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Archant bust?


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Seems they have been bought in part with to be dumped and the pension deficit dumped on the taxpayer. Nothing said about the magazines etc.
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"Brexit and Covid was just the final nail."

What has Brexit got to do with a magazine going broke? I believe the reason is the internet, people now get more information quicker and cheaper. According to some sources, Brexit has increased interest in France., therefore more searches can be done immediately rather than waiting a month for a magazine to appear at the cost of some pounds or Euros.
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I also hope the forum remains.

I can understand how Covid has hit advertising revenue - all kinds of businesses will have cut back on advertising, either to save money or because there was no point in advertising things that people can't do during lockdown. I remember the knock on effect of the financial crash in 2008 or thereabouts, lots of small and not-so-small publishers went to the wall. The money they take for subscriptions is a drop in the ocean compared to what they take in advertising.

So I guess with the forum it may be use it or lose it - the higher the footfall, the more revenue the owners will get and the more viable it will be to keep it going..
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A call to arms then, ET?  Well done, bravo!

Come on, all you grateful and appreciative folk, if you have benefited from advice given freely by members, if you have ever felt uplifted, supported in times of difficulty, if you have enjoyed sharing the joys and contentment of life, PLEASE now is the time for you to POST somthing[:D]

Go on, now is the time to mettre la main à la pate[:D]

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I too would hate to wake and find the forum gone.  It has been a fantastic resource for me in all kinds of ways.  And, I do love reading all of what you folks post.  I know I can always find an answer to nearly anything I need to know about life in France.  And, sometimes, I can offer answers for other people.

I'd hate to see it go.

I'll try to post more often. 

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Actually it’s probably more remunerative for Archant if we make a point of clicking on the adverts. I am feeling a bit grumpy about them at the mo', as both sides of my iPad screen are cut off by them, so I am typing this blnd; please excuse any typos...
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Loiseau wrote the following post at 02 Sep 2020 1:04:

Actually it’s probably more remunerative for Archant if we make a point of clicking on the adverts. I am feeling a bit grumpy about them at the mo', as both sides of my iPad screen are cut off by them, so I am typing this blnd; please excuse any typos...

Have you zoomed in .. using 2 fingers .. to expand the part of the forum you want to see clearly. This usually means that the adverts are pushed out of view.

Or is your problem different ?
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[quote user="mint"]Wooly, don't be cruel; I don't know how to put a circumflex on the "a"[:(]


Nimty, so sorry if I upset you, not meant to, which also proves the stupidity of accents.

French could have been the world language but they refused to simplify it, rather maintaining it as a badge of superiority ruled over by a bunch of very elderly (mainly) men or geldings.
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[quote user="suein56"]mint wrote the following post at 01 Sep 2020 18:10:

Wooly, don't be cruel; I don't know how to put a circumflex on the "a".

Now's the time to learn .. what are you using to access the forum .. tablet/laptop/pc ?[/quote]

Hi, Sue

Using a laptop but I do know how to do accents on a tablet.  You just hold the letter down until you see all the accents and you choose the one you want to use.

Years ago, I used a programme recommended to me by someone here, I think it was called Avisoft Accent or something similar.  I use it if I am writing something "official" or I am trying to impress somebody!

Otherwise unless it's an accent already on my AZERTY keyboard, I carry on merrily without!  But then I have to contend with Wooly who has pretended he doesn't understand what I have written!

I know you can get accents using key commands but I don't think I can remember the commands[:-))]

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mint wrote the following post at 02 Sep 2020 16:37:

Otherwise unless it's an accent already on my AZERTY keyboard, I carry on merrily without! But then I have to contend with Wooly who has pretended he doesn't understand what I have written!

You're mostly there as you have most of the accents you need under the numbers, except for ù which is to the right of the M key on my keyboard.

Then there is the ^ .. this is to the right of the P key on my keyboard.

If you hold it down and also hold down the 'a' key at the same time .. â appears as if by magic .. then let go of both keys together.

Repeat with o .. ô .. and u .. û .. any letter you like.
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