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There Was No Possibility!


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The term (Not used by myself) has sprung from the Neo-Liberals in power and having huge financial interest, who have, unfortunately, been dictating Western political now, for over thirty years.

Perhaps the best present example being George Soros.

Short definition for you:

"Liberal elite (also metropolitan elite

in the United Kingdom) is a term used to describe politically

left-leaning people, whose education had traditionally opened the doors

to affluence and power and form a managerial elite."

[quote]A hate incident is only recorded if it is reported and only deemed a crime if a criminal act has been committed.[/quote]


Let me share a true story...

Quite some years back, a solicitor acquaintance, who is politically active, was instructed by the father of young, demised Stewart Lubbock, who was found drowned in Michael Barrymore's swimming pool, at his flash residence in Hertfordshire. The family were pushing for a proper PM and forensic evaluation, repeatedly denied.

Barrymore was outed as a predatory homosexual who held rather unpleasant parties at his then home.

The solicitor, as part of his recommendation to the client assisted in the scripting and publishing of a website.....

One fine day he received a telephone call out of the blue; from Herts police, telling him he was being investigated for a "Hate Crime", under the aegis of the Criminal Justice Act (Amended) for criticising "Gays". The caller was a female WPS (Sargent). The Herts. police even issued a press release.........

All this caused my acquaintance serious reputational problems both personally and professionally. I agreed to assist him.

Having carefully researched and absorbed the CJA (Amended), well guess what I found!

The amended act had not even been passed into statute!!!

The damages paid by plod were significant; and only because of the precipitate press release.

What a great shame the cops could not overcome their PC fear in this case, huh?

See here

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My brother was accused of being a 'liberal elite ' the other week. He laughed because a. I don't think he has voted in a GE for the last 20 years and doesn't really have any strong political views apart from being in favour of staying in the EU. B. He went to state school, left after A levels and never went to University, C. Like me is from a very ordinary working class background.

He has had a successful career as a banker and I can only assume that was the reason he was labelled in that fashion, and he is generally not a racist, perhaps with more inclusive views on society than some of his colleagues, but, they are his personal views and not part of his working life. That doesn't make him a 'liberal elite' does it?

Who would you think would fall into this category?
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IMHO, a Liberal leftie is different from a Liberal elite.  The former is

someone who has never had a proper job, thinks they know what's best for

everyone else, and that its good for people from other countries to be allowed

to live in theirs, and that anyone who does not like this is a racist. They

believe we should all ‘Budge up’ a bit to make room for these, in many cases

‘poor people’ as they have had a hard time in their previous country due to

wars, that the terrible west has inflicted on them.

They completely ignore the fact that it was their party of choice, 

the labour government who started these wars with their lies of WOMD, and who

refuse to condemn Tony Blair for his war crimes, and will never, ever say

anything bad about him.


And of course if these people who do come to the UK are non white, so much

the better, and if they are poor, well, lets take the wealth of the country and

give it to them. If they are gay, then even better, they believe that these are

the people who we need to fill our country, our houses, hospitals and



They are also happy to have an election in the US fought on the electoral

collage rules, mostly because it was widely believed that this would stop the

candidate they hated from winning. When that candidate wins by this route, they

then claim that it was all unfair, and it should never have been run this way. 

It was OK when the black Muslim, Barack Hussein Obama won this way, but totally

wrong when Donald Trump prevailed this time around.



The Liberal Elite, are again people who have never done much in the way of

work, in this group the top of the tree must be Tony Blair, this a person who

changes laws to his advantage. He has money and power, and so is able to bring

about real change which is to his benefit, and stuff the majority.  Also names

I would add are, Richard Branson, makes his money in the UK, thinks we should be

in the EU, but lives in a paradise island on the other side of the world, where

if you wish to go will cost a small fortune to enter. There are many more names

I could add, please let me know if you wish me to continue.

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Quite some years back, a

solicitor acquaintance, who is politically active, was instructed by the father

of young, demised Stewart Lubbock, who was found drowned in Michael Barrymore's

swimming pool, at his flash residence in Hertfordshire. The family were pushing

for a proper PM and forensic evaluation, repeatedly denied.

Barrymore was

outed as a predatory homosexual who held rather unpleasant parties at his then





This rather ties up nicely

with my comments about Harlow earlier in this thread.  Barrymore's

house was indeed in Hertfordshire, in Roydon in fact, which is about 3 miles

from Harlow town centre where the nice Mr Barrymore had been doing the

nightclubs and bars before the said ‘party’.As I said earlier Murder often

happens in Harlow and is just part of life there.


