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I regret now using the metaphorical phrase 'brown envelope' and perhaps should have said cash. If you offer half in cheque and half in cash the obvious question is who do you give the cash too and you obviously want a reciept. If the seller says 'to me' then its up to them who they tell whoever needs to be told. It is the seller (and the buyer but only to sign and perhaps have a clause added for their own use) who pays and deals with the Notaire. If you think something is illegal then either ask or don't do it.
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We only use recycled envelopes- and they are buff coloured ppp!

Just checked with my French legal advisor. He says it is totally illegal to pay for 50% in cash- and that only minor sums for furniture would be legally allowed. Being married to the most honest man in the world, bless him- we will, as usual go the legal route, and cut our cloth accordingly.

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I know, I know, these honest types can be a pain in the proverbial sometimes, can't they?

I, too, am married to one of these............not much chance me giving anybody anything in any-coloured type of envelope without OH coming over all masterful and stopping me!  Alas..........

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[quote user="Swissie"]yep - which is why the only Club he ever agreed to join was the Squash Club

I'd be worried if I were you. Never been a member myself but when I worked 'in the city' I often wondered why many of the senior salesmen and dealers went to 'the golf club' which was under London Bridge (I think it was actually called he London Bridge Golf Club for a while or something like that). I actually got to go once and yes it was a golf club and a very expensive one too. It had one of those electronic ranges, big TV projection screen etc but it had just the one. I asked the guy who took me what was the point, he told me it was where a lot of the deals were done that you couldn't talk about at work, there and the squash club next door that only had one court. Makes you wonder what type of deals actually went on in both places, very strange. [;-)]

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His squash club is not under any bridge and very friendly. Many of course belong to that OTHER club, but nuff said.

Anyway - could we confirm that paying half in cash for a house is illegal from both sides (colour of envelope immaterial)- just so that everybody is clear. Then we can let go of this matter. As you know I can be like a DOG with a bone.

Any tax inspectors out there who could confirm the info given by my own advisor?

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And anyway, there'd be no one to check whether the cash was legit in the first place?

How DOES one pay for things in cash these days?  It seems to me that hardly anyone would agree to take your money, strange as it may seem!

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Well Swissie I am sure there are many squash clubs around. He never played golf did he, I here a few dodgy deals have been done in/on both places over the years. I wonder what goes on at the WI, tried wearing a skirt once (not a pretty sight I am sure you can imagine) to blag my way in but the beard and boots gave me away, they said. [;-)] I was a member of a RC (thats radio control not roman catholic) Model flying club once and also CAMRA although the latter I don't remember much about, most of the meetings ended up a bit hazy and I seemed to have lost the odd day here and there but then that was in my misspent youth. [B]

Why not ask your 'chap' for the Dicret number or perhaps he can refer you to a court case we can read, you seem on good terms with him/her, it shouldn't be too difficult. It would be nice to get definitive proof by example.

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I remember when I bought my first house in France seventeen years ago, I produced cash in the notaires office and it caused quite a kerfuffle at the time.  Nothing illegal but I suppose it  was a bit unusal.  I personnel thought that it would be the simplest way, just to turn up with a pile of francs.  Anyway they had no way of processing the money, so the agent took it and wrote a personnal cheque.  I met him again about ten years later and he was still talking about it. 

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As said- he is adamant it is not legal to pay 50% in cash. I would just like confirmation from another legal advisor, tax inspector or solicitor with French experience. There are also of course very strict guidelines about cash, re money laundering.

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So what your really saying, reading between the lines here, is that you asked your legal advisor who had dinner at your house today before driving off to Italy a question and you don't really believe the answer given. It must have been a very quick and early lunch if he's at Milan by now, its what six and half hour drive including a stop for fuel, coffee and a waz? I would be careful with any advice he gives you I think. Why do I have this strange feeling, must be the weather. [;-)]
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OK Aosta perhaps. He was very clear, so no need to ask him again, wherever Gilou is.  I believe his answer - but you don't seem to, so it is better to get another opinion. G. is a financial advisor (retired a couple of months ago, after 40 years experience at the highest level)  and one of my oldest friends, who is widowed from my best friend- I'd like a legal opion. Krusty - as well as - as there are some members with a great deal of French legal experience.

 It is very important we get a confirmation of my friend's advice. I don't give 2 hoots what Q gets up to. If what he described is legal and above board - hurray - as there are many of us here who would jump at doing the same, but ONLY IF.  If it is not- then it must be crystal clear to all that doing so is illegal - as I believe from all 3 sides, buyer, seller and the solicitor who ignores the matter (especially with new strict rulings re money laundering). If the Fisc realise what has happened they can impose a severe fine + interest- they can also request a compulsory purchase at the (official) price paid + 10% (37500+3750).  Imagine too somebody doing the same, getting caught out and saying 'I knew it is correct, I was told so by Archant's Senior Moderator on their forum'.

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He is top of a non alphabetical list. I agree it is better not to have a hierarchy. Thanks for correcting me RH. Do you have any idea re the answer to my question. I feel it is important that it is clearly answered to avoid problems in the future.

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