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Trump to win?


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[quote user="Judith"]

I only see someone who disrespects women and many others - no matter whether he can turn the economy round - how you treat EVERONE is what matters first and foremost.


Bravo, bravo, Judith, VERY well said![:D]

I have a very small but, for me, very significant anecdote to tell you about.

When I was doing some post-graduate work at a university, I had a Professor of Studies with whom I often worked till after hours because of conflicting demands on our time.  He was a genial, joke-cracking, roly-poly of a man and nothing like the thin, ascetic academic man of letters of popular fiction and imagination.  But, he had the most amazing intellect and became well-known in later years within certain circles.

One day, we were coming out of the faculty building, still chatting away and my head was still full of the subject we were working on.  I hardly noticed the janitor who was about to shut the doors but my prof broke off our, to me, engrossing conversation, and went over to have a chat and a laugh with the janitor.

I thought then what a fine man my boss was and I have often thought of that one small incident and indeed it has often led me to think about what you have said about treating EVERYBODY the same.  I don't say that I always succeed but it's one of my guiding principles of how to treat others.  Talk about early impressions, that was one I have never forgotten.

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The first thing Trump will do is line his pockets, then destroy the environment, then women's rights, then abortion rights...... and this is what ebaynut supports.

Even the big infrastructure projects he is proposing will be built by the big Republican supporters - eg Haliiburton who will provide minimum quality for maximum return, as they did in Iraq.

Oh, and those Mexicans born in the US, will they find their parents being thrown out, their human rights trammeled by this narcissistic monster.

One thing that you can be sure of, however, is that there will be a big increase in the shares of companies selling hair care products, mainly dye!

ebn, you are slipping into crypto fascism in your views, be careful my friend, or you will be wearing the uniform next and saluting.....
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One big problem with the wall idea, apparently, is that the land close to the border is privately owned, so will have to be compulsorily purchased. I can't see that getting done in 100 days, but I guess you never know. He does have previous for this in Scotland, although I understand he was not entirely successful.
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Trump becomes President on 20th January so we know by the end of April whether the wall is going to happen. I do notice that Trump has made very little mention of the wall since winning the election. It may be that all the talk of the wall was to win the election. Job done in that case.

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Well, it seems that there is still a chance that Mr Trump might not yet become President if he is found guilty of fraud over Trump University.

He will have to stand before taking office and if found guilty will be impeachable, but will the Congress go along with it?

Remains to be seen but looks like interesting times ahead.

(Article in the Independent)
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[quote user="woolybanana"]The first thing Trump will do is line his pockets,[/quote]

Which of course, the Kennedy dynasty didn't do - papa Joe being a bootlegger -; the Clinton's didn't do. Tony Blair didn't do: Hollande hasn't done - love his €1,000,000 house on the Côte d'Azur, BTW - Mandelson hasn't done; Barroso the Marxist has not joined Goldman Sachs, of course, it's all a lie!

 [quote]then destroy the environment [/quote] as China, India et al continue to do, and destroy jobs and prosperity in the West, which has hobbled itself and its industries by insane goody goody "Climate Change" taxes and laws, despite it now being proven it is mainly a scam and has made Al Gore (The well known Liberal in Clinton's administration, an extremely wealthy man; etc.

Let us have some hard facts, please, Wooly, rather than a disappointed rant.

Simple fact is NO ONE yet knows what Trump's actual policies will be. NO ONE!

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[quote user="Judith"]So ebaynut - perhaps you'd better move over the pond if you like what you see.

I only see someone who disrespects women and many others - no matter whether he can turn the economy round - how you treat EVERONE is what matters first and foremost.


I much admire your altruistic sentiments, Judith. Sadly both charitable giving and the expansion of social benefits and improvements comes from economic success, not failure.

The USA is bust. Many major cities and states are bust too. HUD has failed and many other social projects and programmes.

What has succeeded big time, is Big Capital, i.e. Wall Street et al. Yet not "the real economy on Main Street" as it is called.

In truth, even after two terms, Obama has been coasting and has achieved nothing.

