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Clarkson suspended by BBC


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I have a strong suspicion (and I think Chancer hinted at this way back) that this all comes down to restrictive "non-competition" clauses in Clarkson's contract: if he leaves of his own volition, he may not be allowed to present a similar show for a couple of years, whereas if he is pushed, then he may be able to go straight to another channel.

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[quote user="Pickles"]I have a strong suspicion (and I think Chancer hinted at this way back) that this all comes down to restrictive "non-competition" clauses in Clarkson's contract: if he leaves of his own volition, he may not be allowed to present a similar show for a couple of years, whereas if he is pushed, then he may be able to go straight to another channel.
[/quote]It all depends on the exact wording of theses clauses if they exist. It is quite likely that they would be binding even if he is sacked otherwise it would be an open invitation to misbehave and so avoid the restriction.

As none of us know the facts it may be best to wait to see what emerges from the BBC inquiry if that is ever published.

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If there is a restrictive clause in his contract and he is sacked and the BBC tries to implement it he would claim (and possibly win) that it is depriving him of his right to an income. Same would apply if they do not renew his contract. It would only work if he didn't renew his contract. Some may say that appealing against such a thing would draw it out for months but actually it would only be a couple of weeks if that sometimes.
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Well, well, well seems there is another twist to the story other than that of a BBC executive saying there was no difference between Clarkson and Saville. Both May and Hammond have now said it's all three presenters or no presenters both having been offered the opportunity to host the next three shows without Clarkson.

James May and Richard Hammond refuse to film Top Gear without Jeremy Clarkson

It has also been reported on other news media.

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There was a very interesting discussion on Radio 4 yesterday afternoon, including a discussion about Clarkson. On the panel was a woman who was a former senior producer or higher with the BBC.  One of the things she started with was that she made monsters, and that how most people at the beginning of their careers were 'easy' to manage, but as they became famous, then the monster came out.

She believed that she would be more than capable of managing Clarkson and would welcome it. She also discussed that for all every program is made by a team, the 'star' is the face of that program, and that role is very important as if the program swims or sinks is down to that 'star' and the rest of the team remain anonymous and easier to move on afterwards.

It was also suggested that the incident must have been the last straw and the producers should have been more on the ball and understood that problems were occuring. Also, that the most important thing on any shoot was getting the troops fed, absolutely primordial on any set.

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That sounds far nearer the situation idun, even precious people can get their buttons pressed and catering on the outside broadcasts is usually good/excellent so offering a plate of sandwiches to a star bring in so much revenue and it seems it may have been a push not a punch so hyped out of all proprtion as per the usual.

Now comparing to Jimmy Saville, for that remark I would hit the perpetrator that is nothing in the same.

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It was reported that Clarkson said if he was in the same room as the person saying it he would have 'punched them in to next week' and quite honestly if somebody said the same of me or in front of me I would do the same. Makes you wonder who 'the child' is in all this.
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The child, well, I would say that a lot of 'stars' probably are. We were discussing petulance, and famous people and we, M. Idun and me,  have met a few over the years, one, french, had to have certain things when performing, and no less would do. Silly things and childishness, if that is what you want to call it, ('diva' is often used too) if he didn't get what he wanted. He got what he wanted incidentally, what is the point in letting someone who is going to go on stage in front of a lot of people, a few thousand getting in a 'state'.

I think maybe the rest of us have to be adult about this. WE are not famous, WE do not live in a bubble or under the pressure of being in the public eye all the time. I don't doubt that these people probably wanted stardom, but once it's there, well, I bet it is not as imagined,and every day life isn't. Why would so many of them end up in rehab, or suicides, remarkable talented people who seem to have it all.

Just because this is Clarkson, well, easy target, big plain fella, often disliked and yet, he must have 'something' otherwise that silly program would not have sold anywhere else and the viewing figures would be poor and that is not the case.

