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They WILL be charging Huhne


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But giving away points to a friend or colleague is a regular event in my Café du Commerce; people even SELL points on the Internet ;;;over here anyway. As I no longer drive I have often been asked to oblige....though I don't and they don't insist.

Perhaps people in France are more compréhensif

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[quote user="AnOther"]Journey impossible:



Do you think so? bearing in mind speeding if she left earlier, not so impossible. The flight lands at 10.23 out of Stansted airport 10.53 easily that's 30mins to the speed camera. At that time of night I have got from Stansted to Lewisham in 45mins and that's using the A12 with all of those 50/40 mph cameras.

Does resigning when innocent show guilt? I wouldn't resign if I were innocent. I wouldn't leave a job over an alleged speeding ticket or perverting the course of justice. There are so many cameras which film cars on the roads it would be pretty obvious who was driving even if the pictures were low res, one's a silver fox the other dark haired. Maybe they have waited this long so they can loose the film? 

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He may have had it coming, but I wonder if she realises that now so will she? not just for perverting the cause of justice, but for anyone who has ever had or might in the future have any dealings with her surely will be asking themselves could she be trusted not to renege on an agreement . . . .
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This is an interesting article written by Stephen Glover, journalist, who edited the Oxford University magazine with Chris Huhne.


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[quote user="Frederick"]It appears that by " standing down" from his position to fight his case . he gets to claim "severance " pay ................... £17.000 or so of tax payers cash should help him pay for his trial  for a couple of days .

**$$!!*&&""** if that's true.

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When I left school, many years ago, I firmly held the belief that 'British Politicians' were the noblest of them all and all the others in the world were corrupt and dishonest (indoctrination at its best ?)

Now I'm old, of course, those views have changed completely.

I have long had a plan to put it right though.

All politicians when elected should have a small, remotely-activated, explosive charge surgically implanted up their bottoms.

The population would all be issued with 'little red buttons' which they could press 'en masse' whenever lies, corruption etc, came to the fore.

A ratio would have to be calculated, and agreed, but probably 60% would be ideal.

So if 60% of the nation pressed at exactly the same time........................................... boom [:D][:D]

Just think of the benefits, especially if the said politicians wore an 'activity monitor' that gave a constant readout of the current ratio being furiously pressed.



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I think a cattle prod under their seat in the HOC linked back to all the homes in their constituency wouldn't be a bad idea. The more annoyed the people become the higher the charge. The only problem I can see with your and my idea is they would either be dead within 24 hours or never enter the HOC again.

Perhaps a better idea should be a change in the law that allows constituents to sack their MP and in doing so throw him/her out of the HOC as well. Perhaps this would focus MP's more to their constituents wants, needs and aspirations although sadly probably not.

I also think that the rules for MP's should be condensed, more simple and legally binding. Any MP breaking them should be thrown out. If they break the law for example and are tried and found guilty they should loose their seat. That goes for the HOL as well. Fiddling their expenses should also mean they get thrown out of both houses and loose their knighthood if they are in the HOL.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

Perhaps a better idea should be a change in the law that allows constituents to sack their MP and in doing so throw him/her out of the HOC as well. Perhaps this would focus MP's more to their constituents wants, needs and aspirations although sadly probably not.

I [/quote]


How would this work?  A simple majority, two thirds of constituents?  What happens if a particular constituency had "unreasonable" wants in relation to the country as a whole?  Wasn't there an argument in the 19th century as to whether MPs were delegates or representatives? 

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[quote user="Bugsy"]All politicians when elected should have a small, remotely-activated, explosive charge surgically implanted up their bottoms.



In the case of Mandelson and probably a lot more (public school and all that) they would only get more pleasure from that sort of play, back to the drawing board!

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[quote user="Théière"]

[quote user="Bugsy"]All politicians when elected should have a small, remotely-activated, explosive charge surgically implanted up their bottoms.




In the case of Mandelson and probably a lot more (public school and all that) they would only get more pleasure from that sort of play, back to the drawing board!


I was thinking in terms of half a pound of C4 [:D][:D]


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[quote user="Thibault"][quote user="Quillan"]

Perhaps a better idea should be a change in the law that allows constituents to sack their MP and in doing so throw him/her out of the HOC as well. Perhaps this would focus MP's more to their constituents wants, needs and aspirations although sadly probably not.

I [/quote]


How would this work?  A simple majority, two thirds of constituents?  What happens if a particular constituency had "unreasonable" wants in relation to the country as a whole?  Wasn't there an argument in the 19th century as to whether MPs were delegates or representatives? 


There still is a debate going on and an e-petition to change from representative to delegate and a private members bill will be before parliament after their summer break. Sadly it won't get through so MP's can carry on doing what they have always done.

If they became delegates they would have to vote the way their constituents want them to vote. If a constituency wanted something unreasonable they might not get it as it would need a full parliamentary vote and if other MP's constituents disagree they won't get it.

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Solon, when he invented/codified Athenian democracy also instituted Ostrasism, whereby all voters could scratch on a shard of pottery, the name of the person they most would like to exile for ten years. The shards were counted-up and the loser had to pack his bags.

The idea was that demagogs were kept in check.

How about us having regular ostrasisms? Hang on, Fred the Shred is already in exile.
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Wouldn't work, Renaud.  They'd just move to some tax haven.  I don't personally know anyone who's done that but I think moving to these places are like those near-death experiences; that is, nobody comes back to tell you what it's like.
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  • 1 year later...

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to device;


this story was always about bitterness and revenge and now it has come tumbling down on their heads; Huhne, Pryce, Constance Briscoe, now under Police investigation and of course by no means least the Lib Dems, including Vince Cable and the Lib Dem peer Lord Oakeshott . . .


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