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Prince Harry's antics


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I must be getting old but I am getting the impression from some quarters in the UK that the capers of this man is quite acceptable and that he is only acting like a normal 27 year old on holiday.Even the Palace seem only to want to shoot the messenger or in this case the photographer.

I'm not a royalist but as he is 3rd in line to the throne and only recently represented the Queen at the Olympic closing ceremony, not forgetting that he is also spends some of his time in the British army, shouldn't he really have exercised a lot more sense?
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As PD says : some friends!!!!! But to be fair, if you are twenty seven years of age and some bimbo was saying oh you are a big boy aren't you, not many of us would think of the consequences when she took the pictures. [:D][:D] 
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He knows full well that mobile phone pictures of him doing anything out of the ordinary will have a high value .. He chose to put himself among the naked billiards .players ... I imagine he will now be saying his close protection team should have diverted him away from a possible embarrassing situation . If he is not then somebody else will and a big please explain will be demanded by some poor guy on the carpet .  I was never unlucky enough to lose at strip poker and ..Strip Billards naver came my way

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I really find it so amusing when you read these stories about members of the royal family and their goings on. Harry is serving officer in the British army. Just like his fellow officers he enjoys letting off steam and playing a few pranks, it's what they do and helps them to de-stress from combat postings. I think his conduct was pretty tame to be honest. I used to visit the Cavalry and Guards Club in Piccadilly as it's next door to the RAF Club and the sort of pranks they (and we) used to get up to were pretty weird at times and makes what he was doing look like a non event. I guess if you have never been on active service you simply wouldn't understand. They do no harm to anyone, OK they might look right idiots but that's not a crime. It cost the tax payer nothing, his protection would be wherever he his so if he was doing something else the cost would be the same, I think he should be left alone.
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I would be very disappointed if young man in my family were behaving in this way. I would find it even more difficult to accept if the odds ere strong that it would bring unwanted bad publicity on the rest of the family.

I wonder how we would be reacting if it were one of the young women members of the family behaved in this way.

As to him being a serving office; it's almost four years now sine he as on active service. As his Uncle Andrew, who had a much more distinguished military career could testify, there is only so much that the public will put up with.

I just hope the paternity suits don't start rolling in.

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The golden rule Hoddy is don't get caught and that's the one he broke. If my parents ever knew some of the stunts my mates and I got up to in the RAF they would have had a heart attack probably but they never knew. It was all good fun for us and nobody got hurt. As to his active service well we didn't know for sometime after he came back and for all we know he might be going there or elsewhere tomorrow, who knows. Distinguished is not perhaps the word I would use for his uncle but both of them have put themselves 'in the firing line' to protect others but then that's all part of the job. Like most military personal fi you ask them it's just a job.
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Q you are reinforcing what I've said. Of course young people will behave like this but I'm guessing that if someone had taken a photograph of you or of a member of my family behaving like this the papers would not have been interested.

I only mention active service because you gave it as a reason for letting off steam.

"I guess if you have never been on active service you simply wouldn't understand."

Harry is nearly 28, quite old enough to understand the potential embarrassment for the rest of his family by this silly nonsense.

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Surely the point is that he has inherited enormous privilege.

He is in no way like a normal serving officer, and I am sure he is well protected even on duty.

Either he renounces all that, and starts from the bottom as would any of our sons, or he accepts paying the price of privilege as has the Queen all these years and does his duty.

He shouldn't be allowed to have it both ways.

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Frankly I suspect that he occasionally needs to left off steam. If you are a young, red blooded man then LV is an exciting place. His duties, both royal and service, are pretty restrictive and he does the additional duty without complaint. I am a serving officer and I have heard far more interesting stuff
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Norman, he joined as an Officer Cadet which is the basic grade during training. If you pass you become a Second Lieutenant form which you rise to a Lieutenant. You don't stay as a Lieutenant for very long, the maximum is three years before rising to Captain. He was made a Lieutenant in 2008 and became a Captain in 2011 so not 'fast tracking' for him and he will more than likely leave the army as a Captain. To be an Officer Cadet you require a good standard of education with a minimum of two 'A' levels which he has. OK he benefited from going to public school but other than that, as much as we wish it were down to his family connections, he has progressed through the army as any normal person would. His regiment is due for deployment abroad shortly on peacekeeping duty.
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[quote user="Hoddy"]Q you are reinforcing what I've said. Of course young people will behave like this but I'm guessing that if someone had taken a photograph of you or of a member of my family behaving like this the papers would not have been interested. I only mention active service because you gave it as a reason for letting off steam. "I guess if you have never been on active service you simply wouldn't understand." Harry is nearly 28, quite old enough to understand the potential embarrassment for the rest of his family by this silly nonsense. Hoddy[/quote]


Sorry Hoddy, but the only nonsense in my book is that some people and newspapers seem to think this is some sort of story.  Well I suppose it is August and they do have to fill the pages between the advertisements.


