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Keith Floyd, that's going back some!  When we were househunting years ago in Somerset, we nearly bought his old house in Wiveliscombe.  He wasn't so famous then as he later became.  And guess what, his old house (a lovely red brick affair) was in part of a converted brewery complex (honestly!)

I loved the house but the OH, being a crusty old chartered building surveyor, gave it the thumbs down after finding a lot of structural problems with it.

In view of my fondness for the drink, perhaps it was just as well we didn't go to live there.  Otherwise, I too, might have slurped my way through as much red wine as Keith.

Only one single unit yesterday, so I'm on target to no more than 16 units this week!

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So I was working last night and we were dining before the concert in the restaurant and were served a bottle of Gaillac primeur and a bottle of Beaujolais nouveau with the meal.   I hate the stuff so it didn't bother me not to be drinking any wine with my meal. 

Then this guy comes to our table and says "Mademoiselle, I've heard such great things about you  - please accept this bottle of wine with my best wishes".  It was a 1997 Chateau La Grave and I had a glass.  It was lovely and the concert was great and the guy who offered the wine looked like someone out of the movies.  I think it was a film by Fritz Lang[:-))]

Oh well - he called me Mademoiselle[:$]

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You wicked man - I had a glass and the musicians drank the rest.   Oh and I didn't mean Fritz Lang by the way - more Tod Browning (Freaks - remember that one?[:)]) 

The last time I pulled at a concert was probably with the bass player - who happened to be my OH that night[:D]



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You're right - he wanted to sing a number with us in the 3rd set so we let him[:)] Quite good actually.

Sweet 17!

I always seem to attract the wierdos.  It's true that the brass players are a bit high maintenance but did you notice that the French word for brass is cuivre?  Cu(l) - ivre[:D]  Roughly translated - drunken a**!!!

Still not bothered about the wineless nights - I stayed in last night and drank herbal tea.  Hope you enjoy your time with your friends and manage to keep within your unit allowance.


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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

I always seem to attract the wierdos. 


Phew......i thought it was just me![:D]

Just how cool is Friday nights on the herbal tea! Glad i'm not the only one!!

I have also run out of Horlicks. Yes it is very serious.

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Gout, Renaud, that's tough but isn't there very good medication for that nowadays?  And can't you drink spirits such as whisky instead of wine?  Or are you off the booze on doctor's orders?

Me, I'm still hanging in there and still succeeding not to drink until at least 5 pm.  I am hoping I'll be able to start one day a week without, then 2 days, etc. until the consumption is right down to 10 units or under.

16 and a half units last week (can't do just in numbers because it looked like 161/2 units[:-))]) so it's coming down slowly but surely.

Can't do herbal tea or spritzers but I find having sparkling water in a large wine glass quite good, tricking the brain or something, but it just feels good holding a large wine glass in the hand whilst cooking! 

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Sweet 17, Yes there are good medicines (Dicloflex) it seems, thank heavens. I have sworn off all booze at least until Christmas so as to help dilute whatever was sloshing round in my system. Beer and spirits are apparently bad as are oily fish and offal. I have not had much of any of these recently,so no change there. Tomatoes are also off the menu. I am surprised how well I can get on without wine.
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NO ALCOHOL today!  Written in the alcohol diary: nil, zero, nought, nothing, zilch.  But, musn't get too carried away and claim too much credit for myself.  Truth is, this is day 5 of week 5 and I am not on target to finish the week at no more than 14 units max.  So, the only way to rescue the situation was to go one day without.  Was so not looking forward to it.  But, I prepared well; gave myself a good pep talk before going to bed last night and started today NOT expecting to drink!

Strange, like Renaud says, it's quite a surprise that I do not feel as deprived as I thought I would be. 

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I've been following this thread and feel both empathy and admiration for those attempting to kick the habit. I've witnessed first hand what alcohol abuse can do so I wish those working or embarking on either reduction or total abstinence the very best of luck.

From long alcohol free (well almost [;-)]) stints in Saudi Arabia, as a refreshing non alcoholic drink I can recommend so called "Saudi Champagne" which is a mix of Perrier and Apple juice.

Thanks be the only alcohol problem I have is a forced abstinence for 2 weeks out of 5 whilst I'm out on my oil rig where there is narry a drop of Sherry in the Sherry trifle nor Brandy in the Brandy sauce for the Xmas pudding. Unlike far too many of my colleagues though I don't try to make up for the lost time the minuite I hit the bar in the airport !

Alcoholism is endemic in this business and I've said a premature and sad goodbye to more than one workmate when they have been instantly dismissed for turning up for the helicopter still slaughtered from "stocking up" for their offshore trip the night before. An extremly high price to pay for a couple of jars of ale.

Good luck and good wishes to you all.

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  • 1 month later...
Not touched a drop! So feeling a bit pleased with myself! I did eventually go to see the doctor, who referred me to a specialist, so a bit of extra support has been good. Also my parents were inspired, after seeing me at Christmas, to cut right down, which they are still sticking to for now!

Also lost a load of weight, down to a size 8, and feeling great!


Good on you puzzled, keep on at it!

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Down to a size 8 [:-))] What alchol is it that your not drinking ?? I'd like to try not drinking it as well !!![8-)] I could do with losing a size or 2................

Well done you, [:)]I was doing very well, working 3 nights a week helps as I cant drink at all on those days, I was down to 3 bottles of beer over my 4 days off, But then hubby came home for christmas, 2 weeks of liver slaughter, I have had one week of nothing at all, but im going to france monday for 10 days so that not going to be good, But will be back to my 3 bottles a week again after that.

Keep it up every one [:)]    

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[quote user="Puzzled"]


I have been drink free for 1 1/2 weeks and it is weird though because when I stopped smoking, I knew it was for good . However, already I am thinking to myself after I have proved to myself I can live without it, I can start again.  [:$][:$]


Puzzled, I think it is good to recognise this as a sign of addiction. A bit of your brain or pysche or whatever is missing the drug  and is trying to persuade you to start again.

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  • 9 months later...

Oh, hasn't this thread brought back memories?

Where nowadays are Georgie Girl, Gemonimo, Ann49?

I still keep getting on and off the wagon but, at least, I do know to be careful when I have gone a few weeks having a drink everyday.  Then, I do some non alcohol days to balance things out a bit.

At the moment, I'm on the wagon again; haven't had a drink for a whole week.

Chris, don't get too confident.  It's best just to distrust yourself a little. [kiss]

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I naffed it up a bit too.

But there's a huge difference between failure and quitting. People make mistakes, people bugger up. Its called being human. It's the keeping on at it, no matter how far you get pushed, admitting when you went wrong, and never quitting that counts.

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