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what a complete and utter bar steward


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But why am I not surprised?

He was the reason that the brexit vote ruled the day but I half expected this withdrawal.  Why?  Obviously it was to wait till such time as the negotiations got to a state of total chaos and then this contemptible clown steps forward to save the day.......

I thought Cameron was beneath contempt but this horrible pretense of a man is many rungs below that.............[+o(][+o(][+o(]

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I think Rupert Murdoch has played a clever game.

He sent in the clowns to please the crowd, and then pulled the rug from under them at the last moment, leaving the idiotic promises and threats in the mouths of the puppets he has removed from the stage.

In that way  they can't be held to account...

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NH, there are those of us who do not believe the Daily Mail or give any credit to Rupert Murdoch's ideas as to what is what. Why would you think that so many people are sheep and 'believe' like this.

Discussing with friends and they all think that Boris never believed that the 'out' campaign would win...... which is interesting when you think about it, as to what he believed his political future would be if he  had been on the losing side.

I am sorry Boris is not standing, but he isn't.

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I was not referring to such direct methods as open support in articles, but more the behind scenes manoeuvering that goes on.

You may not accept it since it is in the Guardian, but this is the sort of thing I am referring to:


Now even the Conservatives are wondering what they have done:


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I can fully believe that Gove saw things in Boris, once they got down to the nitty gritty of Brexit negotiation planning (I too think they may have been surprised by the win ) that made him doubt Boris' capabilities as a leader and statesman.

I can also fully understand Boris pulling out once he'd lost Gove's support.

What I'm troubled by is Gove then announcing his candidacy, rather than supporting May, in the light of what he said about his own capabilities. Surely his credibility is shot.

I'm looking out for a far more serious, less bumbling Public Boris in future as he hones his persona for a future run.

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So, Boris and Gove knife Cameron in the back, Gove does the same to Boris..... yooppeee, the British have finally become true European, more specifically, French politicians. Brexit not needed as no longer relevant.

I seem to remember that France used to have a new Prime Minister and cabinet every ten minutes, as did the Italians; now just look at the turnover of shadow ministers in Corbyn's little world. So European.

Gonna make a great pub quiz question for the fiuture; who was ther shortest ever serving shadow minister?
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Bet Merkel is upset - was probably looking forward to being bedded by Bozo.

Liked Camerons comment when welcoming the new Labour MP to the Commons - 'keep your mobile on you could be in the Shadow Cabinet by tonight'.
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This journalist has put into words all that I feel about the bar steward and his shenanigans.  So, read and absorb. 

It's for everyone on the forum of course but, Norman, this is for you especially because we would share the same impotent rage.....


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Excellent article. Judging by his terror when he won, BoJo clearly wanted to be a narrow loser in the referendum. This would make sense for his campaign to become Tory leader after Cameron stepped down in  2019.

After all when he was dithering which side to support he sent two articles to the Torygraph - one  pro exit, one pro remain and only at the last minute told them which one to print.

It is clear that neither he or Grove had any plan in pace if they won.

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But, as I pointed out in another thread, neither did Cameron, and he is

PM, with the responsibility of governing the country.  The sheer

arrogance of assuming a win, and the sulky irresponsibility of his

reaction to losing is striking.
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Norman, perhaps DC knew of the problems if Leave won (the Remain side had been pointing these out all along but not resorting to lies - perhaps if they had similar tactics to Leave and lied by saying 'if Remain wins everyone will be given £1,000 the outcome may have been different). If he had carried on and the negotiations left the UK (or what is left of it) in a bad state he would be the one blamed for it and probably accused of failing in the negotiations. Far better to distance himself which may have been his plan all along should the vote go this way.
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I disagree. Cameron did the honourable thing in resigning after a clear vote of no confidence in his Remain policy. As the British people had rejected the deal he had negotiated prior to the referendum would it have been sensible for him to negotiate the exit terms. I don't think so.

It does appear that some people vote to leave to fire a warning shot across Cameron's bows but the result should stand unless it is overturned by a clear democratic vote but that seems unlikely to occur. We need to accept the result and move on to make the best possible deal.

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There is a difference between resigning, which seems to be the logical

thing to do, and having no operational plan in place in case of Brexit.


implies the arrogance I spoke of ( I am bound to win so Plan B isn't

needed..) which goes alongside the sense if entitlement that is so

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Why should he have a plan B if it goes Leave. It is down to the visionaries of the Leave campaign as they know how to negotiate a deal giving full access to the single market without cost and wthout having to let Johnny Foreigner in to the UK.

And Rabbie to my mind the Leave victory was won on lies so I would therefore question how the result could be legitimate. Perhaps Cameron should have said 'if the vote is for Remain then everyone will get £1,000 and as Leave has now said 'well, we will not actually be able to stop immigration nor give £350M to the NHS' Cameron could have said 'well we cannot actually give you the £1,000'.
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Cameron did have a Plan B. Resign and leave it to Boris/Gove to deal with the problem. He wasn't to know that they did not even have a Plan A.

My reply has been delayed by a relectance of the website to accept this reply.

PaulT, I reagrd the result as legitimate since people were told the Brexit  people were lying but chose to vote Brexit anyway. I have made no secret of the fact I supported staying in and regard the result as very unfortunate. For me that's the downside of Democracy. It doesn't always give you the result you want

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.......and BJ in his column in the Telegraph is now criticising the Government for not having a talk up plan for a Brexit that they never wanted.

So BJ where the **** is your talk up plan. Now all we get is silence about where we should be going.

and before all we got was it will be alright on the night.

Well guess what, it's not alright, and we haven't even started the process.
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