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Brexit ruling


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Gluestick, I listened to the full interview with Ken Clarke on Radio 4 yesterday lunchtime where he did indeed say he would vote against the application. He also said that he thought the majority of MPs would support the government in this vote.

A majority of his constituents voted to Remain so I think he is respecting their wishes if he votes against the application. Also being at the end of his career he can ignore the whips and vote according to his conscience.
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Returning to the beginning, this has now become even more complicated and vituperative.

A Belfast Court has stated, the High Court's ruling is wrong.


A bit complicated and the reason for bringing the case ostensibly nought to do with Article 50, at first glance but all becomes clear after a bit.

Theresa May undoubtedly picked up a Poisoned Chalice, when she threw her hat in the ring and became PM. Why? Well, since Dodgy Dave and all is Project Fear chums, were clearly convinced the British elector would, by majority, vote to stay in. Accordingly, the Government and more critically, senior civil servants, and Bank of England made NO plans for an exit! Carney particularly, since he was a cheerleader for remain and acting in Goldman Sach's best interests.........

May must now finalise and crystallize her Government's own plans: an elongated process. The Supreme Court will usually go along with an inferior court's interpretation of the body of law and concur. Particularly since there would seem no "error in interpretation of law". the only real reason for the Supreme Court to reverse the decision.

After all, the referendum was not organised in such a manner as to be irrevocable and binding upon government; the act of state failed to say this; thus the whole process was simply advisory.

And, therefore, pretty much a waste of time and public monies.

When this becomes a matter for the lower and upper houses, to explore and demand release of the full details and minutia, then this even further weakens May's hand. Why?

Since it is a long accepted fulcrum of strategic negotiation, one goes into any contentious meeting, asking for far more than one wants; and eventually, ostensibly agrees certain demands (which one didn't want) and finally agrees very much on what one set out, originally, as the core aspects of the deal.

Now, the EU Council, will know, in advance, the whole planned "ask" and have the benefit of time to mount defences and their own protective strategy.

"Another fine mess you've gotten me into!"

 Springs to mind...


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I can't look for the written evidence at the moment, Gluestick, but there have been various commentators who do say that the conservative party, under May, has veered sharply to the right so I believe that Grecian has a valid point.

Meanwhile, the continentals call her Theresa Peut-etre..............perhaps she is and perhaps she isn't;  just wish she'd make up her bloody mind!

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Well how would describe them, left-of-centre? I think not.

The tory party has most certainly veered to the right under May, maybe some would not class them as far right, but with the rhetoric that came out of the tory party conference they certainly are in my mind. I would go as far as to say that May makes Dave look decidedly left wing, never thought I would say that.

I would have thought the article that I posted the link to would have been more relevant to people living in France, than which wing the tory party play on.

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[quote user="mint"]I can't look for the written evidence at the moment, Gluestick, but there have been various commentators who do say that the conservative party, under May, has veered sharply to the right so I believe that Grecian has a valid point.

Meanwhile, the continentals call her Theresa Peut-etre..............perhaps she is and perhaps she isn't;  just wish she'd make up her bloody mind!


Examples of Far Right politicians.

Hitler: Mussolini; Generalisimo Francisco Franco: Salazar (Portugal): Peron; and most South American nation states. Papa Doc and his son, Baby Doc, Haiti: Pol Pot; Eugène Ney Terre'Blanche the leader of  Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging etc.

Probably the distinguishing mark of a genuine Far Right politician is those who have the absolute power to have you, err, extinguished, with little or no evidence or due legal process.

[quote]there have been various commentators[/quote]

Probably the same people who forecast Clinton to win?


So sadly, today, a majority of "journalists" and supposed commentators, are far left-liberal. and they abuse the term "Far Right" to mean anyone who doesn't agree with themselves. They also scatter trite words and expressions, such as "Homophobe"; "Bigot"; "Nazi": "Facist": "Racist": etc.

Naturally, ignoring the definition  of the word, Bigot: i.e. anyone immune and disinterested in one's point of view or perspective; since, they, themselves, are in fact the Bigots...

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Sarcasm does not become you, Grecian.

If you are going to make controversial statements, then at least, surely, check some factual references prior to doing so?

Merely following the mass media ( who are in process of trying to brainwash everyone and have mainly succeeded) is not normally factual reference.

As the great Mark Twain (A newspaperman) wrote:

" The man who does not read a newspaper is ill-informed. The man who does read a newspaper, is misinformed!"

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I've always thought that there wasn't really much difference between the extremes at either end. Probably why Putin and Trump get on so well.

I guess within the spectrum of political belief, whether something is left or right depends on your starting point and is always going to be subjective, as is your views on the leaning of the media.

What I do find rather annoying is the way the term 'liberal lefty' is thrown around as if it's an insult. If that is what people think I am then it's something I'm very proud of..not a negative thing at all. Why would anyone be insulted by being accused of being tolerant, open minded and wanting a fairer society?

I also love the term 'snowflake' which I have heard used as an insult. What a beautiful and precious thing to be called.
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Certainly do NOT read if your blood pressure is going to be adversely affected[:D]


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[quote user="lindal1000"]

What I do find rather annoying is the way the term 'liberal lefty' is thrown around as if it's an insult. If that is what people think I am then it's something I'm very proud of..not a negative thing at all. Why would anyone be insulted by being accused of being tolerant, open minded and wanting a fairer society? [/quote]

True Liberals no longer exist, Linda. When the Gang of Four, defected from Labour and formed the SDP, then migrated to the Liberal Party to form as now, the Liberal Democrats, Liberalism

became infected with modern Socialism and over-concerned with the plethora of PCness that

has made them a laughing stock. Huhn didn't help their public image.

A Liberal-Left person describes precisely what they are; which is no way Liberal. Their heroic time (Lloyd-George; Asquith; Gladstone et al),  was finished and done by 1922. Sadly; since the achieved so much for the Little People.

If I was so inclined (I am not, I am apolitical as I cannot abide any of 'em!), then I would be a Liberal: as I believe, passionately, in Fair Dos.

However, I cannot abide Socialism, as history since 1944 demonstrates its inherent flaws.

Clearly, rather than Liberal-Left, you are an altruist: which is hugely different.

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