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Petition to ban Trump from UK state visit.


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Cajal - not an anomaly at all. Where does one start with the crimes committed by the state of Israel. What Trump is attempting to do has long been the practise of racist Israel.

There is a good article in the independent about this:


though not the only one.

The daily telegraph is a little like the "Trumpite" press (new word?) in the US.

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Lindal wrote,

It isn't petitions themselves that stop anything..It's the fact that they sew doubt in the minds of reasonable people. As do peaceful demonstrations. In themselves they don't change the world, but they can change opinion. It's a long term strategy not a short term fix.

How any reasonable person can think that unchecked uncontrolled immigration is a good thing is beyond me, It seems that it is OK to mention anything on this forum except perhaps when MUSLIM ISLAMIC STATE fighters posing as refugees who run down huge numbers of good white Christian people using large vehicles in mainland Europe.

Funny after such an event at a Christmas market in Germany, there was not one mention of it on this forum, why was that?? does it help to destroy your multi cultural ideas??? If you don't mention it, perhaps you can pretend it did not happen.

Armed forces support will be okay for protecting against problems overseas, but no professional army will be happy shooting citizens of their own country. If Trump wants to rule in that way he will have to train up a special militia to do the dirty work. That's what all dictators have to do.

If the SJW's wish to protest peacefully then that is their right. However there is always the few who take it too far. These are the ones which the law will start to go down on hard. The rest will soon catch on how to behave properly.

As for snowflakes..a beautiful complex structure..no one is the same and when they group together they are powerful enough to start an avalanche.

Turn up the heat and they melt away to nothing, just like a dodgy politician when he realises he has thrown away the globalists dream, as he did not really have to have a referendum in the first place, if he had played it differently.

Thanks Dave, nice one my son.
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ebaynut said..............The rest will soon catch on how to behave properly.

but will DJT??????? at the moment it seems that he is not only NOT acting like the leader of a first world power, but a bully and rather stupidly.

Could he run a business, bringing out new rules and then not telling his staff what they are or how to deal with them....... well maybe that was what happened in Atlantic City..........[Www]

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"How any reasonable person can think that unchecked uncontrolled immigration is a good thing is beyond me."

America already had one of the strictest immigration policies going. No one is arguing necessarily for unchecked immigration because that has never been the case.

"It seems that it is OK to mention anything on this forum except perhaps when MUSLIM ISLAMIC STATE fighters posing as refugees who run down huge numbers of good white Christian people using large vehicles in mainland Europe."

It seems to me that no one stops you posting whatever you like about Muslims. The German attacker was a Tunisian who had been known to the police for months, was living there illegally and had already been arrested three times. I doubt closing borders would have made much different in his case. I don't know whether some or all of the victims were Christian. Do you? One was an Israeli. I certainly don't know whether they were all white or whether they were 'good'..or do you just assume that anyone Christian is automatically white and good? Not that their religion or colour would make their death in that way any less or more horrific.

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Lindal wrote,

America already had one of the strictest immigration policies going.

If you think that, you ain't seen nothing yet, EXTREME VETTING anyone???.

No one is arguing necessarily for unchecked immigration because that has never been the case.

Under the Obama administration, all the laws have been relaxed, Check out all the new 'sanctuary citys' which have been set up in some states during his reign.

It seems to me that no one stops you posting whatever you like about Muslims.

On the contrary Lindal, when I offered my opinion on how IS should be deal with and their MUSLIM supporters, after they murdered those folks in Nice, some on this good forum choose to hit that old report button, as they thought it somehow infringed on the poor terrorists freedom, and my post was pulled, perhaps you were one who ran to teacher??

The German attacker was a Tunisian who had been known to the police for months, was living there illegally and had already been arrested three times. I doubt closing borders would have made much different in his case. I don't know whether some or all of the victims were Christian. Do you? One was an Israeli. I certainly don't know whether they were all white or whether they were 'good'..or do you just assume that anyone Christian is automatically white and good? Not that their religion or colour would make their death in that way any less or more horrific.

Well, lets think about this, and take a wild stab in the dark here, it was a Christmas market, so a good chance that those attending were indeed Christian, would you not think? Are there many non whites that attend Christmas markets in Germany?? Certainly in the UK, the majority (99.9%) are white that attend these events, As for good, well you do tend to get a better class of people at these events, the price of the items on sale at them does help to keep the riff away somewhat.
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And, ebaynut, you have never pressed the report button? A little less self righteous hypocracy, if you please.

