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Complete France Forum

Cooperlola 25.1.55 - 5.9.2012


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Ian I read your announcement with disbelief; largely because I didn’t want it to be true.

Over the years Deb’s generosity of spirit in sharing her knowledge of how things work in France has been invaluable to a large number members of this forum.

When it came to matters of opinion she always expressed her ideas in a clear and thoughtful way and gave careful consideration to the thoughts of others.

Through all of this, including what must have been some very trying times, she never lost her sense of humour and her posts on the forum were always a pleasure to read.

She will be sorely missed.

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Just signed on to see how things were going and so very sorry to see this new thread.

Whilst this is a very sad day for the forum members for you Ian a devastating one for you.

You will always get a warm supportive welcome here should you continue to post.

I am one of the lucky ones who actually met Debs on her Itchy Feet tour.

Best wishes Ian and my thoughts are with you.


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Ian, thank you so very much for coming to tell us the sad news. Deb

always gave such good and helpful advice, which many on

here and elsewhere benefited from.

Some of us were lucky enough to meet her on the Itchy Feet tour last

year; we were at a lunch gathering and continued afterwards back at Rose

and Grey Man's home. We all had a lovely time and we were glad to have

met her. A very special lady, who was much-loved and will be greatly missed..
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[quote user="Alan Zoff"]

Wish I had met her. Feels as if I had.


My sentiments exactly. She must have been very special to have touched so many lives. Such a pity that we didn't meet Debs at the classic.

Everyone is thinking of you both Ian.


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I am too choked for words as I kept hoping for a miracle. Ian, reading the last line in your message, I so wish she was beside you too. The only comfort is to know she died peacefully, and with you. I did feel she was a true friend, as she was so true to herself, spoke from the heart, and she gave so much, to so many. Now wishing you great courage and forbearance. My deepest condolences. 
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Ian, I’m so very sad and sorry to hear this news, even though we have all been expecting it.

Looking at your signature I can only say that we wish you had Deb sitting beside you now too, and if Clair’s Dali Lama signature quote is correct

 Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality”   

then truly Deb will have achieved it, there isn't anyone who was more generous with her time or effort in researching in order to assist others, and many have every reason to be very grateful to her over her part in the fight against the changes in health care provision.

Even when she disagreed with another forum member she always respected their right to hold a different opinion, and did it with good grace and a sense of humour.

Hopefully it goes without saying that if any of us can do anything at all to assist, either side of the channel, don’t hesitate for a moment, just ask.

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I am so very sorry to hear this terrible news. When my husband who was exactly the same age died suddenly last year, Deb contacted me with such moving words of comfort that I have never forgotten her. To her husband Ian, the coming days will be like a terrible dream and you will find you cannot accept any of it but it will begin to ease as each day passes, take it from me as I am experiencing that now. You will get very bad days at first and trust me when I say that it does begin to get better and you must get on with your life however hard you think it is now. If you want to ask me any questions about arrangements etc please feel free to PM me but not e.mail as I have changed my provider and its not registered on here yet.
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Some people have an easy ride through life, others do not. Deb didn't, but her sense of fun and laughter, her respect for other people and the love she felt for you, Ian shone through her words. It was through these words that I knew her even though we'd never met.

May she rest in peace, and may your love for her help you in these dark days.


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A very sad day for this forum and worse for you Ian, I hope you receive all the help you need to deal with the formalities from the folk on here.

It's been a terribly rough ride for you in the last 4 years but you both showed great courage and spirit in the face of adversity.

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As said by Clair, we are all here for you, just as she was for us. We will all miss her thoughts, comments and help. Remember, you are part of this online 'family', and like all families we argue, laugh and cry together. Our love and thoughts are with you.

Keni & Chris. x

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