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Sunday Driver

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[quote user="Cathy"]

I'm one of the many that Sunday Driver has helped. [/quote]

Yes us too; SD helped my OH and I enormously with information re the purchase of a car in December 06.

Every best wish to both him and his wife.

Sue [:)]

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[quote user="Puzzled"]Please wish them a speedy recovery from me also. A real Gent who will answer a question politely no matter how many times it has been asked before. God Bless.[/quote] 

Could not put it better myself, I'm sure we all wish them both a speedy recovery.  Funny we were only talking about completing a constat amiable  the other day, just shows you can never tell.

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There must be hundreds of people today confidently driving on the roads of France who have Sunday Driver to thank for the guidance and information he freely gives ...I know I am one of them .and hope he and his wife recover fully from this terrible accident and he is soon back with us .
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[quote user="Mr Wiggy"]although the injuries are not life threatening [/quote]

That is such good news!  I could not bear to think of this forum without the sensible and so useful advice from SD.  Like all the other posters, I can only wish them all a speedy recovery, and at least with the French health service, they should be in good hands!
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hi ok

 first off best wishes to both ..... as for the fan club ,to save space on the forum you would be better of asking how many people he has not helped....bet it would be empty

bounce back S.D. we need you

                Dave and Olive

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(Didn't read this thread until now, as I assumed it was asking for SD's advice;)  I am so sorry to read of the accident - such bad luck for one so careful and so unstintingly helpful and knowledgeable. Very best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery for those involved, especially SD+Mrs.SD.

SD, a true rock of French forums, refraining from judgement, providing straight info.... you are a real diamond, one of the most valuable contributors... . May you heal well and be somewhat comforted by so many positive thoughts going in your direction.

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So sorry to hear this and wish them both a complete and swift recovery.  I too hadn't read before as I assumed that it was yet another poster wishing to tap SD's copious knowledge.  We need people like him.
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I have moved this thread from the motorcycling section to the postbag, as SD has helped so many people with so many things other than motorcycling in France, and it should get higher visibility here.
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Hi Pete

Dave was very helpful to me a couple of years ago after a serious rta in my commune, not in any practical way but just being there behind the scenes for support and to chat things through with - we've never met each other but that doesn't seem to matter here.

Please pass on to him and Brenda very best wishes for a speedy and safe recovery from TonyF and Jenny in the Dordogne.

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Our very best wishes for a speedy recovery to both of them.

Is there anything practical any of our members can do to help ?



First my love and best wishes to them any anyone else involved in the crash I hope they feel better soon 

As said by Russethouse is there anything pratical we can do . Anyone know if they have pets that might need help ?

Can it be arranged for flowers or a card to be sent from us all on here to let them know we are thinking of them ? 

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Like everyone else - Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Mr & Mrs SD.  Where would we be without his advice.  When I was having my "blonde" moments (and believe me there are many!!!!) he is so patient in explaining and not making you feel soooooooo stupid.  Come on SD - we need you back AND SOON!!!!!!!!!  There are so many of us here on the forum who care about you and need you.


Hope you are back on your feet soon.


Take Care




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