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anyone seen the photos of Trump and May holding hands?


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I have just seen the photo and am surprised, or perhaps I am not, that those of you who so want to dislike Trump have not seen that it is clearly her that is holding his hand, he is allowing his hand to be held but not doing any holding, I would speculate that it was her who invited him to give her his hand, probably for the photo opportunity.


Who was the Australian PM that goosed her Maj?


I think Mrs May is safe on that score.

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You have to think of Trump from a women's perspective Chancer, if you want to understand how vile he is..and I don't mean whether you agree with his politics or not.

It does matter what his motivation was for grabbing her hand. There are just some men that even that amount of physical contact makes you feel sick. Predatory sex offenders do not make most women feel comfortable in their presence.
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[quote user="woolybanana"]They were both looking down, suggesting they might have been going down some stairs, so perhaps he was helping her? Seems reasonable.

There is however another foto which gives concern for her *rse.[/quote]

Someone, Mint I think, already mentioned that DT looked uncomfortable going down the steps from the 'plane. Is it possible he took her hand to steady himself? If you look carefully at the videos it does look possible.

I often do the same thing if negotiating steps. With my wife's hand - not TM's.

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Watch the video footage before making any comment.

Trump reaches for her hand then taps her hand twice to signal let go now after they negotiated the ramp/ or steps. I therefore deduce trump is actually a Dalek, ready to take over the world but can't do steps.
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[quote user="powerdesal"]If you read the news report it states that they were walking on an acknowledged slippery piece of pavement so he took her hand to make sure she didn't slip - as a good host would do, looking after his guest.[/quote]

You absolutely cannot trust the press especially US press as Trump has already moaned that the inorgoration photos were doctored to make him look unpopular.

The video looks to me as if he want's support not TM, Trump better get used to downward slopes.

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[quote user="Hoddy"]Thank you for the link Jonzjob. I can see nothing wrong in her holding Trump's hand while they went down the incline. It would have been very undignified for her to fall. Perhaps she should have worn her sensible shoes.[/quote]


Thank you Hoddy, I was beginning to think either i was going mad or was the only person to see that she was the one holding his hand.


Lindal I probably share your views of Trump, I am in many ways more feminine than masculine, however whilst I am as capable of being blinded by my préjudices as the next person in this case I remain objective, when i read that Trump "grabbed her hand", your words i believe I look at the photo for confirmation and what i see is Mr Trump with a straight flat hand being held probably gratefully by Mrs May.


That is exactly the gesture I do myself having been brought up to be polite and respectfull to women but also respectfull of the wishes  of others, if i am walking down a slippery slope with a woman of any age be it yourself or my step-mother i would offer my hand held straight just like Trump, there is no awkwardness if you dont take it for whatever reason, you may be proud, feminist or perhaps steadier on your feet than I am, I did exactly the same with my father when he was old but proud, the hand was there if he needed it, it was only taken in later years.


It could even be that Mrs May considered him to be more at risk than her, it actually looks like that it is her steadying him.


I find Trump as a man very distastefull and people like him that I have encountered in life I want nothing to do with, I do however recognise his capabilities and accomplishments, he is a democratically elected head of state and its my belief that anyone in that position whatever their sex should be allowed to do the job they were elected to do without being hindered by peoples préjudices and perceptions, senior civil servants, military leaders etc all have to do that regardless of their personal feelings.


 As a complete aside in Fiji I often witnessed young men holding hands and they were not homosexuel it was because they were cousins or even very close friends and it was an outward sign of the esteem in which they held each other, rather like the times that I have been kissed on the cheek by men in France. 

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At his inauguration, he didn't seem to have any problems negotiating the steps to the White House, either up or down?

Anyway, did he not have security lurking by?  Wouldn't have looked very pretty if he HAD stumbled or fallen, on top of her, would it?[:P]

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That's nothing to laugh at Wooly. Bathmophobia may be caused by a wide range of factors. A particularly

common cause is an early negative experience with stairs or a steep

hill. If you slipped or fell on steep stairs or watched someone else

struggle with shortness of breath while climbing, you may be at a

greater risk for developing bathmophobia.

But I'm not sure if that's an early experience of a negative hill or stairs or not [8-)]

I wonder what the footballers fear is called when they knock their hair out of place on the pitch in from of their adorng public [blink]

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mint, I missed this, have not seen this on either the internet or the news. No idea how I missed it, but boy am I glad that I did miss it.

So am not reading any more of this thread other than your first post.............in case someone posted a picture[:-))]

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On BBC news early Friday they showed Trump coming down steps from a plane, and he looked very nervous. He hung onto the rail, and watched each foot as it descended. Not quite as bad as both feet to one step (like me) but getting on that way.

He stopped halfway down to lift his head and wave to the crowd. Then head down again.

It could well be a phobia, linked to a fear of heights. He's said to have a phobia for germs too.

Obama used to almost skip down, like an athlete.

Wooly - I saw that link about bathophobia in the DM.

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[quote user="idun"]mint, I missed this, have not seen this on either the internet or the news. No idea how I missed it, but boy am I glad that I did miss it.

So am not reading any more of this thread other than your first post.............in case someone posted a picture[:-))]


I know, id, I did say later in the thread that I wished I could "un-look" or perhaps I mean "un-see" as the close-up of their hands clasped keeps recurring to me like some sort of bad dream[+o(]

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For goodness sake I have never experienced such blindness caused by dislike.


Their hands are not clasped, she is holding his hand (which is straight and unclasped) and the most likely reason would appear to be that he was unsteady.


I have a protest T-shirt floqué printed with:


 il n'est pire aveugle que celui qui ne veut pas voir


That his hand is rigid straight probably means that he did not want her to hold his hand or be seen to be holding his hand, that would weaken his macho stance and as such it may have been a very shrewd and subtle move on her part yet  you women are criticising her, whether it was a cynical or  compassionate gesture she should not be criticised for polite respectfull public behaviour with another head of state despite what your personal feelings may be about the man.

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