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Cultural Enrichment


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With the UK having enjoyed another episode of 'Cultural enrichment' this weekend, I have the following questions,

1/ Does this mean we will have to endure yet another pop concert??

2/ Will the lighting of candles become the No 1 cause of global warming??

3/ Did anyone follow my advice of last year and invest in cement and candles??

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The only thing I object to is all the flowers, wish that the money was put to good causes instead, although knowing the generosity of the UK public, I daresay much money will be donated.

The candles I understand.

Endure a pop concert, who does that, those that go, love it, or they don't go...... I feel like that about football...... so I do not go..... it would be worse than enduring it if I was forced to go.

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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]

Our little half frogeys were glued to the telly.

You old folks need help.

Unfortunately the 7 injured and 1 dead full frogeys, from Saturday nights abhoration, weren't afforded that privilege.

And you think we need help?

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All ticket sales and donations during the concert went to a fund for the victims and their families and the red cross.

It showed those wishing to terrorise that they can't and haven't.

It showed solidarity with those affected (some of the injured were able to attend).

It was something positive for those that like concerts (most of the victims).

On top of that I thought it was one of the best concerts I've seen in a while. I didn't know who Arianna Grande was but she is a pretty professional performer for one so young. Cold Play and Noel Gallagher were good, Robbie Williams less so, and Pharrell Williams and Black Eyed peas also good.
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[quote user="lindal1000"]All ticket sales and donations during the concert went to a fund for the victims and their families and the red cross.

It would be interesting to know exactly which of those on the stage donated what would normally be their appearance fee, for an event of that nature, to the fund.

It showed those wishing to terrorise that they can't and haven't.

Well I guess sentiments of that nature will bring a great deal of comfort to all those innocent victims who just happened to be in the vicinity of London Bridge and Borough market on Saturday night.

Personally as a mark of respect to all those who met an untimely death at the conclusion of the first show I didn't watch the tv transmission of the second show and I'm sure your review of the performers will prove very useful.

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Well everyone has a different reaction I suppose. I have told my nearest and dearest that should I be unlucky enough to meet my demise at the hands of a terrorist I would expect them to treat it in the same way as any other of the many ways I could go.

The parents of one of the victims was involved in the planning and actually chose the songs that she though her daughter would want to hear.

As far as I know none of the performers were paid.

There will always be people such as yourself that will not find these things helpful, but that did not seem to be the view of those attending.
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I agree about security spending, Pat.  But don't look to the strong and stable one who, as Home Secretary, said the police were crying wolf when they were begging for more funding.

Perhaps, the trident money could be spent on security on the ground in our towns and cities instead?  After all, in the event of a nuclear war, we will be killed in our millions and no one will be left to push any nuclear button anyway.

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Sorry, but we need to get real about this.

No amount of spending on police officers (with or without firearms) is going to prevent atrocities that the Uk and other countries have recently & sadly endured.

Years ago, I said to Mrs G that sooner or later, someone was going to turn up at an event or some 'public gathering point' (Oxford Circus?) and that person would turn up by public transport and then .............

It is simply impossible to have a saturation police force throughout the UK and the 'bad guys' know that.

I don't even begin to know what the answer is & all our fears are that those in charge don't either. Half of the answer is I suppose, getting back to & nullifying the source of the desire / impetus.

We're all in despair over this.

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You are of course right Gardian but the fact is that in both the Manchester and the latest London atrocity individuals were known to the security teams, but (we have to assume) were not deemed as sufficiently interesting to be kept under watch.

That is either a resources issue or a giant **** - up.
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Now is not the time for the 'blame game'.

Ordinary bobbies on the beat is not the answer, you need more firearms officers, intelligence gatherers and greater powers for the security services, even then there's no guarantee you will stop every attack. In addition, whilst I place no blame on the Muslim community I do feel they could do more to help stop the radicalisation.
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DraytonBoy wrote,

Now is not the time for the 'blame game'.

If after four people get mowed down and die on Westminster bridge, twenty two young people are blown to pieces at a pop concert in Manchester, and seven people get ran over and stabbed to death on London bridge while enjoying a night out, and this is just in the UK in the past two months, please enlighten us as to when you think is the correct time.
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The Manchester attacker had allegedly been reported to the authorities/security services several times, one of the London three was already known to the Met, the Westminster bridge attacker was known to MI5 and police numbers and budgets have been cut in recent years. So who do you blame - MI5, the Met, the Tories or all three?
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Are you a politician??

First you make a completely ridicules statement,


and then when I ask you a straight forward question, instead of answering that question to try to justify your position, you just ask me a further question in return to try to deflect from giving a reply.

Go on, tell us, when is the right time?????
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Whilst not wishing to point the blame at anybody, surely even an absolute fruitcake can see a connection between participating in foreign wars and being attacked at home by whom you are attacking.

For the disbelievers its even more obvious with the recent attack in Tehran - IRAN.

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Richard, your prejudices are clouding your judgement.

The conflict between the Sunni and the Shia has been going on since the beginnings of Islam and has not been caused by UK foreign policy. Surely you have not forgotten the Iran Iraq war of a few decades ago?

Then there were the inter-religious strifes in Lebanon.

Both Iraq and Syria only survived for many decades because of their iron-fist policies which repressed any form of dissent in the population.

Many of the attacks taking place in Europe do not owe their origins to foreign policy though that may be an excuse; far closer to home are the West-hating radical preachers who seek to dominate their own communities by a culture of fear internally and fear of the outside, in order to bolster their anti-democratic dogmas.

They take advantage of democratic freedoms to ply their foul trade, hiding by cries of 'racism' every time they are investigated or brought to book, and even happily take state money to defend themselves against deportation.

Much of the problem comes from the new apartheid created by cultural separation and by a an flux or legal and illegal immigrants some of whom wish us harm. Plus, a volume of immigration that the country cannot cope with.
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