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EuroTr@sh wrote the following post at 05 Sep 2020 15:41:

Before I switched to a French keyboard I used to swear by Lexibar. I don't know if that even still exists?

EDIT Yes apparently you can still download it


Thanks ET .. I have downloaded your tip .. even tho I have an FR keyboard .. it seems a nifty idea and makes writing emails and such in French easier than before .. so far so good (smiley face here)
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Before my latest lessons from you, Sue, I was using Avisoft Accenttype 2, a very nifty little programme except that I often forget to download it before writing my letters and messages.

Cajal, I had a good laugh at the video.  The only thing is, I could never afford to duff up the computer like that man did!

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If you are using Windows 10 you can add a touch keyboard to your task bar which gives access to accents on a laptop in the same way as a tablet,  Works in a similar fashion to Avissoft did.


â ñ etc

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