Next they will be running a story about Will having a cr@p


What Harry did is a natural part of normal living.  It is called having fun.  There are plenty of people his age do far worse on holiday in the Balearic Islands as a trivial example.

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I haven't felt the need to run round in the nip in company since I was about 2. Having fun is one thing, though with the minimal army duties that Harry performs I doubt he needs to let off much steam :) He is 27 not 17 and staying in a 5000 quid a night hotel with police protection paid for by the taxpayer. If the strains of being a Royal and behaving in an appropriate manner outweigh the benefits, then he should retire. Does Britain want need or deserve another airmiles Andy in the making?
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What I really hate is that the Sun newspaper has published Harry's nude photo on the premise that it is essential for the public to see it.

The public has seen it on the Internet!  And guess what newspaper is being mentioned by every other form of media? Why, the Sun of course.

We are behaving as if members of the Royal Family have always walked the straight and narrow path. Get real!

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[quote user="Frecossais"]What I really hate is that the Sun newspaper has published Harry's nude photo on the premise that it is essential for the public to see it.

The public has seen it on the Internet!  And guess what newspaper is being mentioned by every other form of media? Why, the Sun of course.

We are behaving as if members of the Royal Family have always walked the straight and narrow path. Get real!


Another good reason to abolish the institution [6]

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[quote user="Gardener"]I haven't felt the need to run round in the nip in company since I was about 2. Having fun is one thing, though with the minimal army duties that Harry performs I doubt he needs to let off much steam :) He is 27 not 17 and staying in a 5000 quid a night hotel with police protection paid for by the taxpayer. If the strains of being a Royal and behaving in an appropriate manner outweigh the benefits, then he should retire. Does Britain want need or deserve another airmiles Andy in the making?[/quote]

I read that he either didn't pay for the room or they had a "kitty". His police protection would have been with him wherever he was so that cost no more than normal.

Having spent a bit of time reading the comments in the English press (and the French) nobody really gives a toss, they just see it as having fun. Yes he gets time off from the army but it is not for leisure. He has done "Walking with the wounded" coaches rugby at special needs schools and is patron of quite a few charities as part of his royal duties. In fact he actually does quite a bit, much of it quite boring and not newsworthy hence you never hear about it. I think the guy should be given a break and really this is all more of a laugh than anything else. Don't forget he didn't ask to be born and he especially didn't ask to be born a Prince but like the others he makes the best of it that he can. I for one wouldn't like the job and I certainly wouldn't like all the intrusion in to my private life that he gets. I would like to know how much money the pillock got for selling the pictures.

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I didnt think anyone paid for rooms at Vegas hotels let alone $5000 or was it £5000?

I never paid a penny for my stay there and only gambled 10 cents on one slot machine when I left, I ate snacks for free and drunk for free pretty much all the time as well as getting free entry to a couple of shows i didnt smoke but they were comped also, mind you that was a few years back so things may have changed.

I very much doubt that Harry or the taxpayer would have paid for his room.

Sounds like his minders have a great job if they are party animals, or at least had a good job, never mind they can now write their biographys, media wise the prince is a gift from the gods and long may it continue.

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[quote user="Frecossais"]What I really hate is that the Sun newspaper has published Harry's nude photo on the premise that it is essential for the public to see it.
The public has seen it on the Internet!  And guess what newspaper is being mentioned by every other form of media? Why, the Sun of course.

We are behaving as if members of the Royal Family have always walked the straight and narrow path. Get real!

Absolutely - just in the past the press did not report any of their antics. I would assume that Harrys antics are very tame compared to his ancestors.

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[quote user="PaulT"]

[quote user="Frecossais"]What I really hate is that the Sun newspaper has published Harry's nude photo on the premise that it is essential for the public to see it.
The public has seen it on the Internet!  And guess what newspaper is being mentioned by every other form of media? Why, the Sun of course.

We are behaving as if members of the Royal Family have always walked the straight and narrow path. Get real!

Absolutely - just in the past the press did not report any of their antics. I would assume that Harrys antics are very tame compared to his ancestors.


The Dutches of Windsor used to regularly give Belly Dancing demonstrations in private. "Nick the Greek" use to have a bit of a thing about the "Windmill Girls" and was a frequent visitor or so they say.

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