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And there was I wondering where you were!  Thought you'd sold up, made a killing and gone off travelling somewhere.

Oh well, get out of that hospital soon (nasty, unhealthy places full of ill people[:P]) and back to work, Chance, because how will all the guests cope without you?

Best of Luck, see you back here soon[kiss]

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I will post just this once as you seem concerned Wooly, I stopped using this forum before being hospitalised because it has become for me at least impossible to use, several others have in the past had the same problems, it doesnt happen elsewhere so its not my computer.


I have found a NewFrenchForum that is exactly how forums used to be before they were taken over by commercial interests, the computer screen smothered in adverts (which I'm sure is what causes my problem) and losing the bulk of the members through new and enhanced user expériences, its a breath of fresh air and I had long forgotten what a good forum used to be.


As for my health, I came off the IV's and was released from hospital a few days ago after a week of incarceration, I am now taking really strong oral antibiotics that can only be supplied by hospitals not pharmacies. I had septecaemia and sepsis, the bacteria was staphylocoque doré, I have no cuts on my body and they are stumped as to how I contracted it, my heart was strong enough to not be affected but I am left with a thrombosis needing daily injections and hepatitus which is recovering well, I had a consultation at the hospital today and he gave me the green light to start sport again, I ran 8K with the beginners group tonight and even though I feel OK in myself its clear that I am a very long way from full fitness.


I had a very lucky escape and it has shaken me to realise just how fragile life can be, how just a simple cut (or none in my case) can have disastrous conséquences. I think I contracted it 2 months ago when I cut the end off my thumb, there was no apparent infection and I healed really quickly like a horse, they doubt that my immune system could have suppressed the bacteria as it is very virulent but I believe thats what happened until I caught the flu, in fact I had recovered significantly the day before I was hospitalised (lab sat on the results for 36 hours before contacting my médecin).


Anyway thats all from me, my final posting, good luck to those remaining and please will the last person out remember to turn out the lights! 

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Very relieved  that Chancer  a eu de la chance!

I regret his decision to not post any more especially since I can't recognise any  of the problems he mentions.

A forum to me is the members not the software, and any other 'expat' (SPIT) forum I have visited is so full of idiots spouting half-digested inaccuracies  that it is bad for my blood pressure.

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Ah, Norman, nice to know the piles are playing up, though you are right for once. But what worries me is that there are so few posts on this forum at present. Does this dearth coincide with the rebirth of the FE forum under another name or is everyone here slaving to grow food or sell their properties.

By the way, I am trying to find the Mantovani music you so enjoy?

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Sorry that you have been so ill Chancer, and pleased to hear that you are recovering.

And VERY sorry that you have abandoned this board, but there you go. If you feel inclined, drop in and post from time to time, you are always appreciated.

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Forums seem to be fading fast so would someone PM me the new one please?

Chancer, I wish you a speedy recovery gaining strength day by day and thank you for help and advice you have previously given me.

Bon courage
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