I would disagree that

Barrymore’s place was ‘flash’, tacky is more how I would describe

it. Sure there was a pool there, but it is rather tightly fitted in the small

garden of the property.


It is often said that the

English channel is the most dangerous piece of water in the UK, except of

course, for the shallow end of Michael Barrymore’s swimming pool. 

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Your post sums up very nicely, the problems with labelling people Ebaynut..as it seems clear that Gluestick thinks liberal elite it is one thing, you have a different idea, and presumably the people who said my brother was one have a different view. :) ?

As with most labels, it seems to mean anyone that doesn't agree with your own view of the world. Isn't a liberal leftie an impossibility? Well at least according to Corbyn.
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[quote user="lindal1000"]Your post sums up very nicely, the problems with labelling people Ebaynut..as it seems clear that Gluestick thinks liberal elite it is one thing, you have a different idea, and presumably the people who said my brother was one have a different view. :) ?

As with most labels, it seems to mean anyone that doesn't agree with your own view of the world. Isn't a liberal leftie an impossibility? Well at least according to Corbyn.[/quote]


It is not what I think: it is now a clear matter of journalistic coverage.

See Here:

Core definitions of Social Liberalism and Classical Liberalism:

Social Liberalism:

Classical Liberalism:

Now would you have considered the Classical Liberal was a vehement supporter of Free Market Capitalism?


What has happened with party politics is a gradual sea-change which accelerated through the 1990s in particular.

Perhaps Neil Kinnock galvanised the Labour Party (and unconsciously laid the foundation for NuLab's covert social engineering project on unfettered Third World immigration) by addressing a meeting of the faithful and informing them, "Labour has lost their traditional voter: mainly since incomes have rapidly increased and we need to seek other directions!"

The Tory Party became - or tried to become! - sort of warm and cuddly and espousing a greater social conscience, in theory...and thus became centrist, rather than right. It became increasingly difficult to distinguish between supposed Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

All else apart, the Lib-Dems had and have nothing which is truly "Liberal". Oh that they did!

Having studied and researched true real Liberal politics, then it is abundantly clear, how and why the new party arose from the ashes of the Whigs and Tories of the mid-1800s. Towering intellects such as William Ewart Gladstone and David Lloyd-George and probably Herbert Asquith were determined to better the appalling lot of a majority. Staggering, perhaps, to realise workhouses still existed in the early 1930s: and the dire living conditions of the majority in the late 1920s and early 1930s. I have recently re-read Orwell's epic work, "The Road to Wigan Pier" (published in 1937), to remind myself. More frightening to suddenly conclude this was only 29 years before Mrs Gluey and I married!

[quote]Isn't a liberal leftie an impossibility?[/quote]

Clearly, not at all: since true original Liberals demonstrated many of the tenets later adopted by Labour, including the foundation of Britain's Welfare State. After Ramsey McDonald et al fell out of their besotted obsession with Soviet Russia being a sun-drenched Utopia and dropped Marxism for social ownership (Clause IV), the modern Labour Party was born...

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I did start my post with IMHO, You asked a question, and I answered it as I

see it. I accept what I think Liberal lefties are, may be different to others,

just like Christmas means different things to different people.

Its like when I vote to leave the EU, I vote to leave every singe aspect of

it, I don't expect a bunch of ‘Liberal Elites’ to try to find any bit of small

print they can to try to take a democratic vote away from the majority of the

UK. I want the UK fully out of the single market.

No wonder Dave went off for pastures new.

P.S. Thanks for the tip on another thread , next time my eyebrows need threading, I will head off to Slough. [:D]




 I would be interested as to what I have placed in those two posts which you

think is incorrect. I guess as you choose not to address any of them, other then

your general remark, that it is a case you don't like my comments, rather then

there is anything incorrect in them. [:P]
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No proof that Obama is a Muslim, just to start with. You are merely repeating extreme Republican claims.

Your first paragraph is based on pure prejudice; what do you know about the group of people that you denigrate so enthusiastically, how do you know they have never had jobs of the kind you seem to regard as worthy?
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No proof that Obama is a Muslim just to start

with. You are merely repeating extreme Republican claims.


Plenty of proof, that Barack HUSSAIN Obama is a Muslim, please Google if  you want to

see independent evidence of this.

Obama's father was a Muslim, so he was born a

Muslim, which makes him a Muslim, he ‘converted’ apparently to

Christianity during his twentys. Had he not have done this he would

never have made POTUS.