May I point out that use of the term 'non-whites' is purely racist, often seen in the days of apartheid in South Africa. And that many Christians who enjoy the markets are not of European stock.

And that Christ was from the Middle East.

What pray is 'riff'?

And that, on average, in the US, more Americans are killed by home grown sons of the soil than by terrorists, particularly by kids and teenagers with guns.

I am beginning to suspect that you might be Jeremy Corbyn in disguise, by the way, as your posts are so extreme and silly!
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Well, lets think about this, and take a wild stab in the dark here, it

was a Christmas market, so a good chance that those attending were

indeed Christian, would you not think? Are there many non whites that

attend Christmas markets in Germany?? Certainly in the UK, the majority

(99.9%) are white that attend these events, As for good, well you do

tend to get a better class of people at these events, the price of the

items on sale at them does help to keep the riff away somewhat.

The above quote is from the forum's very own Trump aka Ebaynut!

Come, EB, you must know that Christmas markets are purely commercial enterprises and nothing to do with Christianity?  As is all the commercial hoohaa around Christmas, of course.

I don't know about non whites attending such markets in Germany.  I understand that they are popular and huge affairs in that country so my guess is that people going to the markets are going to form a cross section of the population.

Against my better judgement, I was persuaded to go to the Christmas in Bordeaux......huge disappointment, full of cheap tacky merchandise.  Can't say that I consciously looked around to see if the majority of people were white.  Although I didn't think much of the market, I spent a fairly enjoyable afternoon with the friend who persuaded me to go.

However, maybe I should be grateful to be termed as one of "a better class of people at these events"....depends what you mean by "class" but I am not sure I care to be deemed a "better class"!  Better than which other classes and better in what possible ways?[:-))]

But I can't argue with you about the price of "items on sale"; truly extortionate and really just a lot of tat.  You won't be surprised to know that, despite my perceived "better class" of person status, I left empty-handed and was very glad to get back to my local market town to be met by my husband and my dog(incidentally, she, the dog, is the highest class person in our household, I mean, her being a thorough bred and all[:D])

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Funny, Nimty, I thought we were all 'riff', or are we all 'raff'!

Couldn't agree more about Xmas markets, though. In fact, the same is true about most markets and the tat that is sold there, though of course there are exceptions.

By the way, we once had a poster on here called the Riff-Raff element. Perhaps he might wish to comment on his name being taken in vain. Oh, and he was of Afghan descent EBN if I remember rightly.
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W/B wrote,

And, ebaynut, you have never pressed the report button? A little less self righteous hypocracy, if you please.

I can honestly say, I have NEVER EVER pressed the report button, or ever would. I am sure any of your Mod friends can validate this.

Mind you, apart from one, when do they ever visit this forum these days?? At least your friend, 'Crazy Chris' used to contribute.

I have however phoned the forum admin once as a thread was locked by a mod, after your misspelling my user name, and requested it be unlocked,so I could reply as I really did not want you to have the last incorrect word.

So its you who presses the report button then!!!!!!!!!

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When the wall between the USA and Mexico gets built, I say when because I dont think its an "if", then I wonder whether it will be built by Americans including green card holding immigrants or will it be subbed out? Mexico being the most likely candidate especially if they pay for it.


I have just had a thought, which mean a wheeler dealer like Trump will have long ago considered it, what about awarding the contract to Mexico, they pay for it but all the workers get a green card at the end of the works, a one off deal, better still there could be an Amnesty where  any illegals currently in the USA if they go and work on the wall then they become legit and get a green card, after that the rout begins.


I just wonder......................

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ebayNUT wrote:

Are there many non whites that attend Christmas markets in Germany??

Depends where you want to draw the line EBN. At a number of markets I attended there were quite a few Turks and Germans of Turkish origin, and while I failed to quiz them all on their religion, I feel sure that quite a few would have been Muslim.

Indeed some of the stalls were manned by (and presumably run by) Turkish people.

But do feel free to keep digging my friend.
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[quote user="Chancer"]

When the wall between the USA and Mexico gets built, I say when because I dont think its an "if", then I wonder whether it will be built by Americans including green card holding immigrants or will it be subbed out? Mexico being the most likely candidate especially if they pay for it.


