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Don't be Shy Theresa


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Oh come on Theresa don't be shy now, why won't you appear on tonight's leaders debate, surely it will be a chance for you to show us 'Strong and Stable' you are. Just think you can actually get to abuse Jeremy Corbyn to his face, rather than using your right-wing attack pack, loosely know as journalists.

Come on and explain to us how 'no deal is better than a bad deal', especially as to all of us Brits living within Europe, when no deal would definitely mean the end of our S1s. Or maybe how it will benefit the banking community when they lose their passporting rights, or how the car industry will not be able to operate on a 'just in time basis'. Perhaps you could explain to all The Sun readers what a tariff is.

I am guessing that our 'Weak and Wobbly' leader will continue to hide behind the sofa and hope that things will turn out alright next Thursday. Jeremy Corbyn is far stronger than you Ms May, with everything that has been thrown at him from all angles, all you can do is call him names, and hurl personal abuse at him. Corbyn just rises above it all, with no name calling back, he is truly the 'Strong and Stable ' person.

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They forgot the words "disgraced" and "ex" (ambassador) [:$]


There speaketh a man who like 007 was totally committed to the task in hand, "keeping the British end up sir!" [:P]


A man can only eat so many Ferrero Rochers before looking around to see what else is on the menu

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Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, you slip my dears. You criticise TM for changing her mind on things then when she does not, you have a go at her. Whereas Mr. Corbyn is applauded for his lack of consistency.

Make up your minds and be consistent, at least, regardless of your politics.
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Here's a "little" thought experiment for anyone who is still undecided about how to vote in the 2017 General Election:

Let's say Jeremy Corbyn had presented an absolute farce of an uncosted manifesto that was so poorly written that he had to start tearing pages out of it within days of the launch!

Let's say one of Corbyn's flagship policies was a plan to asset strip you/your parents/your grandparents with a 100% stealth inheritance tax when you/they get infirm in their old age and need social care!

Let's say the public revulsion at his Dementia Tax was so severe that he had to do a humiliating a climbdown on his depraved asset stripping policy within days, by claiming there would be a cap (but not specifying how much the cap would be)!

Let's say Corbyn announced more cash for the NHS as a vote winner policy, but the Institute for Fiscal Studies found that there isn't actually a penny of extra cash for the NHS at all in his plans!

Let's say Corbyn was planning to scrap free school meals for infant school children and replace them with free school breakfasts, but he screwed up his calculations so badly that it works out at just 7p per child, per day!

Let's say Corbyn had slashed 20,000 police jobs during his time as Home Secretary, then his replacement in the role was refusing to rule out even more police cuts, despite very serious public safety concerns having been repeatedly raised by the police!

Let's say the timing of the election had been entirely Corbyn's decision, and after a year of promising "no snap elections" he put his own interests way above the interests of the nation by calling an outrageously self-serving snap election literally within weeks of setting the clock ticking on the most complex and risky set of diplomatic negotiations the UK has ever faced, just because his poll lead was super high at the time!

Let's say the IFS found that Corbyn's education plans involved slashing £9 billion from our kids' schools over the next five years, meaning severe cutbacks for almost every classroom in the country!

Let's say Corbyn's Brexit "negotiating strategy" didn't focus on protecting jobs and the economy, but was actually just a threat to trash the UK economy by stropping away from the negotiating table with nothing in order to turn the UK into a near-universally despised corporate tax haven!

Let's say Corbyn didn't have a single positive policy to promote, so he and his party just insisted on smearing his opponent at every opportunity!

Let's say that while Corbyn's opponent was speaking in front of crowds of thousands up and down the country, Corbyn insisted on conducting his campaign from a succession of secretive invitation only party political safe spaces with no members of the public, just party loyalists and selected members of the press!

Let's say Corbyn was backed by a bunch of billionaires who gave him £millions to invest in a secretive campaign of dark ads, and that he refused to provide examples of the political attack ads he's spewing all over social media to the electoral authorities!

Let's say Corbyn had had numerous meetings with billionaire press barons, and his manifesto included a commitment to sling the Leveson Report into press corruption in the bin, as if the press hacking into the phone of a dead teenager had never actually happened!

Let's say Corbyn wanted to bring back the barbaric practice of ripping apart live foxes with packs of dogs that 84% of the public wish to remain banned!

Let's say that instead of committing not to raise taxes for the 95% of ordinary people who earn less than £1,600 per week, he actually scrapped his party's pre-existing pledges not to raise income tax and National Insurance!

Let's say Corbyn was such a coward that he refused to appear in the leaders' debates, and instead sent out one of his underlings to serve as a human bullet shield!

If Jeremy Corbyn was behaving in this outrageous manner, what would the mainstream press be saying about him?

And why are the mainstream press not saying those things about Theresa May?

