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Sexual harassment


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Another part of the male population who are never mentioned are the pop groups, especially in the '70s.

Many of them are completely open about the girls they had, and I'm sure they didn't ask to see their birth certificates first.

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 ebaynut, really, is that the best you can come up with.

And why bring up the muslim gangs, recently on the news there have been enough instances of christian church organisations involved, both CofE and catholic.

They are all scum, no matter their flag of allegiance.

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Anybody...ANYBODY who abuses women, children, young girls and boys or even older men, is beneath contempt. They should be dealt with via the legal measures available to do so.

Nobody is above the law, regardless,of race or position. Not even the "president" of the USA.

Do you have some sort of bot or alert set for any mention of the dickwit-in-chief, ebaynut? Because you never seem to comment on anything other than to express an opinion about him. Or Muslims. Usually in the same breath.

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Idun wrote,

And why bring up the Muslim gangs, recently on the news there have been enough instances of christian church organisations involved, both CofE and catholic.

Why not ?? When you titled this post Sexual Harassment, I guessed it would be about the ultimate cases of this, namely the mass rape and grooming of vulnerable underage girls, by large groups of Muslim Pakistani men from many many towns and city's in the UK.

You know the Muslim Pakistani men that this government allowed and welcomed to come to this country, that they pay benefits to, find houses for, and then turn a blind eye to, when they rape our girls.

But no, Idun would rather talk about privileged people who get the better jobs in life, and shock horror, someone may have put their hand on their knee, or even asked them to buy sex toys, come on, it hardly the same league is it??

As I said in my earlier post, the girls I went to school with would have dealt with any groper with a swift kick, some women today are such wimps.

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YCCMB wrote,

Do you have some sort of bot or alert set for any mention of the dickwit-in-chief, ebaynut?

This high pitched whining noise comes from my computer speakers whenever a loony Liberal starts whinging, guess that must be what alerts me. You know, the sound of a young baby crying. ;-)
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Two things you are very wrong about IMO ebaynut.

One is that you have suggested the muslim gangs were sexually harassing these girls. They were not. IT WAS FAR WORSE THAN THAT! It was the complete abuse of vunerable young women, criminal and I still do not believe justice has been served.

And the second is that you seem to believe, or is it worship Donald J Trump. One day the penny will drop that the man lies and gets his staff to blatantly lie about so much and is an aberration.

I cannot say that I never watched the US Apprentice, I used to enjoy watching it, not for him, although he provided his own type of buffoonery within the programme. But depending on who was on, enjoyed many of the contestants.

I truly am starting to feel sorry for you, you are like a yorkshire terrier at the moment, snapping at everyone's heels who does not agree with you and I would hope that other posters feel as I do about you.

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When one cannot find anything other than resulting to childish personal insults, it means one has nothing further to support their position in a debate. I expect nothing else from W/B, who has a long track record of this, but had expected better from you Mint.


I am sorry if you think I understated the Muslim Pakistani child rapists actions. I will be sure not do that again. I read that whole family's of males would be involved in the rapes of these underage girls. The father, sons, cousins uncles grandfathers would take turns and share the same victims.

Guess they call that integrating their whole family into the UK community.

As regards Mr T, I have not mentioned him on this thread, other posters have, but I have not, so I cant really see what you are banging on about here??

If you don't like him yet, perhaps this will help change your mind. :-)


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Woof, woof, ebn. This morning I was up very early, being an insomniac and heard one of my dogs making strange noises. Leaning closer he was clearly saying "Trump, impeachment". Given what most of the world believes in spiritually, I think my dog deserves to be taken seriously, so listen to him. I'll keep you posted if he utters any more prophesies.

As to your vile attempt to tar all Muslims or is it Pakistanis with the same brush as those nasty rapists, no doubt taken from the more rabid right wing press, let me give you the example of the Bangladeshi street seller in Florence who saved a woman from rape by a gang of Italian males.

Interesting or not sufficiently rabid and racist for you. Or is it fake news?
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[quote user="ebaynut"]When one cannot find anything other than resulting to childish personal insults, it means one has nothing further to support their position in a debate. I expect nothing else from W/B, who has a long track record of this, but had expected better from you Mint.[/quote]

Come, ebaynut, do not take it all personally; it is, I assure you, no more than a bit of childish banter.  You know that I can never resist a cheeky answer to one of WB's posts.

He has his moments of madness but he is NOT méchant....a very well-trained wolf-type dog.

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Take your pick. I rather like 'flagitious' as it has the odour of Dr Johnson about it.

foul, nasty, unpleasant, bad, disagreeable, horrid, horrible, dreadful, abominable, atrocious, offensive, obnoxious, odious, unsavoury, repulsive, off-putting, repellent, revolting, repugnant, disgusting, distasteful, loathsome, hateful, nauseating, sickening; base, low, mean, wretched, disgraceful, appalling, shocking, ugly, vulgar, sorry, shabby, shameful, dishonourable, execrable, heinous, abhorrent, deplorable, monstrous, wicked, evil, dark, dirty, vicious, iniquitous, sinful, corrupt, sordid, depraved, perverted, debased, reprobate, degenerate, debauched, dissolute, contemptible, despicable, reprehensible, diabolical, diabolic, devilish, fiendish, hellish, damnable; informalyucky, sick-making, gut-churning, icky, gross, God-awful, low-down, rotten, sick; informalbeastly; informalbogging; informallousy, vomitous; vulgar slangshitty; literarynoisome; archaicscurvy, disgustful, loathly; rareegregious, flagitious

"a vile smell"

Calling him a snowflake could get you arrested!

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Mint wrote,

Come, ebaynut, do not take it all personally; it is, I assure you, no more than a bit of childish banter.

Just checking ;-)

W/B, I think I know what your problem is, you are suffering from Liberalism, that brain eating disease that makes folk think that not offending Muslims is more important than speaking out about their victims.

But fear not old chap, help is at hand, a quick dose of Dr Donald's Liberalism Reversal Remedy is available. A few drops and you will soon be heading out to the Mexican border with your trowel and laying bricks faster than you can shout Allahu Akbar!!!!!

Question is, what side of the wall will you and your family be once its built???

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EBN, I was brought up in RSA, the home of Liberalism, where whites went in one entrance to the post office and non-whites in another, so have lived Trumpism at first hand.

And, I am very aware of the problems being caused by the difficulties of multi-culturalism. Remember community walls work two ways ie, they keep both sides in. But the difference is that I have lived and worked amongst and with Muslims and am some awareness of what is happening (and not in an expat enclave, I might add).

What you express is white van man racism and thus subject to any or all of the list of adjectives I posted above.
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