There is a good chance that DJT (or more correctly, one of his companies now run by his family) has already bought the real estate and formed a company to bid for the supplies and building work.

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Yes, ebn, I have reported you, either once or twice, can't remember, though am not sure if posts were pulled as a result. This because I considered the posts to be racist and still do.

But I guess it depends on the definition or racism.

And, by the way, the mods are not my friends, I have never met any of them. They keep an eye on things here quite regularly but sensibly use a light touch for that IMNVHO is what works best.
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I agree with you about the Christmas market in Bordeaux..complete waste of time and load of rubbish for sale. I went to the one in Brussels a few years ago. OH was working for the day and I tagged along and we spent a weekend there. (Not on expenses..his train fare was paid but we covered the rest ourselves). We actually stayed in a hotel in the area where the Paris terrorists came from. Thought it looked a bit dodgey when we walked back from town but have stayed in worse! OH went to work and I went to the market. By 10.30 I was done.. absolutely nothing there of any interest. I sat and wasted a half hour having a coffee and then spent the rest of the day wandering aimlessly around the streets, drinking more coffee, more wandering, desperately trying to keep warm! In the end I resorted to sitting in the railway waiting room and then the church, with all the homeless people! It has to be the most boring city I have ever been to and I can't say the people at the market were any more 'classy' than those I see in any other big city. What a strange world you seem to live in EBN..so different to that of the rest of us.
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How the hell did a thread about Trump end up being about bored in Bordeaux and Brussels ???????

To bring it back Trumps approval rating has now fallen to 42% and disapproval jumped to 53%, seems the American public may actually be starting to realise just what it is they have done by putting a malignant narcissist on the White House.

As a topical aside I hope this lady never applies for a visa for the Disunited States of Trumpland, is she got there she'd likely be picked up and waterboarded to make her retract and say that his Trumpness was right all along.

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Lindal wrote,

What a strange world you seem to live in EBN..so different to that of the rest of us.

The place is called England, you may have heard of it possibly? Its the country thankfully, where the majority of the people voted to take back control of its borders, to regain its sovereignty, and to return to being an independent country which makes its own rules and laws ,decides who can enter,and not have to bow down to the German run EU.

I know you may not like it, but that’s what is going to happen, no doubt it will cost us all in the UK some money, but that is a very small price to pay compared to what my parents generation sacrificed to be free from German rule.

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[quote user="ebaynut"]where the majority of the people voted[/quote]You mean of course "the majority of the people who voted" and not the people, or the electorate, as a whole.

That was 46m in which case the 17.4m leave vote actually represented a minority of 39%.

You can argue that those who didn't vote shouldn't be included but that won't alter the fact that only some 39% of the people voted leave.

Whichever way you cut it though in no conceivable way can a margin of just 3.8% be called resounding.

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You see you even have a different view of the past EBN. My parents were also involved in the war, but they were always very clear that they weren't fighting Germany and ordinary Germans, but the Na zis and fascism.

I'm glad you are being honest and removing Scotland, Wales and NI from your Eutopia. You should also remove London from your list.

On a personal level I don't live in the UK anymore thank God and pretty soon I won't have any more money there so it has nothing to do with whether I like it or not as it won't affect me. I do feel sorry though for the majority who did not vote to become the 51st State.

As to Trumpton, even the most ardent of leave voters that I know do not associate themselves with Trump's madness. The whole issue of state visit may not be relevant if he is impeached by then,
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[quote user="AnOther"][quote user="ebaynut"]where the majority of the people voted[/quote]You mean of course "the majority of the people who voted" and not the people, or the electorate, as a whole.

That was 46m in which case the 17.4m leave vote actually represented a minority of 39%.

You can argue that those who didn't vote shouldn't be included but that won't alter the fact that only some 39% of the people voted leave.

Whichever way you cut it though in no conceivable way can a margin of just 3.8% be called resounding.


I dont believe that in the UK's  democracy a vote needs to be resounding, just a majority; and why would the winning party/side need to argue anything? Or the losing party make comments like that? Surely being part of a democracy is being grown up and accepting that for one side to win the other will lose, at least until the next vote.


By all means criticise those that didnt vote, myself amongst them. 

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