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Good front cover on the latest issue of Private Eye:


Read somewhere that he stayed in a pub for two hours before getting in the helicopter to the hotel thereby arriving 2 hours late by which time the chef had gone off duty. Thus, if he had got there when he was supposed to he would have had a hot meal.
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I still strongly believe there is more to all this than meets the eye. The problem for the BBC is simple is some respects. Top Gear aka Clarkson, Hammond and May attract 4M viewers which is a massive number of potential buyers as far as advertising is concerned should it be on a commercial channel. Only one program brings the BBC more income from overseas sales and that is Doctor Who. Top Gear, as reported in various newspapers brings in just under Ā£150m a year and the combination of the two brings in Ā£312m a year. Given that last year the BBC 'lost' Ā£24m then without Top Gear the potential loss could have been around Ā£170m. Who pays the short fall, well guess. [;-)] For many the program is the presenters. Sure you can replace them with others, some of whom may actually know something about cars. The name Piers Morgan has been branded about as a possibility of the lead presenter, that would go down a storm.... not.

Remember Tiff Needell (hope I got his name right). When Top gear was cancelled in 2008 (I think) he went to C5 to present Fifth Gear. Did alright till the following year when they bought back Top Gear with Clarkson and now Fifth Gear has been dropped by C5 due to poor viewing figures. I still think they will move to Sky which sadly I can't get so it will be downloads for me.

If I am right interestingly somebody said Sky wouldn't have them because of Clarksons reputation and nobody would want their adverts associated with the show. I beg to differ because as I said before access to 4M viewers! I mean advertisers don't care, it could be about a man having sex with a duck for all they care, 4M viewers, that will be nicely thank you and of course Sky will class it as premium program advertising.

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I read that thing about spending two hours in the pub and keeping the helicopter waiting. I don't suppose we shall ever know the whole truth of it.

I don't agree with you about the advertisers not caring Q. It was threats fro the advertisers that eventually did for Ched Evans. I know he's not in the same league as Clarkson but even so ....


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I laughed and laughed too.

I cannot say I sound exactly like the nearly toothless one, but when something just gets to me, I laugh like he does IRL I end up feeling ill laughing hugging my stomach. Is there a word to describe that sort of laughter?

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Well it's not official yet but reading the newspapers today I think you are 99.99% correct.

Another little snippet that I noticed Murdoch has tweeted that "How stupid can the BBC be in firing Jeremy Clarkson? Funny man with great expertise and huge following", I wonder if you could read anything into that? One of the big streaming companies are interested in taking all three for a car program it is rumoured. I rather fancy Sky personally and I think the other two will go with him.

I also read the bookies second favourite Chris Evans has been called in for a chat regarding the possibility of him replacing Clarkson. Still, again, it's all rumour really and we will have to wait and see. They must have to do something because they have already sold this series and there are three episodes left to do and what about the money they have to give back for the cancelled live shows for it is Clarkson people want to see. Again though what do you do with the already recorded car tests etc that have Clarkson in them?

I suppose they could, if the other two stay, have a guest presenter each week like "Have I got News for You" but then in that program the presenter who was sacked wasn't really the biggest 'draw'.

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Exciting isn't it. First it was going to be announced that he would be sacked now the exact words were "it is expected" that his contract will not be renewed. If thatā€™s the case they have six days to record the last three episodes although finding rocking horse manure comes to mind. I still stick to my theory and the tweet from Murdoch plus Clarkson's (if correct) contract not being renewed frees his to go wherever he likes and I think it will be Sky. I think he is not as thick as people think he is and I think he has the BBC to exactly where he wants it.

Well, well, well. See I checked on the BBC website before I typed the above and there was nothing. Thought I would check again before I hit the Post button and there it is. http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-32052736 Wonder what the other two will do? Evans has said NO it seems to replacing him.

Come on then, have you got a secret contact in the BBC? [;-)]

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Here is the official statement.


Seems the producer had to go to A&E. It pains me to say this as I really like JC and I really enjoyed the way he presented Top Gear but as one has to accept this as true then yes, sadly, he has to go. There I didn't think I would actually say that but you can't excuse anyone for putting another in A&E.

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I was very impressed with the statement, clear, unambiguous, covers all the angles and was written with feeling, maybe it was written by an advisor but definitely not by a committee, whoever it was I admire them.

Another document  written in a similar erudite manner which really impressed me was the report from the DOE inspector presiding over the public enquiry for my planning dispute in the UK, not least of which because the guy had written it on his return to Bath from Sussex late in the evening and had sent me it by E-mail first thing the following morning so as I would be the first to know the news.

Oh to be able to express myself that well in English let alone French.

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