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Do you have a special treat to......


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make confinement a little more bearable?

Mine is a Magnum, the one with the chocolate and hazelnut on the outside or, failing that, the one with white chocolate outside.

BUT, I only allow myself one every other day[:P]  Last week, I ran out and nearly went a whole week without until it was time to go to the shops again.

Tomorrow, it is OH's birthday so I will make him a cake and as I won't eat cake and a Magnum on the same day, I will have to just have the cake[:(]  Not so good as it is Magnum day tomorrow.......!

Anyone else reverted to childhood behaviours?[:-))]

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Mine is a tiny 2 cl bottle of Underberg every couple of days.
I used to rely on visitors bringing me a supply from airport shops, but discovered I can get packs at a good price on Amazon.

We buy our spirits in Spain, have now just about run out, can't face French prices, so waiting until we can go there again to have sundowners. Not much sun anyway.

At least the BIBs of rouge from our local coopés are reasonably priced and plentiful [:D]

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Mint, I have a mini Magnum every day - it used to be a couple of times a week until the sky fell in.

I usually put 2 boxes each week on our Waitrose delivery order. We get the boxes of 6, with 2 each of classic, almond and white; my favourites are the almond and white, G has the classic ones.

Our next delivery is due tomorrow afternoon, so the fridge is ready for stocking up and there’s plenty of room in the freezer for the mini Magnums!

We’re both supporting home industries too, a few bottles of Languedoc rosé and red are also on our weekly delivery order. We can’t be there in person, so we do our best.
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I haven't had anything specific, just basic gourmandise.. yes, gluttony.... and I have to stop it!

IF I had a magnum it would be white chocolate. I never got away with the other types of chocolate ones.  I do like an old fashioned choc ice though, much prefer them.

So as maybe you can gather, I am afraid that I have put on weight during this time. Probably lack of excersize and too many goodies that are too available at home. [Www]

Must add, we did have a treat last night though ate a tub of Ben and Jerry's Caramel chew chew between us. It was scrumptious.

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You’re trying to tempt us Norman! ?

I’ve enjoyed delicious icecreams all over the world. But as little treats are so important when not going out, I’m content with those lovely drivers from Waitrose delivering my mini Magnums - and our wine. Fruit and veg too, of course, must keep healthy!
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  • 5 weeks later...
I have returned here to remind all you gluttonous folk that the déconfinement is virtually over and it's time to see and be seen again.  So, time to set aside some of those little treats we have so fondly got used to[:-))]

I haven't bought any more Magnums so as to avoid temptation.  No more crisps and nuts, but that is no longer as painful as it was because I decided to stop to test out "low salt" as they have recently found I have high blood pressure.

If anybody knows what a "low salt" salt is called in France, and where to get it, I'd be most grateful.

Do have an opened bottle of Merlot rosé in the frigo so will polish that off (with OH's help) and will deffo have a long walk late today when it gets cooler.

Incidentally, aren't the long days wonderful?  Still light at 10 pm!   

Last tip for today, wear a stout leather belt to remind yourself your waistline is the only thing that will stop your descent into a blob with high BMI and cause the doc to wave a finger and tut.

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Sorry I was looking at products or recipes with low salt.  If you are looking for low sodium salt specifically, then I would look for sel de regime.

You should be able to get it in the supermarkets but if you do a search on it you will get a number of hits for suppliers.[:)]

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I buy my OH a product available in most supermarkets (except perhaps very tiny ones) called Minisel .. it says it contains 3 times less sodium than normal salt.


Contents : potassium chloride 66%, sea salt 33%, magnesium carbonate.

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Thanks, Sue.  It's good to see the product so that I know what it looks like.

TBH, I have just done without.  Not without completely, but greatly reduced quantities.  My blood pressure HAS gone down but I don't know whether it's due to the prescribed tablets or less salt.

One of my medical specialists assured me that no salt would work and I wouldn't need the pills.  So I shall persist with low salt but it's not as easy as you would expect.  Lots of my favourite foods are salt-laden!  Crisps, salted peanuts, smoked salmon, bacon, cheese, crackers for cheese.......[6]

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I feel for you Mint.  Salty foods are what I crave the most.  I made a point not to buy potato chips since we've arrived in France !! For me, that is a major accomplishment.  I knew that if I had them in the apt. during the confinement, I would eat them all. 

Low sodium salt(s) were easily available in all U.S. shops.  My Mom has high blood pressure, so she had to use it.  I've never looked for it here, but I'm sure it is readily available.

As for Magnums.  You people must stop.  As much as my snacky foods revolve around salt, certain ice-creams and ice-cream bars are simply irresistible.  I don't buy them.  I do have pretty good will power, but if they are in the house, I will not resist.  Especially if I am 'stuck' in the house.

Our treats since Coivid; I guess the odd baguette as we had cut way back on bread and then cheese - which we also had cut way back on.  And more chocolate.  I don't even like chocolate (husband loves it), but that being the only sweet thing in the apt., that is the only choice.  And, I do have some regularly.  So, I guess this explains the extra couple of kilos !!