When he got the top job, he then repaid his

Muslim friends by allowing them into the US in droves. No wonder he cant say the


He tries to justify the beheading

carried out by ISIS, by saying that Christians done this to Muslims 1000 years 

so I guess he thinks its OK for IS to do this now??

Anyway, now Mr T is going to be the main

player, his wonderful policy of Extreme vetting is going to be introduced in the

US, lets hope one day we can get this in the UK.



Your first paragraph is based on pure prejudice; what do you know about

the group of people that you denigrate so enthusiastically, how do you know they

have never had jobs of the kind you seem to regard as worthy?



Again easy to find out the Liberal Elites ‘work’

record, I could name many jobs which really are not worthy that liberal lefties

do, how about men who ‘work’ as teachers for a start.
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[quote user="woolybanana"]Your information is clearly part of the post truth movement.

Would you say that teaching was a less worthy occupation than, say, renting out property, extracting exhorbitant rents with no rent controls and the rest?[/quote]

Both activities can be for good.

Sadly, and the stats prove this beyond doubt, education in Britain has failed. And from what my French teachers tell me their is heading precisely the same way.

Indeed our neighbour in France (he is English, she is French and a senior teacher) have sent their bright eldest girl now to university; and the youngest has been moved into a private school which is costing them a bundle. Only and simply because the educational standard in France is, she states, appalling!

Rachman-type landlords ( Nicholas van Hoogstraten perhaps?) are utter scum of the earth.

However, charities such as Peabody, Guinness Housing Trust et al (Many of them Quaker roots from late 1800s on Victorian England cannot be viewed in such a light.

Once again, the causal root is idiotic braindead government: mainly the Blair-Brown combo, ably assisted by the late supposedly "Hard" Eddy George, who carried out an insane monetary policy, lowering base rates to an historical all time low.

Sorry to also mention the dreaded "I" word: Immigration. No nation state can support an influx of over 2 million new people and families, without fiscal disaster when its housing infrastructure is already on the edge of collapse.

And now, thanks to Dodgy Dave and The Idiot Boy, Gideon and their clever wheezes to stamp down on Buy 2 Let, by removing mortgage interest charges from being expensed and ramping up stamp duty, those measures have already led to private (non-corporate) landlords liquidating their portfolios and this process is presently accelerating.

Since foreign money has already been hoovering-up UK properties, as a hedge against currency and capital loss, they will dump squillions into the UK private accommodation sector and, since they are foreign-based, prove between hard to impossible to bring to account. For example, local government needing to serve notices under Environmental Health regulations.

Which will simply exacerbate the core problems.

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Just as the Salvation Army saved my father when he was abandoned by his family (plus a lot worse) at 14 years of age when history repeated itself as it often does it was the Guiness Trust that saved me at 18 years of age from living in a tent amongst a community of squatters and drug takers, without the stability and security of having a stable roof above my head for the first time since I was 15 I undoubtedly would not have finished my apprenticeship or college education and would probably have been dragged down into crime like so many of my poor choice of friends in those days.


Would I even have been seen as a priority in the current climate when they could house a 40 year old immigrant who claims to be 15 years old? Its not as if I could get myself pregnant to be housed [:P]


The Guinness Trust aided by funding from the housing corporation helped me buy my first property so that I could vacate my social housing for someone in need, when I finally sell up in the UK I wont forget whose seed capital I used for my little property empire, I am making fun of it but todays value of my house and the plot of land contained within which I developed would have seemed like the proceeds of a gold bullion heist back in 1986 when I left the Guinness Trust.

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So really pleased to learn this, Chance!

People always forget, the fantastic work done, oh so quietly by such trusts and charities, well beneath the radar, when tin shakers and chuggers are out raising large amounts of dosh, on commission, for supposed charities which are scam businesses using "charity" as a disguise for tax avoidance.

Well guess what, NuLab abolished the Housing Corporation in 2008, after Thatcher emasculated its funding and told housing associations et to seek funding from her darling "markets".

Waste of bloody space all politicians.


And people wonder why we suffer a massive housing problem in the UK!


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W/B wrote,


Would you say that teaching was a less worthy occupation than, say, renting

out property, extracting exhorbitant rents with no rent controls and the rest?




I would say with a degree of certainty it is a lot less

profitable.  And of course you get to learn how to spell

EXORBITANT correctly. [;-)]


No one said teaching was not a worthy occupation,

I said MEN who work as teachers. Its not a job for a man, it pays very poorly,

and the whole point of working is to earn money for your family.

