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Time to stop this nonsense NOW


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And so it does; infringe children's rights. I'd even ban ear piercing and as well as all other physical damage to children. Adults, they want bits snipped off, piercing, tattooed, I really do not care as long as they decide that that is what they want done and not be pressured to do anything.

ps http://intactnews.org/node/103/1311885181/jews-speak-out-favor-banning-circumcision-minors


And there are some jewish men who try to regrow their foreskins.


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[quote user="NickP"][quote user="idun"]

And there are some jewish men who try to regrow their foreskins.



Could you explain this phenomena ?





I know that I read that in the Warsaw Ghetto men were doing this too, so that if they managed to escape, they would look like they were not circumsized, if the nartzies checked.

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I'm sorry to make light of this subject, but what a lot of b******s, read the article about tugging :

"Tugging is not dangerous.  But, tuggers can often be their own worst enemy". I was told it makes your eyesight bad.[:D]

Sorry idun I know you mean well and it's there to be read but, no way I'm not having that, someone is 'avin a larf. [:D] [:D] [:D]


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Pleased to amuse........ and I had read it, before I posted the link.[:D]



Still this can be rather more serious.



The wiki article says a lot of what I have read previously about this. The first time I saw it mentioned was re men in the Warsaw Ghetto doing what they could to get a foreskin of some sort. http://www.norm.org/devices.html and it may all be very drole, but it was a matter of life and death for some, so became important.

I have also read about jewish men in America being angry that they were mutilated as babies and wanting to get their foreskins back. And also jewish people, men and women wanting this stopped and deciding not to have their babies circumcised.


And look at the baby twin in Canada, who had a botched circumcision and then the parents had the baby completely castrated and brought him up as a girl.


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NickP you reminded me of that old Marty Feldman joke' "Can I just do it until I need glasses ?"

On a more serious note I handed my kids over to themselves in good order when they were sixteen. My daughter immediately had her ears pierced, her hair cut and bought silly high heels. I didn't like the result much , but I reckoned it was her business.

It's not quite in the same league as death or blood transfusions though.

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Coming from a Jewish background the reason they give is because when Abraham (the first Jew) was quite old God told him to do it and to then ensure his children carried on the process. He was told doing this showed respect to God who in turn would ensure they got their homeland, Israel, back and turn them in to a great nation again. In modern times (outside of the extreme members of the Jewish faith) it is not classed as being mandatory (I am not circumcised), the decision is left to the parents and does not stop a male child from receiving his Hebrew name.

The Muslims circumcise their men because it was said that Mohamed was born without one so it is a statement of faith for Muslim men. Interesting the Koran has no mention of this.

The real reason is hygiene like so many of the other practices in religion. Eating pork is another as pigs would be often seen round the towns cesspit eating the rubbish s they can become carriers of disease. How Muslims dress is another example of health as it reduces insect bites (from insects that carry disease) and possibly skin cancer as well. Religion is a great way of enforcing these things. Write it in to your 'holy book' then tell people that God is all seeing and will punish you. We all know something happens to us daily, trip over, bump in to things etc, all these things can be put down to God punishing you for doing something the 'holy book' tells you not to do.

I modern times the act of circumcision has been invoked for real health reasons. The Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta is considering promoting routine circumcision for all baby boys born in the United States. The purpose is to reduce the spread of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Studies in Africa have shown that circumcised men are half as likely to get HIV from an infected woman than uncircumcised men.

Moving away from males I have very strong thoughts on female circumcision and in particular genital mutilation as practices by some. This should be made illegal throughout the world with very strong custodial sentences for those who do it, it is a disgrace.

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Small problem, big cure??????? Ridiculous.

IS that a reason to mutilate every last boy child in the USA, although I realise that most are mutilated already.  


There are Women with aids in Africa. Africa,where does one start with what I call the sexual problems in Africa? From FGM to dry sex, which is just about as revolting and appears to me to be any means to make women suffer as long as men get the satisfacton they want. And dry sex is also an easy way to catch HIV/Aids as the women often suffer from infection and raw wounds, so condoms do not work properly either..... So yippee apparently  AIDS is women's fault too.

IF Africa had it's population and HIV under control, I would not be saying this, but condoms should become almost their new day religion. Day after day I am shown babies and children on the tv, in dire straights, starving, polluted water illness. NEVER a mention of the parents. Send more money. I now look upon all this as third world birth control, as it was in 'my' society up to a hundred years ago. The money that has gone into Africa, well, how rich should it be with all it's ressources?  I don't think I'm being any more cold and horrible than these invisible parents that keep on producing these babies, including with HIV.

I have also read that things were written into Holy Books to educate populations via menace.

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Every day when I watch Tele there is at least half a dozen adverts asking for money for these people and quite frankly I get really fed up with it. Some of the pictures are not so nice and when I think of the stupid things they complain about 'pre watershed' I am amazed these adverts are allowed. Personally speaking I find them a turn off because I get annoyed with these adverts, I feel something is being shoved down my throat and that I should feel mega guilty that I don't give money. Well you know what, it does not work for me and I doubt for a lot of others either. I would be more inclined to give money towards my fellow, older, country people (of which there seems quiet a few these days) than them.

As far as the 'good book' goes well if you believe in God then one could argue that he has allowed our intelligence to increase and that now the book can be placed in the bin because we should have worked it out by now. Unfortunately as I look around the world of today it is clearly not the case. Fighting over which god is greater, killing innocent men women and children, allowing one half of the world to suffer obesity while the other starves. Quite frankly I feel we get what we deserve.

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At the time of Live Aid I belonged to a works social club and money was collected. I refused to give and got some choice comments.

My reason being that iad would flow in to Africa, the males would be well fed, knock out more children, the money would stop flowing and back to square 1 but with more children and people to feed - which seems to be where it is at.



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