home. Well, I quite like them. They clear the air. I lived with a mother who could boude for England as well as being nasty, spiteful and malicious. And frankly no matter who I was with, we would argue from time to time, because I could never live with anyone like myself, I'd be bored, I need the catalyst of a quite different person to feel 'alive'.

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[quote user="Sprogster"]

The other French Forums I look at are very quiet as well, with most postings from a relatively small core of members.

Main reason for reduced activity is undoubtedly the economic sitituation, as other than at the top end of the market in Paris and the Cote D'Azur, purchases of second homes in France are very subdued. For those looking to move permanently, there is probably less of an appetite to take the risk with the current uncertainty in the eurozone, especially if the plan entails the need to find some form of work in France.

If I recall correctly, a lot of the historical posting activity was generated by newbies asking for advice on moving and or buying a house in France, often driven by the plethora of TV programmes like a Place in the Sun, whereas now this type of media coverage has mainly fizzled out, other than repeats.

I am not sure matters will change anytime soon, as unfortunately many people are more concerned these days about keeping a roof over their head and food on the table than a dream home in the sun. 


I think you have hit the nail fairly and squarely on the head. I was talking to a fellow CDH owner who also works part time for a local agent. She said that for every UK owned property sold there are another five put on the market in Aude. Working on a commission only basis she is wondering about continuing to work for the agency. There are a lot of business's for sale, bars, restaurants, junk shops (sorry brocantes) and many B&B's. I was looking through a few of the local agency websites last night and noticed where there was just nine or ten pages of properties for sale there are over twenty now and many of them I recognised as being owned by English. There are two homes owned by Americans and one of them is for sale and the other may sell theirs as well. Mind you it's good news for the locals who have grabbed a few bargains from desperate English looking to get back to the UK asap. It's all a bit sad really. On the business side we have seen a marked reduction of Brits holidaying over the last three years down here, lucky for me our area is very popular with the French.

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We have been doing a fair amount of work on our French house over the winter and the local artisans having been treating me like a long lost son, lamenting the disappearance of their previous British clientele, saying they really miss having British clients as we are so civilised to deal with! The local kitchen company we dealt with said they used to deal with British customers all the time, but I was the first for several years.  

I read somewhere that most second home owners sell up within ten years, so if correct a lot of members from when I joined 2004 have no doubt sold up and moved on.

I agree with RH that having a home in France is not the trend it was and do worry that second home owners will become an easy target for additional taxes. Apparently, the new French socialist government have already mooted the introduction of a second home tax, so interesting times ahead I think.

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[quote user="Russethouse"] Yes, I often wonder what happened to Chris, and Dick Smith. I used to enjoy posts from a lady called Margaret too. but I believe she found a house elsewhere in Europe to retire too........[/quote]

And this thread from 2 years back:


has Chris wondering where some members have gone!

A forum that I used to belong to (the moderators made the 3rd Reich seem like a picnic) would show against a persons name 'Banned' if they were. Quite useful so on that forum if there was a posting by PPP under his name it would show his status. Thereby others would know why they were not posting.

Perhaps the forum should have a BANNED topic that would be the only place where those that have been banned could actually post - others enter at your peril [:D]


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Nice one PaulT, if it meant that some of our banned members could post again, I'd be happy and I would enter....... and not look upon it as 'at my peril'.


I wouldn't want a banned tag against anyone's name at all. And hope that the people who own this forum, never make the decision to do such a thing!

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I think we all have to remember that this forum s actually owned and run by a commercial company, and in my opinion won't be doing anything that risks litigation in way, shape or form. Nor do they want to lose members because they have been upset or insulted.

Idun, in several cases where people have been banned it is because they have been rude and or insulting to another member -why should anyone have to put up with that, especially in those cases where a member, quite purposefully goads another, forever picking on their posts etc......?

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I love to have a good ding-dong but I don't much care for bad manners and gratuitous insults. It also amazes me how often apparently intelligent people resort to the latter.  If there's no place for them on this forum then I reckon that's a positive thing.  Let's face it, this is a forum not a chat around the bar or the dinner table- there's plenty of opportunity to reflect on what you've typed before pressing the post button - there really is no need to be just plain rude, surely?  I see rude people defended on a regular basis (like the pub which becomes popular because the landlord is rude - what's that about?) and I really don't get it.  I wouldn't give them the time of day if I were in their real company - why should I put up with it in the virtual world?  Disagree - no problem; lob around personal insults without thought for the feelings of others or, worse still, deliberately to provoke and upset them? - no thanks.

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In truth not that many people have been banned. Some have asked for their account to be closed, we even have had on more than one occasion somebody request that their account be closed and all their posts removed. Some have left because they have found other members to be rude and have felt they just don't need the grief. The rest as we have said have just drifted away as their life moves on.

I always think it is sad when you have somebody who has a lot of knowledge to offer yet have a rude attitude and the need to insult others which forces us to ban them. These people actually get a lot more rope than others who have contributed very little and just insult everyone. The latter often try and come back under a different name using a different email address but we do have a secret weapon, namely one of my fellow moderators, who is excellent at spotting them.

As to the suggestion of putting the word 'Banned' against somebodies name in open forum I totally agree with RH's comment. I also feel that in a way it is a form of public ridicule and I think us moderators and our members are way above such things.

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I don't think the idea of a forum for posters who have been banned would be a success because there would be so few members.