But of course it suits lazy men, as no physical work is involved,

and provided they turn up each day and go through the

motions, they get a cheque at the end of the month. No

risk involved, just an easy, lazy ride.

Most then get jealous of others who they consider as less superior to them

education wise, so, as they are incapable of archiving more in life, they then

embrace left wing politics. they then try to install these views in their poor



I remember one of the male teachers from when I went to

school, telling me if I did not pay attention to my lessons that I

would end up in a poor paying job. I asked if it this is what had happened to

him,he had no reply.

He was lazy, I guess his poor earning skills helped with

his marriage breakdown, he later became an alcoholic, a total and utter


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I would say with a degree of certainty it is a lot less



No one said teaching was not a worthy occupation,

I said MEN who work as teachers. Its not a job for a man, it pays very poorly,

and the whole point of working is to earn money for your family.

But of course it suits lazy men, as no physical work is involved,

and provided they turn up each day and go through the

motions, they get a cheque at the end of the month. No

risk involved, just an easy, lazy ride.

Most then get jealous of others who they consider as less superior to them

education wise, so, as they are incapable of archiving more in life, they then

embrace left wing politics
. they then try to install these views in their poor

pupils. [/quote]

Now ebn, you are really being very silly.

If by "Teachers" you mean the modern quasi-Marxist NUT member, then I would agree. To a point.

However, my Masters, were a breed apart. I would have loved you to make the lazy comment to my upper school class Master! Fought in tanks in WWII; a demon runner (The Tortoise Club) and great rugby player too. Would have spat you out in bits....

BTW: on spelling!  "Archiving" I suspect you meant "Achieving"; plus one more little tip.

politics. they". It is usual to commence a new sentence with a capital letter...


Never ever excoriate another on spelling and grammar and then make sloppy mistakes in your riposte!

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G/S wrote,

However, my Masters, were a

breed apart. I would have loved you to make the lazy comment to my upper school

class Master! Fought in tanks in WWII; a demon runner (The Tortoise Club) and

great rugby player too. Would have spat you out in bits....


But then I never had Masters

as teachers, your man sounds like a proper decent gent

for sure, mine ( the one I mentioned) was a lazy fat failure of a man, who

deserved the loathing of his pupils in every way.

ence as I could afford it,my boys were educated privately,

and not by some failure in life who could not find anything better to work


BTW: on spelling!  "Archiving" I suspect you meant "Achieving";

plus one more little tip.

politics. they". It is usual to commence a new sentence

with a capital letter...



ever excoriate another on spelling and grammar and then make sloppy mistakes in

your riposte!



Perhaps if I worked

in teaching, my written word would be faultless, but as I have never had such a ‘pleasure’ I would not expect it

to be. People who look down on others lack of

perceived education, and then make such sloppy mistakes

themselves, which clearly any old idiot can spot, (and did)

 need it pointing out to them.
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ebn, may I remind you that this is a forum about France, not a personal space for you to get your prejudices out of your system. If you really do need psychological help, my daughter could perhaps offer you an appointment over in Brussels, though she is booked pretty solid so she tells me and doesnt take just any old customer.
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Gluestick - exactly my thoughts - you beat me to it.

I did this -

Poor little Bruxelles lot - including Juncker et al.... they're not going to have a Happy Christmas looking around 'their' federalist empire - crumbling around their ears;  thanks to the internet and forums people are beginning to realise how much they've been brainwashed, that their ideas and feelings about the little empire are echoed by very many people, and many european citizens.

Anyone practising psychology/post-traumatic stress/ etc etc - is going to have their hands full next year !!!

GOODY, GOODY, GOODY....full scale nervous breakdowsn for all the eurokrauts - bring it on.

And by the way - my typing speeds are good, my english is reasonable, my spelling is reasonable - but sometimes modern techno lets me down by dropping a letter ( or maybe it's the grotty keyboard) - which 'might' lead to mis-spellings.

Please - let's not be too pedantic, and point-scoring - we is intelligent, no ?   We can all make mistakes - yes ?

We has understanding of what is being posted - yes ?

Tis the season of goodwill - stop it guys !!!

Happy Christmas everyone.

And may we all - continue - to live in interesting times.

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Realising you've been brainwashed is one thing. Thinking up something better to replace it with, and making it work, is another thing.

As GK Chesterton said, "Don't ever take a fence down until you know the reason it was put up". Pulling down fences is the easy bit - but then what do you do?

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