Luckily, there had been no yeast available - UNTIL NOW.  So, I could not make home made pizza (husband's favorite).  I did pick up a box of yeast pkts, but so far, I have resisted making a pizza... even under husband's pressure.

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I know that they have been recommended on here, but have you tried frying pan pizzas?

Look up Pizza Pilgrims on you tube, they do them.

When I make mine I put far more filling on and actually put them on a lower grill so that everything gets melted properly.

I have everything set out, the dough goes in and then all the plates and bowls with the toppings are next to the pan as it cooks and I put whatever we want on top.

For a 24cm pizza I use half a cup of flour made into pizza dough. I usually make up three or four cups of flour into dough and then when all these pizzas are cooked, I halve those we don't eat and freeze them and then defrost and re cook exactly how I cooked them in the first place....... as good as it gets without a proper pizza oven...... IMO naturellement[Www]

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Idun, what have you done !!  I will check it out and I'm sure will give it a try.  My hips will not be thanking you.

We haven't had pizza in six months.  And, I love making it at home, always have.  French pizza's seem to be so soggy to me.  I must have a pizza that, when sliced, can support the toppings without flopping over and spilling onto the plate.  This seems to require me making it myself.

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I use a non stick frying pan and do not grease it.

I also make sure the pan is hot before I put the thin dough in, and roll it slightly larger so it comes up the sides slightly, then I turn it down to medium heat.

Once the underneath looks cooked, almost dark spotted, I then put it

under the grill. I just lift the edge gently with a spatula to do this,

that is after a few minutes cooking.

With so much topping, I can only manage a half, so that is a quarter a cup of flour for half a pizza........ is that a lot of carbs for a full meal???? I have never carb counted, so have no idea what so ever.

I use one of those individual mozarellas per pizza and then the rest is up to what ever we want. Ham, pepperoni, peppers, onions etc. Always with a thin layer of italian tomato sauce on it first. Usually I put more cheese on top and olives and a drizzle of olive oil.

Ofcourse I love a proper pizza baked in a wood oven, what could be better, but this does me / us and guests fine.

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I don't eat pizza, but cook them every week for youngest at home son. He persuaded me to buy a pizza stone. He likes the base crisp and the toppings well melted. I heat the stone in the oven at 250°C, slide the pizza on and watch it bubble.

The dough is rolled out at lunch time, left to rise until the evening. Taken to making a raised crust round the outside by pushing in the rim and then flattening down the inside of the pizza dough. Stops the melted cheese running over the edge and look cute.
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I bought a pizza stone years ago, and a slider thing to get a pizza off it too. I even made the fine semoule to go on it to stop it sticking.

Once I start baking though, I bake a lot, so  don't bake just one pizza and I usually make six or 8 pizzas as they freeze well. My stone still gets used but wasn't right for me for pizzas as I found it difficult to use the stone for several pizzas, but do bake some pies on, to make sure there are no soggy bottoms so it serves me well.

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Idun your pizza process sounds very interesting.  I think it would work well in a cast iron skillet.  I will definitely give it a try.

The pizza stone idea I have also considered.  Just never go around to buying one.  I don't like to have too much 'extra' stuff in my kitchen.  So, I'm hesitant to buy anything I think I might not like/use.  And, I've never known anyone who has one, so I can't 'borrow' one to try.

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Any frying pan will do as long as it doesn't stick. You could use a skillet ofcourse, but it is not necessary.

Just looked on youtube but cannot find the best original video. There are lots of videos, but none that I thought as good as that one.

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Lori wrote the following post at 01 Jun 2020 12:41:

Idun your pizza process sounds very interesting. I think it would work well in a cast iron skillet. I will definitely give it a try.

It works very well .. I use bought-in pizza dough as I am not a gifted cook like Idun .. once you get used to the idea of using a frying pan instead of the oven.
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[quote user="Lehaut"]I don't eat pizza, but cook them every week for youngest at home son. He persuaded me to buy a pizza stone. He likes the base crisp and the toppings well melted. I heat the stone in the oven at 250°C, slide the pizza on and watch it bubble.

The dough is rolled out at lunch time, left to rise until the evening. Taken to making a raised crust round the outside by pushing in the rim and then flattening down the inside of the pizza dough. Stops the melted cheese running over the edge and look cute.[/quote]

Lehaut, just before I read your post, I was reading an advert for women's clothes entitled "how to disguise that corona stone".

It took me a few seconds to realise that they were talking about 14 lbs!  I no longer know what my weight is in stone.  I have had to go to hospital dozens of times in the last couple of years and they always ask your height and weight; so I have those written down.

Then, just as my mind had taken that stone in, I read about your pizza stone[:)]

So, unless you want that corona stone plus a pizza stone, don't forget that makes 28 lbs.......best keep off the pizza, I reckon!

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