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There is light at the end of the tunnel now, so I was wondering what you fancy doing when life starts to look normal.

I am looking forward to going for coffee or simply meeting up with friends.

And us both getting dressed up to the nines and going out somewhere nice to eat. Won't care what others are wearing, after basically slobbing around in the same old clothes for most of the last year, it will make such a change.

We don't have hairdressers that are open, so a visit there too.

Of the big things, well, I really fancy cruising up to see the Northern Lights. North of Norway or Iceland.  No idea if we will manage this trip, but I really really would like to do this.

And that is about it really, as you saw, seeing friends is a very high priority for me.

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Not dissimilar here.  Restaurants I am so missing.  Bars less so.  Trip to see family back in the UK, not seen now for almost 2 years, holiday .. not yet sure where .. but not a staycation, done enough of that already for what seems far, far too long.  Maybe our cancelled trip to Italy, or Spain ... hairdressers, well happily they are open, but my last appointment was cancelled so yes, get it cut asap.

But, mainly, I think, that we can at last make plans and then follow them through.

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What a cheery thread, thank you for starting it, Idun.

First, lots of hugs with family, especially with our granddaughters, and having them round for sleepovers above anything else.

When lockdown ends it will be great to go walking in NT grounds and beyond again, as we’ve had to stay local - I miss having a good long walk in countryside with nothing to see but trees and grass.

Meals out at some favourite pubs would be good, and we’re thinking of a few midweek days at Dartmouth in and planning a trip to the west coast of Scotland. We flew to Inverness and hired a car last time, as it’s so far, but won’t be going anywhere by plane for a long time.

Ditto for our next visit to our home in France, whenever it’s safe and allowed - we’ve got used to taking the direct Eurostar to Avignon or flown BA to Marseille but think we’ll probably go via Eurotunnel and drive to the Gard.
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Ahhh, nice thoughts.

Definitely want to dress up and go out to a restaurant.  Since we moved during the Pandemic, we have not been able to try any of the restaurants in town.  I have no idea which ones will survive, but we can't wait to give them a try.

I'd like to be able to get on a bus (it is mostly bus transport that I use locally) without worrying it might kill me !

I really need a professional haircut.  The salons are open here and I see plenty of people in them, but that would be a huge reason I would not enter one, until I've been vaccinated.  Husband has been cutting my hair.

It may sound silly, but I hate shopping online (and that is all we do).  I truly enjoy going to a shopping mall or an hypermarché to wander around and see what looks good/fresh, etc.  I really do miss that. And like Idun, I've been wearing the same few clothing items over the last year.  Great for reducing the amount of laundry that gets done, but I'd like to pick up a few new items and have a place to wear them !

As to vacation; we do want to go South for a visit to make sure that is where we wish to move to after this location.  I'm not sure when we will feel comfortable doing that.  OH would very much like to go visit his parents (they are in their 80's), but that requires an int'l flight.  He has said that after he is vaccinated and has waited the recommended weeks for best antibodies, he will go visit them.  They, and the extended family have all been fully vaccinated.

OH also is very anxious to play tennis again.  Many of the clubs are still open for outside playing.  Private clubs that are rather expensive to join.  I have no idea if that is against the current rules or not, but we see them playing outdoors.  Assume the indoor courts are closed.  The tennis club for this town is literally a five minute walk from here and there are gorgeous clay courts in the park beside our house.  Yet the ones in the park remain closed and locked.  Only the private club has players playing outside.  He misses that a lot.  He'd normally play every other day and in leagues too.

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I know things will be different. Lots of stuff will have closed or no longer operating, but others will move in and take up the slack as demand increases.

As to my wardrobe, well, I have some lovely things, and actually when I go shopping, I sometimes put on something nicer, other than the things I wear at home ALL THE TIME, but you are right Lori, cuts down on washing.

Sometimes when I have better clothes on, I put on some make up when I go out, even though with a visor and mask no one can see it, just feel better for tidying myself up.

But my posh frocks, well, I shall be getting them out soon, as well as his good clothes..........and we will be going to our favourite restaurants and be seeing our friends!

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