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There's a lot of powerful facts and good sensible thought there EBN, from Gluestick too, which makes a change from some posts, hilarious tho' they might be. Crow pie is not particularly digestible is it ?

I just got this link in from Hillary herself, but if you don't admire DT, better not to click I'd venture.


and this is informative :


Bon weekend for everyone.
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[quote user="andyh4"][quote user="Gluestick"]

Simple fact is NO ONE yet knows what Trump's actual policies will be. NO ONE!


But I could have sworn that YOU GS posted the Trump policy list one by one.

What's not to like? IIRC[/quote]


Trump is a politician. They are ALL the same. They talk up a storm when out on the stump and then refine, change and amend as things progress.

Yes indeed, I did post the early release of Trump's first iteration of his stated policy objectives.

Already, he has modified his stance on Obamacare.

See Here:

For me, Tony BLiar's action in reneging on PR, shortly after his first election (It was cast in concrete in Labour's manifesto) was perhaps the biggest political volte face of all time!

Having won a landslide election, Two Jags - he of the multiple chins and wobbling jowls -  announced this reversal using weasel words to slide out of the commitment.

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Ernie, I expected better of you.

Whatever your politics, policies, or beliefs, it is still possible to respect people at whatever level of society they may be (which is not the same as being able to help everybody), and it is this which Trump has blatantly NOT done.  What is scary to me is that I think it is part of his personality and not done just to win votes.

I also NOT saying that other politicians were or are not as bad - in some cases they are, but my tenet still holds, you should still treat people with respect.

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[quote user="ernie"]There's a lot of powerful facts and good sensible thought there EBN, from Gluestick too, which makes a change from some posts, hilarious tho' they might be. Crow pie is not particularly digestible is it ?

I just got this link in from Hillary herself, but if you don't admire DT, better not to click I'd venture.


and this is informative :


Bon weekend for everyone.[/quote]

Thanks for kind words, Ernie; and the links.

The African-Americans interviewed in the second video, talk much more sense than 99% of the commentators, journalists and media presenters added together

The only area where H R Clinton has succeeded, together with her idiot spouse, is in terms of personal enrichment.

Trump is a total outsider; almost treated as a pariah by the US old boy, political and banking set. Indeed, he has succeeded, despite them; not because of them. One of the core reasons I wanted him to win.

Otherwise, it wouldn't matter a fig, whether it has been a GOP or Dem candidate who won; it would have been business as usual and let the the majority of Americans eat cake...

And this is what most people fail to realise about politics, law and the rest. Whilst in public they all talk up a storm; and in parliament or a court of law and on the opposing sides, one could be forgiven for believing they were mortal enemies!

Except as with professional wrestlers, outside the ring, they are the best of chums, socialise, drink together and ignore their synthetic, manufactured for the punters, ostensible differences.

The whole system is a scam: a charade. Identical to the Roman Circuses, created to keep the proles from thinking too much and keeping them subservient.

Many on this site have repeated the myth concerning Trump's xenophobia and racism. If so, then riddle me this; why does the Trump Organisation employ so many Blacks, Hispanics, Arabs, Asians, etc? Why did the majority Black States vote for Trump?

He is an accomplished negotiator; he has just proven he is not a bad orator; he understands operation of a large, sprawling business empire. Most critical of all, he is divorced from the established political hegemony and the hugely incestuous Special Interest Lobbying machine. And has succeeded, as I earlier stated, despite them; not because of them!

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[quote user="lindal1000"]I see he has started by emulating most well known dictators by appointing two of his sons and his son in law to be in charge of his transition team.[/quote]

As the Borgia family teach us from history, better those you know than those you don't.

Otherwise you may well have clutched a viper to your bosom...

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For those who would like a lighter moment; if you're not ready for that, please ignore.

Sorry I can't make the links live on my ipad:

The John Lewis Christmas advert is sweet:


But I love the Trump/Clinton take-off!

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I suppose it depends on your definition of respect Gluestick. I try to treat everyone with respect until and unless they do something that shows me they don't deserve it.

I think Trump told us something about himself when he mocked the reporter with some kind of tremor. I will never respect or trust him.
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