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Complete France Forum

Cooperlola 25.1.55 - 5.9.2012


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As always in these situations, its hard to know what to say.

Simply that her passing is such sad news for all of us who have benefitted from her good advice and humour over the years. I'll certainly miss the banter she and I used to have at Cheltenham Festival time.  RIP indeed.

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So sorry to hear this sad news. It must be terrible for you. I never met her but from when I received her pm just after I joined this forum I felt she would be great fun to know.

I sometimes think more of your true character comes through on your forum postings than some of us would like but the high regard everyone here had for Debs speaks louder than words of how much we will all miss her and her advice and knowledge.

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 I too am most terribly sorry to hear the news. Debs was much loved and will be missed enormously.

This forum will not be the same without her help and advice, never forgetting her great spirit and courage.

May she now rest peacefully and suffer no more.

My thoughts are with you. 

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I signed on to see what news -and the first active post was entitled Cooperlola and showed two dates - and I thought - oh no - no - no - not that!

Ian - my thought and prayers are with you - it is indeed always worse for the one who is left behind.

Though it is very little consolation just at his moment, I hope you are able to take some comfort from the love that was shown to Deborah by those on this forum; although most of us never met her, we were all touched by her wish to put things right ... her knowledge - healthcare, cars, Le Mans to mention only a few   ...was always so accurate and always freely given ... with much humour when needed.  I was always amazed at her ability to rise once more above all that was thrown at her - she was indeed a most incredible and special lady.

This forum will be saddened by her loss - but this is nothing to what you must be feeling.   I know I am joined by all on this forum in saying (with no apologies to the non-Christians who might just object) -

God Bless you Deborah, and --

Ian  ---  I pray that God will take you under his wing and bless you too.

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I am so sorry to hear your news.......


Deborah helped my son get tickets to Le Mans 24 for his first time there, now, he's a real addict..

Deborah, on the forum and offline, was always so nice to us.

I drive a Micra because I followed her advice to buy one when I wondered which choice to make..


Ian, may precious memories fill your heart and ease your pain..

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Oh Ian, I am so sad to read this.  

It was truly miraculous that Deb managed to get herself back to France in time to spend these last days with you.  You have been such a rock for her through all these trials.

I add my expression of deepest sympathy to all those mentioned here.


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Debs was a warm-hearted person who went out of her way to help others, she left a wonderful legacy behind.

Ian - be strong and think of the good times.

May God and your family and friends comfort you xx

ps somewhere there's a lovely photo of Debs and Ian as a young couple - I wonder if it's still there in the archives?

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