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Excellent post Norman, and the simple answer is he would be torn to shreds by the right-wing press. How very depressing it all is that May can do all the above and not be held to account. I find it both scary and depressing how the tories are allowed to rule like this, I am sure that if there was a balanced press in the UK her government would have been kicked out years ago.

She doesn't even have the guts to turn up for a leaders debate, utter contempt for the British electorate. All she is capable of is spewing out verbal abuse against Jeremy Corbyn, in a hope of increasing her majority in the unnecessary election that is now happening. Nice to see that she is using up two months of the two years time limit of the Brexit negotiations putting her party before the country.
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Don't forget "no deal is better than a bad deal", Norman.  Surely no deal has to be the worst deal of all?

Anyway, that won't bother her.  All she's going to do is say "no" to all the proposals during the negotiations because then she can walk away from such a complex task as Brexit and claim that the no deal is the fault of those nasty Europeans.

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Just waiting for the right wing papers to decide when the time is right for them to release a fake news "bombshell" to sink Corbyn. The idea that an honest, principled politician, who is prepared to admit mistakes and who puts people before profit, could upstage the Tories must be unthinkable for them.
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Does that include his support for terrorism, plans to destroy the middle class by new property taxes and so much unaccounted spending he will bankrupt UK?

And that he doesn't believe in parliamentary democracy, just the rule of the mob...

One could go on.
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They're cr*pping themselves over on Leave EU and Get Britain Out as latest polls have narrowed the gap to 3%.

She really does herself no favours by refusing to actually debate anything. No one gets given an election..you have to fight for it..and she seems completely disengaged. I wonder if there is any credibility in the rumours that she is planning to resign, whatever the result? Even Trump fought for the presidency.
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There's a huge amount of vitriol about Mrs May, but the thought of Mr Corbyn in charge of the country really worries me.

There's much about the current and last governments that concerns me and Mrs May and her team don't always seem to see the picture clearly and many policies obviously haven't been thought through properly.

What the last Labour government did to the country seems to have been forgotten, and the money to pay for all the increases Mr Corbyn plans to put in place can only come from higher taxes and even more borrowing.
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Did I not create a thread a couple of weeks ago which suggested that 'fox hunting' might be Mays' downfall.

And look, an article today that suggests the same thing.


Woolly called me an idiot for saying such a thing.
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Well interesting as all this is, for those of us of still have votes (sorry NormanH!), but have had to recourse to postal voting, all arguments still to be put are irrelevant, as is last night's debate (and maybe that was entirely irrelevant anyhow!), because my vote went back over a week ago, and my decision is already made.  Does make watching the news a useless as well as an interestingly pointless exercise though!!

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I see that Corbyn has challenged her to debate him directly this evening on the Question Time debate. We all know that 'strong and...' sorry can't be bothered to finish that soundbite will run away scared again. It will be interesting if she uses the excuse that she is too busy preparing for Brexit, if this is the case I am assuming that she will be sat there with her Brexit strategy, working on it whilst being questioned.[:D]

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Imagine this  in charge of Brexit negotiations? You have to go back 80 years to Neville Chamberlain to find a worse and weaker Prime Minister.
I can’t ever remember in my lifetime when there was another politician standing for election who was so cowardly as to not to want to appear for debate. She has become completely reliant on her friends at the BBC and in the Billionaire owned press to cover for her and make excuses for her.

The bottom line is she is scared. Too scared to be confronted by ordinary people in ordinary circumstances. Holding so called meetings with party faithful and rent-a-crowds drafted in so they look normal. Only answering questions from selected journalists when she can see the questions in advance.

This is someone who claims to be “strong and stable” but in actual fact she is a political flop running scared. Her PR people and her team clearly have no confidence in her ability to conduct herself outwith her “safe-space” of friendly journalists and sterile surroundings. If this is the best that the Tories can come up with, then what does that say about the rest of them? They have every advantage. They have all the money from big business, they have the press and media self-interests solidly behind them... and yet their lead is crumbling in the face of one determined man and his enthusiastic followers.

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[quote user="Gardengirl "]There's a huge amount of vitriol about Mrs May, but the thought of Mr Corbyn in charge of the country really worries me.

There's much about the current and last governments that concerns me and Mrs May and her team don't always seem to see the picture clearly and many policies obviously haven't been thought through properly.

What the last Labour government did to the country seems to have been forgotten, and the money to pay for all the increases Mr Corbyn plans to put in place can only come from higher taxes and even more borrowing.[/quote]


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Labour have promised so much to so many just to get elected but this is all to be paid for by raising taxes and massive borrowing with no thought to the currently unknown economic impact of Brexit. How can you trust a party when they lump head teachers and Sir Philip Green in the same group - the 'rich'. Clueless.

The Tories have offered err nothing new so more of the same uninspiring austerity crap.

Who'd be a voter.
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