Apart from the advertisers, I reckon that since the beginning of 2008 only three people have been banned and one of them was at their own request.


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I hope that this discussion can continue in the way that it has so far without being moderated its-self, a few years ago I dont think that would have happened so a thumbs up to the mods.

[quote user="cooperlola"]

I love to have a good ding-dong but I don't much care for bad manners and gratuitous insults. It also amazes me how often apparently intelligent people resort to the latter.  If there's no place for them on this forum then I reckon that's a positive thing.  Disagree - no problem; lob around personal insults without thought for the feelings of others or, worse still, deliberately to provoke and upset them? - no thanks.


I suppose to a degree with my comments about politeness I was defending the dear departed member but there is no doubt that he was able to provoke and upset others and I reckon he took pleasure from their reactions, what is ironic is that any rudeness I read was the reactions from others to his controversial postings, bullfighting being a good example, I doubt that he went crying to the mods about it (too busy laughing no doubt) but it may well have been those self same people who made the complaints that resulted in him no longer being here.

I just dont understand making a complaint to the mods about a posting you dont like when you might as well reply, even if its to say "I wont dignify that with a response" (Ok bit of an oxymoron) a vindictive personal mail, yes that should be reported.

I didnt like the way the departed referred to our last president as the dwarf any more than I liked the blind, one eyed, Mr Magoo comments about Gordon Brown so I posted that I didnt like it and found it offensive, thereafter he referred to him as the short person, now he could have  chosen to goad or provoke me on the subject but in that case I would not have dreamed of complaining to the mods, he was far more intelligent than me so had we got into an argumant or ding dong I would always have come out the loser but that to me would not be cause to complain.

I am pleased to hear that Chris Head is still around, I thought that he may have fallen off the end of a slippery slope. yes people like him definitely seemed to be given a lot of rope and I think it was the right thing to do, but I could see the inevitable end coming for most of them, Gluestick was another, in some ways these people let themselves and us down, were they able to keep within the boundaries then they would still be assets to the forum.


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I think it's sad that somebodies only 'enjoyment' in life is wind people up for 'a laugh' especially on a forum like this. Having said that some that do this sort of thing now have no outlet as this forum was their 'last chance saloon' having been banned everywhere else. You would think they might learn from past experience but sadly some never do. Being intelligent does not stop some people from acting stupidly which is a shame. Having said that nobody gets banned for being stupid, they get banned for repeatedly breaking the forum rules which they agreed to abide by when they joined the forum.
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Do you really think its their only enjoyment in life? If I said that about someone they would report me to the mods [:P]

PPP certainly was pleased to have helped SW17 and myself.

I think being a moderator and one that is not frightened to express his own opinions (which I like) is going to make you more of a target for some to want to put down or goad, the ones that I found very unpleasant were those that took every opportunity to make out how insidious a certain private organisation was and to out one of the mods as a member of.

Thats why I dont have what it takes to be a moderator, I would have got shot of them straight away.

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Now my suggestion of a Topic for the damned was very tongue in cheek..........

The forum that I referred to had moderators who found trying to work with the owners of the forum impossible so they set up their own forum. The original forum then created a new set of moderators who made censorship in China look amateur. This meant that some members complained and were banned and rejoined under another name and once again complained about the moderators and got banned again. In addition, the owners did not and do not listen to the members so disenchantment sets in.

The breakaway forum has no moderators and due to the way in which members are treated as adults runs very well.

This forum does not seem to be over moderated and runs very well. However, some members do seem to like to incite / insult others and spoil threads.

I also wonder how many members no longer post due to the problems with the changed website in the early days.


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There are undoubtedly some people who post on this and other forums who are unaware of their ability to wind others up. Some people aren't aware enough, or perhaps (no offence intended) bright enough to realise.

However, there are some who are (or profess to be) intellectuals - or who like to give the impression that they are better read/educated than the majority, yet at the same time profess not to realise that their postings may be regarded as offensive. I'm not sure I believe that perceived (or self-perceived) intellectual superiority affords anyone the right to be gratuitously offensive or crass.

I think most people who have been banned from this or other forums would admit, if pushed, that it was never one small transgression but the cumulative effect of trying to push the envelope just that little bit further each time that finally caused the axe to fall. There are nevertheless quite a few whose "passing" I mourn...but the people I really miss (many of whose names have already been mentioned) are those whose contributions were honest, witty, erudite and amusing.

I've had my share (here and elsewhere) of insults, detractors and accusations and yet, try as I might, I can't recall ever having had a warning, let alone a ban. I've never complained to a  moderator about another poster, either - although I've been accused of having done so on several occasions. I'm with Idun, however, in that I believe I can handle myself in a dispute, and certainly well enough to conduct it in the open without needing to complain in secret.

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I've never complained about anyone either behind the scenes.  Anything I have to say is on the open forum.  Not always to my advantage with my big mouth!   [:P]

I hardly ever send pm's either, only usually to reply to someone who has contacted me about something.

What happened to Dog and Weedon, not to mention dear Furryknickers?


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Surely what offends one person may amuse another.

I suffer more than most from insults  because of my views which tend to be different from those of many posters, but I never take offence. In fact am often amused by the feebleness of the efforts.[:)]

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There are, from time to time, posts which simply could not fail to offend. On the whole, I, for one, have the skin of a rhino. However, it will be a cold day in hell when I find the last comment made by a certain poster to be amusing, or even acceptable.

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